
Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Half a year later, Yi Tian was very interested in strolling around the Blood Refining Fort in the southern part of the Wandao sea area, which is the largest stronghold under the sphere of influence of the Blood Fiend Cave.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't intend to come and walk around, but after killing Kong Mingzi and Lan Feng before, he intercepted a lot of their money.Except for most of the treasures that can be used for other purposes, nearly [-]% of the utensils are useless.

In the early years of cooperation with He Tianxiong, the other party once invited him to visit the Blood Refining Fort, and said that the Blood Refining Fort under the control of his Blood Demon Grotto in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands does not have to be small in scale.

It's just that the main altar of the Blood Fiend Grotto is located on the South Island, three hundred miles away from the Blood Refining Castle, and Nan Qifeng, a disciple of Jiang Tiancheng, a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator in the Blood Fiend Grotto, usually stays on the island.

This person is just a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, but relying on himself as Jiang Tiancheng's direct disciple, he is domineering in Blood Refining Castle on weekdays.

Yi Tian also inquired about these things from the gossip, so he just laughed it off, and a monk like this did not pose any threat to him.

As long as I don't make any big noises in Blood Refining Fort, I believe it won't attract Jiang Tiancheng's attention.

After visiting a few shops, Yi Tian scattered and shipped the extra spirit weapons in his hands one after another, and got back nearly 400 million spirit stones.When he was in southern Xinjiang, he had many congregants and subordinates of King Ming Dao, and he never cared about Lingshi.

After arriving in the sea area of ​​Wandao, everything can only be relied on by oneself. Fortunately, the most important thing for a craftsman is the spirit weapon. If you sell a fifth-level spirit weapon, you can get hundreds of thousands of spirit stones in your account.

When I came to Blood Refining Fort, I also liked the convenience of selling goods here. Although the price would be lowered by the store, they would never mention the issue of supply, so I could sell it boldly and confidently.

After staying in Blood Refining Fort for a long time, almost all the defective products in his hand have been produced, and Yi Tian also plans to quietly leave and go back to the retreat on Dao Volcano Island to wait for the opening of the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City'.

As he was walking, he suddenly caught sight of Xie Zongren from the Corpse Royal School at the door of a nearby treasure store.More than a year ago, he had met with him, afraid of being recognized by him, Yi Tian stepped into the nearby shop, but his spiritual sense quietly stretched out to investigate this person carefully.

When Wu He saw him this time, he found that his cultivation base had increased a lot suddenly. He remembered that the last time it was a stable cultivation base of Jindan in the mid-term, and it had reached the peak in the mid-term in less than a year.

You must know that you have spent a lot of time in this kind of cultivation, is this Xie Zongren really a genius in cultivation or is there another way.After thinking about it, I would rather believe in the latter.

Moreover, after seeing Xie Zongren this time, I always felt a little uncomfortable. I haven't seen any clues yet, but it must be abnormal and there must be a demon.

After he left the shop later, Yi Tian walked into the shop quickly, and after spending tens of thousands of spirit stones, he finally found out that Xie Zongren bought Yuanyang leaves, century-old sealwort and burning sungrass.

After going through the effects of these things in his mind, Yi Tian's face suddenly became unnatural.These things are all yang-invigorating things, and they are usually used for monks to recuperate themselves.

Cultivators who are depleted of yang energy like He Yiming are useful, or those who have practiced extreme yang skills will be useful.Yi Tian didn't really believe it if it was said that the head of the Corpse Guard sect had practiced the extreme sun technique.

After coming out, he followed Xie Zongren for a few streets and saw him enter a shop, and within half an hour, he walked out of the shop with a happy face.

Yi Tian is also unwilling to cause troubles on this street, otherwise Xie Zongren can be restrained with one shot.Immediately afterwards, he visited the shop he entered just now, and after inquiring, he found that all he bought were elixir for nourishing yang.

After thinking about it, it is not difficult to find the problem here. Since the last time I went to the Royal Corpse Sect to investigate the whereabouts of the flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen, I had doubts about this Xie Zongren.

So it seems that the other party must have used some method to deceive He Tianxiong, making him unable to detect his whereabouts.

When he was hesitating whether to strike first, he suddenly saw Xie Zongren walking towards the City Lord's Mansion, and the guards outside saw him and let him go.

Yi Tian hurriedly followed, and then he disappeared on the street with his hands tied together.

After casting a concealment spell, Yi Tian quietly walked into the City Lord's Mansion, and found that someone seemed to be talking about something in the side hall with the soundproof bar on.

He had to find a place outside the hall and wait for a while. Suddenly, he frowned and realized that there was a strong wave of spiritual pressure coming from the main entrance.

Hurriedly restraining his aura, Yi Tian had no choice but to stay still in a corner, not daring to use his spiritual sense to pry at this time for fear of being discovered by others.Looking up and holding back his eyes, he saw a monk in his 30s walking in from the front.

The spiritual pressure of the Nascent Soul stage was faintly revealed on this person, it should be that he had just entered the Nascent Soul stage and had not yet reached the state of freely retracting his breath.

But even this shows that this person's identity should be Jiang Shuai, Jiang Tiancheng's apprentice in the Blood Fiend Cave. I heard that this person's qualifications are much better than He Yiming's, even if he is only a hundred years older. This cultivation base is too much higher.

After walking for a while, Jiang Shuai stopped for a while, then looked up at his hiding place in doubt.After three breaths, he shook his head in wonder, and then walked quickly towards the side hall.

When Yi Tian saw this, he almost showed his feet, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and when Jiang Shuai entered the side hall, he hurried out of the city lord's mansion.

Now is not the best time to reveal his whereabouts, and he will have to find out about the situation from that Xie Zongren later.

After waiting for three or four hours outside the City Lord's Mansion, I saw Xie Zongren coming out of the main entrance with a happy face.Accompanying him was Nan Qifeng, the city lord.
, As for that Jiang Shuai seems to have disappeared.

Immediately, Yi Tian left the Blood Refining Fort ahead of Xie Zongren, and then laid a psychedelic formation on his only way back to the Royal Corpse Sect.

In less than an hour, Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the sky, saw a ray of light flashing in the distance, and used his clear eyes to see that it was indeed Xie Zongren who was rushing back to the Corpse Guard Sect.

After he entered the range of the psychedelic formation, Yi Tian flipped his hands and directly activated the formation disk on the sea surface, and in an instant a thick fog appeared on the sea, covering the surrounding hundred-mile sea area.

Xie Zongren was flying forward and suddenly noticed a change in the surrounding environment. Before he had time to distinguish what he felt, his eyes blurred, and he became dizzy and didn't know anything.

Then I saw Yi Tian flying straight to the nearby deserted island with the unconscious Xie Zongren.

An hour later, Xie Zongren found himself lying on the beach of a deserted island. He got up and touched the storage ring on his finger. After checking his belongings, he didn't find anything missing. .

After he walked for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tiancai appeared from among the palm trees beside him, and at this moment, his face was extremely serious, as he was evaluating the consequences of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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