
Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Although He Tianxiong of the Blood Fiend Cave is the suzerain, but his status is not right, it was directly handed over to him by senior brother Jiang Tiancheng.In the eyes of outsiders, they always say "He Zongzhu".

In fact, the situation inside and outside is not what outsiders can imagine. He Tianxiong is also conscientious in dealing with others in the bloody cave, and Jiang Tiancheng is watching.If it wasn't for the senior brother's deliberate humility, he would definitely not be able to sit upright.

It's a pity that the great situation in front of him changed a little after Jiang Shuai broke his pill and became a baby. Jiang Tiancheng, who was originally behind the scenes, pushed his son onto the stage.

However, Jiang Shuai disagreed with He Tianxiong on some matters. At this time, Jiang Tiancheng stepped forward again, and under the overwhelming advantage of two to one, He Tianxiong had to start to give in.

Over time, He Tianxiong also sensed that something was wrong, so he plotted against Tianyi City Zi Wushang, hoping to find a way out for his son through marriage.

Because he knew that once he couldn't advance an inch, it would be He Yiming's death when his life energy was exhausted.Helplessly, my son is not one or two points worse than Jiang Shuai.

It is precisely after Yi Tian found out these reasons and met Jiang Shuai that he could fully understand He Tianxiong's weakness.

Grasping the weakness and talking about cooperation is the most basic element, not to mention that this cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

On a small island five hundred miles away from Blood Refining Fort, Yi Tianzheng was sitting on a cliff by the sea fishing boredly.After a flash of bloody light, He Tianxiong's figure loomed ten feet away.

Yi Tian held back his eyes, then turned his head and continued to look at the hook in front of him, but said indifferently: "Sect Master He is really a busy person, and he has waited for three days after the summons."

He Tianxiong didn't shy away from opening his mouth and replied: "I'm busy with academic affairs, so I let fellow Taoists take care of it."

"It's okay, I've been fishing here for three days to exercise my mind, and it's not a waste of time."

He Tianxiong asked with a solemn expression: "Is the news of the interrogation by fellow daoists true? Is Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, really in the corpse guard sect at this moment?"

Yi Tian sighed and said: "Sect Master He was also careless for a while, and he didn't find the whereabouts of the female corpse back then. Now you and I go to the Corpse Guard Sect to think about it, but it won't help."

"How do you say that?" He Tianxiong asked.

"The female corpse was able to fight two against one back then. After this period of renovation and Xie Zongren's search for medicinal materials to return the yang, I am afraid that the strength should be better than before," Yi Tian said eloquently.

He Tianxiong looked at Yi Tian's understatement and said without understanding: "Isn't Daoist Yi worried at all?"

Yi Tian opened his mouth and quietly sent a voice transmission to He Tianxiong. After hearing this, the expression on his face suddenly changed several times, and then he took a deep breath and said, "Whether what fellow Daoist Yi said is true or not, I would like to thank you for that." Get rid of my nephew."

"What I have seen with my own eyes, plus the news that Xie Zongren used the dream-returning method, do you still have any doubts?" Yi Tian said.

He Tianxiong changed from his previous stern look, and smiled again and again: "Where is it, the news of Fellow Daoist Yi this time has shocked me. In this way, there is a lot to do at this time."

Before he could finish speaking, Yi Tian said, "Maybe this trip to the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City' can solve Sect Master He's serious worries."

He Tianxiong said with a straight face: "Jiang Shuai is my nephew, if there is anything wrong, the strength of my Blood Fiend Nest will be greatly reduced, and my control over the islands will also be weakened accordingly."

Yi Tian felt a burst of contempt in his heart, and he said righteousness, but in fact, he was eager to take this opportunity to kill Jiang Shuai so that his son could take over.But despise is despise, the cooperation with He Tianxiong is the safest, who knows what will be encountered in Wandao Tianyu City.

Moreover, he had to face Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse. If he could help himself more, he would have a chance to find that white jade lotus root.

Then he replied indifferently: "Then Daoist He really wants to fulfill his nephew or is he just talking about the scene, I never thought that Fellow Daoist He has such a broad mind."

He Tianxiong's mouth twitched unnaturally for a moment, then he returned to normal in an instant, sighed and replied: "I don't know what you Daoist Yi have to say?"

"I don't have a high opinion, I just said it casually. I heard that the 'Wandao Tianyu City' is also in crisis, and it is normal for a Nascent Soul cultivator to fall," Yi Tian joked.

Having said this, He Tianxiong could easily understand the meaning, and then nodded his head and said in agreement: "Yes, there is no risk in exploring the ruins, even in the previous tomb islands, there are many dangers. I want to come to my nephew Jiang Shuai's ten thousand The trip to Tianyu City will not be very smooth."

He had already met Jiang Shuai in Blood Refining Fort, and in terms of strength, he was determined not to be able to withstand his own five moves.Regarding this, Yi Tian seemed to be talking to himself: "The Blood Fiend Cavern has too many enemies, and the young master Jiang Shuai will definitely encounter many obstacles in the Wandao Tianyu City, and there is also a flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen watching over him, I see little chance of getting out alive."

Since it is a negotiation, Yi Tian has already made the price clear, so it depends on how He Tianxiong accepts it.Sure enough, he had a calm expression on his face, stroked his beard and said: "It is said that anything can happen there. By the way, I heard that there will be a high-level auction in the Loose Cultivation Alliance half a year later, and one of them This auction item is a top-quality spirit stone, I wonder if you are interested in it?"

These top-grade spirit stones are extremely rare, and they are usually made up of low-grade and mid-grade spirit stones.

He has even accumulated some high-grade spirit stones in his hands so far from his own practice, and he is not very willing to use them on weekdays.It will only be used when there is an urgent need to arrange formations, cultivate high-level spiritual plants, or when fighting with others and urgently need recovery.

This top-quality spirit stone is definitely something that can't be found, but it can be auctioned in the territory of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. In the past, I had to compete for it with financial resources.

Looking at He Tianxiong's meaning, it seems that he intends to make a move at the expense of this matter, and after thinking about it for a while, he replied: "If there is such a precious material here, I am willing to give it a try."

"Okay, based on this sentence, I believe that Daoyou Yi is definitely a person who will do what he says." After finishing speaking, he took out a jade token with his right hand and threw it over: "With this jade token, you can directly contact the auction organizer. Extract a top-quality spirit stone."

Yi Tian took the jade card and scanned it. It was the identity mark of the elder of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and then looked at He Tianxiong suspiciously, only to hear him say: "This is a token issued by the Loose Cultivation Alliance, as long as you show it They will do one thing for you, including providing precious materials."

Yi Tian said with a worried face behind the token: "It seems that if the Blood Fiend Cave is broken, the Young Master's control over the southern island will be weakened by another three points."

He Tianxiong also frowned and replied: "Yes, fighting with others is always inevitable, and I believe senior brother Jiang Tiancheng will agree with me."

The two turned to face each other, looked at each other and then parted ways after bowing their hands and saying goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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