
Chapter 482 Spirit Crystal Stone

Chapter 482 Spirit Crystal Stone

The high-level auctions of the Loose Cultivation Alliance are all notified one year in advance, and the targets are all Nascent Soul cultivators who have been famous for a long time.It is now known that such an unknown task as Yi Tian will be excluded even if he comes here for fame.

It can be seen that this is more like an exchange meeting of a small circle, but the participants are all those important figures in the Wandao sea area.

Yi Tian had already arrived at Neon Island three months ago, and this time he didn't have to hide his head and show his tail as before.At the gate of the city, he directly lit the jade plaque given by He Tianxiong, and within half a stick of incense, a Golden Core cultivator came to welcome him inside.

After Daoming came, someone directly recommended him to the auction site of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.After listening to Yi Tian's request, the organizers of the Loose Cultivation Alliance all showed embarrassment at the beginning, and then looked at the token token and had no choice but to exchange for a top-quality spirit stone.

He also stated that he can only make an exception once, and if he still needs it, he can only go to the Yuanying Exchange Meeting to bid for it.

After getting the top-quality spirit stone, Yi Tian took a closer look, and it was really worth the money. In fact, the correct name should be spirit spar.It is the most core part in the process of mining the spiritual veins, which is the part of the veins that breed the strongest spiritual power.Usually a large ore lode is mined for three to five yuan, and it is a great opportunity for me to be lucky enough to get one.

The spiritual consciousness extended afterwards discovered that after the steward delivered the precious materials, he erased the mark number in the top-quality spirit stone column on the original auction list, changing it from three to two.

At the moment, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel a burst of enthusiasm. It turns out that there are three pieces of this thing.Although there is a piece of jade in the jade box in his storage ring, it is definitely not too much of a good thing.

Thinking about it, I still have to try to sneak into this exchange meeting. The monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in front of me seem to be difficult to get through.However, Yi Tian remembered the elder Lu Baichuan, who had met before, and it should be no problem for him to introduce him.

At the auction, Ri Yitian finally got in touch with Lu Baichuan, and then with his assistance, he finally got an invitation letter and sneaked into the exchange meeting.

The entire venue is still the same as before, but the facilities inside have been changed.The Casual Cultivator Alliance didn't want to offend those Nascent Soul cultivators who came here especially, but the admission fee was at least a million spirit stones.

Lu Baichuan's face is really big, he saved himself so many spirit stones at once, and also occupied a favorable position after entering the venue.Presumably, his operation in Tianyi City should be quite effective.

Most of the dozens of people present were monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and only two of the sponsors belonged to the Loose Cultivation Alliance.Yi Tian also had some doubts in his heart, if someone here did not get angry on the spot, then I don't know how the Loose Cultivation Alliance can hold back this situation.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone shouting at the door: "Huang Wanting, the second palace lord of Tianyi City, has arrived." After hearing this, everyone hurriedly turned their heads and swept the door, only to see a 30-year-old man in yellow palace attire The beautiful woman led two maids into the meeting place under the leadership of the elders of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

It was also the first time Yi Tian saw the three city lords of Tianyi City. The last time he sent Ziyuan home, he just greeted the third palace lord Lan Bing with his divine sense.Huang Wanting in front of her is dressed as a woman, so Yi Tian doesn't know who her Taoist companion is, and she can't help thinking of Zi Wushang, the actual controller of Tianyi City. great.

When Huang Wanting just sat down at the top, she heard a voice coming from the door: "The young lord of the Blood Fiend Cave, Jiang Shuai, has arrived."

All the people present couldn't help but began to whisper to each other. In recent years, it seemed that the Blood Fiend Cave and the City of Heaven's Will were facing each other everywhere.Today's auction has become interesting, but I don't know how the Loose Cultivation Alliance will end. It is impossible to have a balance between the two parties, but if you take refuge in one party, you will definitely offend the other party. This is an unsolvable problem.

In fact, among all the people present, only Yi Tian knew that he had single-handedly facilitated the cooperation between the Loose Cultivation Alliance and Tianyi City, but he didn't know how the Blood Fiend Cave could solve such a predicament.

A moment later, Jiang Shuai, the young lord of the Blood Fiend Cave, strode into the auditorium, glanced at everyone present, walked up to Huang Wanting, arched his hands and said, "I don't know if the second palace master is here, my nephew is polite."

To Yi Tian's surprise, there was a motherly caring look in Huang Wanting's eyes, and after a fleeting moment, she opened her mouth and said, "Nephew Jiang Xian has arrived at the right time, and I will let you know in advance if there is any need." Come on, so that our two families don’t get into a dispute.”

Who would have thought that Jiang Shuai would nod his head nonchalantly and reply from time to time: "It should be, it should be."

This appearance made everyone present instantly understand that those rumors outside may not be credible.Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto, the ruling forces in the sea area of ​​the Ten Thousand Islands, are not what people say they are.

Ke Yitian knew in his heart that there must be something tricky in it, and now He Tianxiong is fighting against Tianyi City everywhere, and it should be Zi Wushang and Lan Bing of Tianyi City who dislike the Xuesha Cave.

As for Huang Wanting, the second palace lord in front of me, and Jiang Tiancheng behind the Xuesha Cave must be inextricably linked. It seems that if you want to move Jiang Shuai, you need to plan carefully. At least I feel that the relationship between Huang Wanting and Jiang Shuai is not simple. .

Not long after the main entrance of the auction house slowly closed, the trade fair officially started. The elder Yuanying of the Loose Cultivation Alliance stepped forward and briefly explained the list of the auction.Then with a wave of the hand, only the general subordinates brought the auction items onto the stage one by one.

For Yi Tian himself, the main purpose of participating this time is very clear, which is to get the remaining two top-quality spirit stones.Other things are dispensable to oneself.

Looking at the list in hand, the top-quality spirit stone was ranked third at the end, and two pieces were packaged and bid together.

The bidding here is also different from ordinary auctions, all of which use the spirit weapon treasures or elixir in hand as the capital.If you have any doubts about the value, the Loose Cultivation Alliance has some high-level alchemy masters waiting for you to start the appraisal anytime and anywhere.

As the host began to introduce the first auction item, the whole fair kicked off.

Yi Tian found a free place on the side and sat down, then closed his eyes and rested his mind. In fact, he didn't relax his spiritual sense, just waiting for the top-quality spirit stone to come on stage.

After more than an hour, a waiter slowly walked up to the rostrum with a tray in his hand, and then the host casually lifted the red cloth on it, and saw two jade boxes with talismans on the tray.He only heard: "Two top-grade spirit stones, exchange for two sixth-order spirit weapons."

As soon as he blurted out, he heard a few Nascent Soul cultivators below staring at the tray for a long time, and then shook their heads as if they were unwilling but felt that the asking price was a bit outrageous.The sixth-order spirit weapon can be used back and forth, and although this top-grade spirit stone is good, it is just a consumable.

At this time, a lazy voice sounded from among the people present: "Sixth-level elementary spirit weapons Thunderbolt Halberd and Fire Cloud Knife are exchanged for top-grade spirit stones." The person who spoke was Yi Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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