
Chapter 483

Chapter 483

The exchange meeting of the Loose Cultivation Alliance was still going on, and when the link of the best spirit stone was photographed, Yi Tian shot directly without hesitation.Encountering this thing is a chance, if you miss it, you will lose it.

Besides, I have three top-grade spirit stones that I can use together. It is a bit extravagant to use them for cultivation, but they are a big killer in the fight against the enemy, but I will definitely have a huge advantage in the recovery of my spirit power.

After hearing Yi Tian's bidding, all the people present were suspicious for a while, and then at least three or four strands of spiritual consciousness swept towards themselves.Yi Tian just snorted coldly, and a layer of close-fitting light film bounced all these consciousnesses away.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, it would be extremely rude to sweep over with such unscrupulous spiritual sense. If Yi Tian was not anxious to get the top-grade spirit spar, he would have to use Nanming Lihuo to teach these guys who don't know how deep they are.

The steward of the Loose Cultivation Alliance yelled a few times on the stage, but there was no bid from below, which also made Yi Tian a little puzzled, why the others refused to bid.

After the final decision was made, Yi Tian walked forward slowly and led by the waiter to the back of the bidding platform to start the delivery.

The person who accepted the delivery was Lu Baichuan. Seeing that Yi Tian had exchanged two sixth-level spiritual weapons for the top-quality spirit stone, he opened his mouth and said, "Daoist friends are so courageous, you know that these sixth-level spiritual weapons are as useful as The highest grade spirit stone is much higher."

Yi Tian was also feeling depressed for a while, and upon hearing Lu Baichuan's words, he hurriedly asked, "Please explain my doubts to fellow Daoist Lu."

Lu Baichuan was not humble enough to directly explain the reason: "The sixth-level spirit weapon Nascent Soul cultivator can use it, and it can be used as a natal magic weapon. Although this top-quality spirit stone is good, it is just a consumable. It's not bad, but in the long run, its value is a bit worse than that of a sixth-level spirit weapon. And there are still two pieces, it's a pity that you can still take it out."

After hearing it, they realized their feelings. These people were also looking at the menu and asked: "If you don't bid today, will the auction be passed?".

Lu Baichuan shook his head and said: "The host will lower the price to bid, maybe it is a sixth-level spiritual weapon plus some spiritual stones. Originally, he planned to exchange three top-quality spiritual stones for two sixth-level spiritual weapons. It was exchanged for a piece with the token of the alliance a few months ago."

One side made Yi Tian speechless, this time it was a failure, but it was hard to say anything in front of him.He had no choice but to take out two sixth-level spiritual weapons and urge Lu Baichuan to deliver them quickly.

Seeing that Yi Tian was a little angry, the latter picked up the Thunder Halberd and Fire Cloud Knife for inspection without saying a word, then waved his hand, and a waiter behind him came up with a tray.

After putting away these top-quality spirit stones, Yi Tian pretended to be nonchalant and walked back to the auction venue.

After a delay just now, the host sold another treasure, and the final bidder was Huang Wanting from Tianyi City.Everyone at the scene stopped shouting when they saw her open their bids. Everyone knew this.

When the red cloth on the last item was lifted, what was revealed was a stone pillar about a foot inscribed with the inscription formation, which seemed to be very old.

I only heard the host talking eloquently: "This is something that Bimeng discovered by accident. The inscription on it seems to have a history of thousands of years. This stone pillar should be part of a formation, but I just searched through it below. None of the alliance's classics have found their source."

What he said aroused the interest of all the Nascent Soul cultivators present, and several spiritual senses touched the stone pillar quietly.

Yi Tian was shocked when he first saw the pattern on this stone pillar. The host of the Loose Cultivation Alliance was right, he definitely couldn't find any clues about this inscription.

Because it is engraved with the spirit world pattern, which is obviously a piece that fell from a large formation.Faced with such a heavy treasure, Yi Tian also felt hot in his heart, so no matter what it is, it will be filmed first before talking about it.

But this time I didn't dare to stand out as much as before. I'm going to wait and see the situation first.

Unexpectedly, after the host finished the introduction, he looked at the following and it seemed that there were not many interested people. In order to stir up the atmosphere, he said loudly: "In view of the incompleteness of this pattern, I only ask for it to be auctioned with spirit stones, with a reserve price of 500 million yuan. , each price increase shall not be less than [-]."

As soon as the words fell, someone quoted the price. Yi Tian looked back and forth, and these few people were interested. He guessed that they were all array mages or crafting masters who wanted to take them back to learn from the array pattern.

After waiting for a while, when the price was raised to 650 million, the number of people who responded was much less. Yi Tian saw the timing and directly reported a price of 700 million, which suddenly increased by hundreds of thousands.

At this time, those voices who followed the beat gradually gave up, and it seemed worthless to spend 700 million spirit stones for an unknown pattern.Just when Yi Tian thought that Zhizhu was holding it, a clear and clear voice suddenly said: "730 million."

Not to mention the fact that Jiang Shuai, the young master of the Blood Fiend Cave, who can be heard to become a monk just by his voice, now the others don't want to get involved in the muddy water here.

Yi Tian suddenly felt several eyes looking towards him, as if he wanted to know whether the price would increase in the future.He had met Jiang Shuai long ago and learned about him from He Tianxiong. He was arrogant and domineering on the outside, and he didn't seem to respect his uncle even inside the door since he was a baby.

To be honest, Yi Tian really doesn't want to provoke him, since he has already signed up anyway, and is waiting for the opening of Wandao Tianyu City.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said lightly: "750 million, fellow daoist, if you bid higher than this amount, you will give up."

That Jiang Shuai looked carefully at the stone pillars in the tray, and a bit of hesitation appeared on his face.In fact, he didn't know much about this thing, so he only quoted a price on a whim.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "I feel that it is not worth spending too much on the spirit stone, so let me give it to a fellow Taoist."

Yi Tian was immediately happy when he heard it, and it was too worthwhile to buy a spirit pattern pattern with 750 million Lingshi.I have benefited a lot from those spiritual patterns before, and this time it is even more powerful.

Not long after she was happy, Huang Wanting, the second palace owner of Tianyi City, opened her mouth and said, "Since Nephew Jiang is interested in this item, I will take this picture for you." Then he said to the host: "760 million."

Now the entire venue was silent, and everyone turned their attention to Yi Tian, ​​who didn't know what would happen next.

At this time, Yi Tian's heart suddenly became angry, secretly thinking that Huang Wanting must be inextricably related to Jiang Tiancheng from the Blood Fiend Cave.The current situation is too inconvenient to have an outbreak, but it is not easy to end up being humiliated. If you give in at this time, it will make people feel that they are afraid of Tianyi City.

But after thinking about it for a while, it might not be a good thing to show weakness, and then he smiled and replied: "Since the second city lord of Tianyi City has spoken, I know how to advance and retreat, so let's give up."

Huang Wanting's imposing manner was avoided by smacking and dismissing her words, and everyone in the Loose Cultivation Alliance at the scene was also relieved.

But Huang Wanting frowned, and originally wanted to try the weight of the person in front of her, but she gave up so soon. After looking at the people in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, she seemed to be guessing about the relationship between Yi Tian and them. Could it be that they were invited? support.

The most embarrassing thing was Jiang Shuai, since Huang Wanting had already talked about this, there was no reason for him not to answer.I can use my spiritual sense to scan this thing, but I don't know what it is useful for, so I have to put it away first and talk about it later. I will find a chance to study it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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