
Chapter 484

Chapter 484

A good exchange meeting was reasonable except for a small situation in the final auction.Yi Tian felt that he didn't have to fight with Huang Wanting for a while. After all, the Loan Cultivation Alliance now tends to be more with Tianyi City. Singing against Huang Wanting at this time would be to offend the two groups of forces in the Wandao sea area at the same time.

This result is unbearable for me right now, besides, if I make too many enemies now and make enemies everywhere during the trip to the 'Wandao Tianyu City' a few years later, then my situation will definitely be at a great disadvantage.

After thinking about it, he gave it up, but since he had already had a rift with Huang Wanting and Jiang Shuai, it would not be too late to find the place again when he had the opportunity.

After the bidding is over, it will be a private exchange environment, and now Yitian is not interested in it at all.When he was about to get up, he wanted to leave the venue, when suddenly Lu Baichuan's voice transmission came from his ear: "Fellow Daoist Yi wait a moment, I have a few words I want to say to fellow Daoist."

Following the words, Lu Baichuan had already walked slowly from the backstage, and then found an empty seat not far from him and sat down.After showing a slightly awkward smile, his lips moved a few times, and then another sound transmission sounded in Yi Tian's ear: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for not continuing to fight against the second city lord of that day's Yi City."

After curling his lips, Yi Tian replied with a smile, "It's not easy for Lu Daoyou to create such a situation for the Loose Cultivation Alliance. How can I be ignorant of current affairs?"

Lu Baichuan understood and said: "This matter is also thanks to the generous help of fellow daoists, but there are some people in the alliance who are not optimistic about this matter. Fortunately, the old man brought the handwriting of fellow daoists to meet the three palace masters of Tianyi City, and in the end they were separated. The repair alliance has won a foundation for cooperation."

"Oh, so now you have formed an alliance with Tianyi City?" Yi Tian asked with interest.

"It's a cooperative relationship. Originally, Huang Wanting proposed that the Loose Cultivation Alliance belong to Tianyi City, but unfortunately the old man rejected it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian looked at Lu Baichuan up and down. Although this person is not the strongest in cultivation, he is still very principled in dealing with people, so he asked: "Then is the current cooperative relationship between you and Tianyi City? equal?"

Lu Baichuan blushed when he was asked, and then showed a little unnaturalness on his face, and then he returned to normal and said: "It is extremely difficult to cooperate on an equal basis. For the sake of old friends, I will offer some conditions, although this is expected, but the Loose Cultivation Alliance can also accept it."

"So it's the second city lord, Huang Wanting, who caused the problem?" Yi Tian asked with a playful face.

Lu Baichuan just smiled wryly and then nodded his head slightly. Yi Tian also understood when he saw it. It seems that Huang Wanting's visit this time is definitely something important to discuss with the Loose Cultivation Alliance.It's a coincidence to meet her here, after all, it's enough face for her to come here, and I don't know what harsh conditions she will put forward when negotiating with the high-level members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

After sorting out his thoughts, Yi Tian asked again: "Fellow Daoist Lu asked me to stay here, isn't it just to talk about the internal affairs of these casual repair alliances?"

I saw him staring at himself for a while and then said via voice transmission: "I heard that you got a piece of Xuanyu Token from He Tianxiong before, did you?"

"This is Hua Lingshi I got from an upright auction, fellow daoist, you should pay attention to your words," Yi Tian said displeased.

Lu Baichuan hastily replied with a haha: "Yi Daoyou doesn't know that this mysterious jade order is priceless now, just based on the price you offered back then, it is equivalent to giving it away for nothing."

One sentence made me lose my face a bit, and it was a great opportunity to think about it, and it was impossible to buy it with just a few spirit stones.If it wasn't for the design of He Tianxiong and Kong Mingzi back then, he wouldn't have gotten this chance.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject and said: "Since fellow Daoist Lu found me, he must have prepared for the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City', but I don't know if it is or not?"

"I want to have a private cooperation with Yi Daoyou?" Lu Baichuan replied.

Hearing his tone, Yi Tian was excited. After staring at Lu Baichuan in front of him for a while, he smiled heartily and said in his heart, "It seems that the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance are not monolithic, and this Lu Baichuan also wants to secretly give himself Just leave a way out. '

Then he pretended to think deeply and then sent a voice transmission to Lu Baichuan, and then the two parties agreed on the method of communication, so that they could help each other after entering.

Not to mention the conversation between the two of them, the private exchange stage of the entire exchange meeting is also coming to an end.Half of the Nascent Soul monks have already exchanged for their favorite material treasures, while the rest of them still have some things in their hands, but they are still up for sale.

When I was young, a monk with a face like charcoal came up to the stage, and then took out a scroll of animal skins and said, "I have a picture book of formations below, and I want to exchange for a sixth-level spiritual weapon." Intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Yi Tian.

After taking out two sixth-level spiritual weapons when bidding for spirit spar before, everyone around must have known that he was a craftsman.What the black-faced man said was also quite meaningful, Yi Tian frowned after hearing that, and then looked around, there were not many people who were willing to go up to exchange.

The dark-faced man standing on the stage was disappointed when he saw no one came forward after waiting for the meeting. When he was about to walk down, he suddenly saw Lu Baichuan, the elder of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, standing up, and then slowly walked to the front desk to take Take out a six-level intermediate awl and hand it over.

After the two exchanged on the stage, they reached a deal, and then they each took their things and came off the stage.

After Lu Baichuan walked down, he turned around and went back to the backcourt of the trade fair, but Yi Tian was nowhere to be seen where he was originally sitting.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian walked out of the back door of the Sanxiu Alliance Trade Fair, and then hurried out of the Neon Island.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian was flying towards the southern sea alone in the air above the Lost Sea, and the animal skin that recorded the formation has now been placed in his storage ring.

At that time, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he directly asked Lu Baichuan to act on his behalf. I believe that he, an elder of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, would not be criticized if he took out some sixth-level spiritual weapons.

And a casual cultivator like himself would come up with too many good things for fear of being remembered.This trip to Neon Island was also quite fruitful, in addition to the spirit spar, he also got an ancient array.

I just opened it and scanned it roughly with my spiritual sense, only to find that this thing is really tasteless in the hands of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.What is recorded in the formation is a large formation protecting the sect, and it cannot be arranged without the support of more than three medium-sized spiritual veins.

But the more it is like this, the more its real power is worth looking forward to. After weighing it over and over again, I found that I can take it back and use it on the Crimson Sun Sect's guardian formation.This formation can only be completed with the strength of the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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