
Chapter 485 Ambushed

Chapter 485 Ambushed

The Wandao Tianyu City will only reveal its exact location in the Wandao waters every 500 years, because the location is different every time it appears, so some monks call it a mirage on the sea.

Every time it appears, it will last for two or three years, and then it will disappear on the sea like air, until the next 500 years, it will show up in another place in the sea area of ​​Wandao.

For those who do not have access control Xuanyu Token, this is indeed an illusory mirror image, even if it can be seen from a distance, it is still out of reach.

Only those monks holding the Xuanyu Order can find the correct way forward under its guidance after approaching the Wandao Tianyu City for a hundred miles.

And each piece of Xuanyu Token can only allow one person to pass through the outer restricted space, so there is such a teleportation in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area, as long as you get a piece of Xuanyu Token in your hand, it is equivalent to getting the key to the door to the baby.

As for the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, they can also find treasures to enhance their cultivation. For a while, the Xuanyu Token became a super fragrant bun in the sea area of ​​Wandao, and many monks fought for a token.

Especially ten years later, the news that Wandao Tianyu City appeared somewhere in the Midwest has spread throughout the entire Wandao sea area.

Yi Tian received a message from He Tianxiong early in the morning, and at the same time there was news from Lu Baichuan from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.The exact location of the occurrence was confirmed under two phases.

According to the previous agreement, everyone entered separately, and then went in to cooperate and explore according to the actual situation after arriving inside.As long as He Tianxiong focused on the progress of his nephew Jiang Shuai's cultivation base in recent years.

They were the only Nascent Soul cultivators dispatched from the Blood Fiend Cave this time, and it was said that several Golden Core cultivators would follow.However, Yi Tian was also secretly surprised by the ability of the Blood Fiend Cave. You must know that the Wandao Tianyu City will only issue a total of 30 Yuan Xuanyu Orders.

Counting his piece, one-fifth of the Blood Fiend Cave has already been found.Looking back and thinking about it, the number of monks that can be dispatched from Tianyi City will definitely not be less than that from the Blood Fiend Cave. The actual controlling forces in these two sea areas of Ten Thousand Islands have already divided up nearly [-]% of the amount.

Coupled with the operation of the Loose Cultivation Alliance behind the scenes, there must be no less than three of them who can enter. As for Lu Baichuan, he must have already obtained an admission ticket in his hand.

As for the remaining half of the mysterious jade cards, they should have been divided up by many casual cultivators, and some of them were even buried in the sea area of ​​Wandao and have not been excavated, so it is unknown.

After flying for a while, Yi Tian looked at the sea chart and it was about five hundred miles away from the central and western waters where Wandao Tianyu City appeared.Looking from a distance with the eyes of Qingling, a palace surrounded by clouds and mist appeared in the position about [-] miles in front of the endless sea level.

Although its exact size cannot be seen clearly, the outline of the Wandao Tianyu City can be clearly seen with the naked eye five hundred miles away.

After flying ahead for a while, Yi Tian suddenly frowned, and checked the front with his spiritual sense, it seemed that there were many monks ambushing along the road.Most of these are monks who have no chance to get the Xuanyu card and join forces to block those who come.

After the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he looked at several hidden spots on the sea ahead with a look of disdain. On those islands, there were at least dozens of Jindan and Nascent Soul cultivators hiding there.

It seems that this group of people is not together, everyone is fighting on their own, and they can only pick out those who are in trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian continued to move forward at an unabated speed, but he secretly became wary in his heart.Those Golden Core cultivators are insignificant, and I can see them killed instantly with just a few gestures.

On the contrary, I found out that Nascent Soul monks were lurking in two places. Although I was not afraid of them, I didn't want to spend my energy to deal with such trivial matters before going in.

Then even if he released his spiritual pressure a little bit and extended it to the surrounding fifty-mile sea area, doing so would allow those who are interested to retreat in the face of difficulties and completely cut off the idea of ​​robbery halfway.

Sure enough, the cultivators in the hiding place where their spiritual sense had been detected before all concealed their aura and let themselves fly by.

Less than a moment later, after flying nearly half of the distance, he saw a flash of light flying out from the sky above the island on one side, and then saw a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul blocking thirty miles in front of him.

Yi Tian was furious, it seemed that this person knew that he was a monk of the same level, but he came up to rob him, so it was clear that he had nothing to fear.Immediately, with his spiritual consciousness, he realized that another Nascent Soul cultivator seemed to be outflanking his rear.

Seeing that this matter is difficult to end well, Yi Tian snorted coldly, and without waiting for the other party to come forward to ask questions, he directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand.

In an instant, a ray of light comparable to a scorching sun was emitted directly in the air to cover the surrounding hundreds of miles of sea area.

Then the ray of light condensed rapidly when it was visible to the naked eye, and then flew towards the cultivator blocking the way.Those casual cultivators on the islands in the surrounding sea area seemed to see two suns twinkling in the sky at the same time.

After ten breaths, the ray of light gradually dimmed, and then I saw that there were only two Nascent Soul cultivators in the sky.Especially the person in front was holding a spirit sword in one hand and a ball of spiritual power in the other hand, and then he saw that his hand squeezed the ball of spiritual power and exploded.

In an instant, a spiritual pressure comparable to that of the Nascent Soul stage spread out, and the sea surface below also stirred up circles of waves with him as the center point and spread towards the surroundings.

Among them, the Nascent Soul cultivator who wanted to outflank the front was staring at the front dumbfounded at this time, and before Yi Tian turned his head, he hurriedly ran away in one direction.

Only at this moment did the Golden Core cultivators around realize the seriousness of the problem. Just now it was a wave of spiritual pressure after being crushed to explode the Nascent Soul.Immediately, many monks all around jumped out from the hidden island one after another and fled in all directions.

After tidying up these things, Yi Tian spat, put away the Taiyuan Sword, and continued to fly in the direction of Wandao Tianyu City.

Now it is no longer necessary to be afraid of someone having evil thoughts. Just now, he has already frightened the monks in this sea area by killing the killer just now.I believe that now there will be no guy without eyes jumping out to rob again.

It's okay to fly all the way. About ten miles away from Wandao Tianyu City, you can see the surrounding clouds and mists, as if to hide the road ahead.

After touching the storage ring with his right hand, he took out the mysterious jade token, injected spiritual power into it, and saw a white light shoot from the jade tablet directly into the mist in front of him.After three breaths, the fog in front of him spread out to the left and right sides, revealing a straight passage in the middle.

Yi Tian was also polite and flew directly into the passage, within a short distance of ten miles.After ten breaths, he came to the main entrance of a palace. Looking around, a dozen or so monks had arrived here and were resting in the open space next to the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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