
Chapter 487 Breakthrough 3 Levels

Chapter 487 Break through three levels

More than a dozen decorations present outside the main entrance of Wandao Tianyu City walked into the passage one by one.I saw the colorful rays of light in the passage engulfed the figure and then returned to its original state.

I have checked the classics on this aspect in the Loose Cultivation Alliance before. Yi Tian remembers that everyone who enters needs to hold the Xuanyu Token. The Jade Token will be collected directly in the next level, and then will be redistributed to various places in the Wandao sea area, waiting for people to search again.

After being randomly teleported in, Yi Tian felt dizzy for a while, so he had to open the protective cover, and a thin layer of white light directly covered his whole body.It was only when I felt down-to-earth that I realized that the teleportation was over, and then I opened my eyes and looked around for a while before I was taken aback.

My luck was really not that good. I was teleported to a room with a radius of ten feet. In front of me were three statues of bears, tigers and leopards, but the door was behind the statues.

Sweeping his mind, he stood in the deepest part of the room, next to a one-way teleportation array.You don't need to look to know that this is the place where Yunxiao Pavilion allows disciples to conduct trials, and there will definitely be a way out. Presumably these one-way teleportation arrays are used for people to teleport directly.

After looking at these statues, Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and the three puppets in his heart were worthy of letting him give up, so he strode forward after thinking about it.

After walking a few steps, the aura overflowed directly from the statue, and then the plaster on the surface fell down in large chunks like peeling skin.

Walking less than ten feet away, the bear, tiger and leopard seemed to be alive, stretched their waists, then turned their heads to stare at him for a while, and then the three beasts opened their bloody mouths and slowly surrounded them.

Yi Tian was amused for a while, and then took out two nanmu seeds, and flicked his index finger into the cracks in the stone bricks on the ground.Then he made a seal with his hands on his chest, and there was a playful smile on his face.

Hearing the three beasts, the bear, tiger and leopard roared at the same time, they rushed up from three directions at the same time, but before they were within five feet of each other, they were entangled by the vines that sprang out from the ground.

For a while, the twelve legs and three heads of Xionghubao were tightly entangled by rattan sticks as thick as thumbs. Yi Tian didn't hesitate to light three points on his hand, and saw three fireballs hit the three beasts directly. back to the statue.It's just that a small black hole appeared on the chest of each statue, which seemed to be the mark left after being hit by a fireball.

After walking out of this door, Yi Tiancai found himself in a row of connected palaces. Not far away, there was a burst of spell impact and spiritual power fluctuations. I believe that people in other rooms also encountered the same situation as himself. A little hindrance.

Don't care about that much, Yi Tian cast his escape technique and flew towards the hallway of the hall.I still remember that Qi Yu from Yunxiao Pavilion warned him to go to the pool in the inner court to pick first-order white jade lotus roots, and this is where his chances of advancing to the middle stage of Nascent Soul are all here.

After flying for a while, Yi Tian found that he seemed to have returned to the door of the room he came out of, and then stopped to carefully analyze the surrounding environment.

The rooms around here are all the same, except for the door I came out of which is open, the others are all closed.I felt amused for a while, it seems that Yunxiao Pavilion's methods of testing disciples are really endless, one after another.

Compared to this, it should be the second level. If I fly straight down in such a reckless manner, I will definitely return to the same place in the end.

This second hurdle should be the trapping formation. Speaking of formation, I am a great expert, how could I be trapped by a mere maze for a long time and waste the opportunity in vain.

Then he stood still in mid-air, gathered his hands together and put his index finger and middle finger together on the eyelids, and suddenly his eyes flashed blue and looked forward.I saw formations densely engraved on the ceiling in the long corridor, and I looked up and recognized that it was the formation pattern of "shrinking the ground into an inch".

As long as he keeps flying in mid-air, the formations around him will absorb the spiritual power and activate it directly.

The easiest way to break the formation is to walk out on foot without any mana.Immediately, Yi Tian simply fell to the ground and began to walk forward leisurely, without having to cast any spells along the way to activate those patterns again.

Sure enough, it took about four or five hours to reach the end of the passage after letting myself walk like this.Here is a stone gate, and there is a groove-like place on the gate, which looks like a Xuanyu Ling.

Yi Tian thought to himself that this should be the end, and then he took out the Xuanyu tablet and put it down towards the groove.After a flash of spiritual light, there was a "click" sound from behind the stone wall in front of him, and then the mysterious jade order that was shining all over his body disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the groove.

Then the stone wall in front of him cracked a three-foot gap, and Yi Tian walked into the gap with great joy when he saw it.

After walking out of the stone wall, he came to a hall. Yi Tian lowered his head and held back, only to see a map clearly engraved on the floor in front of him.Immediately, he took out the jade slip and engraved the map first, and after a while, he finally figured out his position.

This is the edge of the outer hall, which can only be entered after passing the previous three entrances.There are about [-] outer halls like this, completely separating each teleported person.

The entire Wandao Tianyu City has a size of tens of thousands of squares, but Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw this place, and the entire Wandao sea area is like this. It should be a different Xumi space here.

If you deliberately avoid it in such a large space, you probably won't be able to find it, but your destination is the backyard, and the others must be the same, and the chances of encountering it will increase greatly.

It's useless to think too much. After replaying the map, Yi Tian turned around and left the room, and then searched from the side room to see if there was anything left over from Yunxiao Pavilion.

After flying for a while, you can sense the fluctuations of spiritual power around you through your spiritual sense, and the feeling of spiritual power fluctuations becomes more obvious after rushing forward for a while.

And the other party seems to have realized that his position is flying over here quickly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a white light flashed in the sky in the distance, followed by a red light, and the two chased to Yi Tian not far away.

As early as half a quarter of an hour ago, I discovered from the spiritual explorer that one of the spiritual pressure should be Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse. To put it bluntly, I did not expect to encounter such a difficult situation when I first came in.

But since the other party found out about him, he seemed to be desperately attached to him, no matter how he ran, he still couldn't get rid of it.

Shaoqing directly flew the white halo ten feet away and stopped, and Lu Baichuan's figure appeared from it, while the red light behind him stopped thirty feet away, and then revealed a dazzling face , Really Cui Zhenzhen.But at this time, there was some blood on his mouth, as if he had just finished eating.

I only heard Lu Baichuan yelling with panic on his face: "Friend Daoist Yi, help me, this person does not know what kind of kungfu he has cultivated and is so powerful that he cannot be defeated by one person. An elder in our Loose Cultivation Alliance has already killed her."

(End of this chapter)

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