
Chapter 488 Fight again

Chapter 488 Fight again

The person Yi Tian doesn't want to face the most in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands is the flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen. He Yiming unintentionally released her directly back then, which led to the current consequences.

You must know that He Tianxiong's strength is definitely not inferior to his own. To be honest, when the two joined hands to strike, they did not expect to be caught by the opponent with bare hands.I'm afraid that Zi Wushang in Yicheng City can't do this kind of intolerance in the sea area of ​​Wandao.

So before I came here, I had already considered all the possible adverse situations in my heart, and the worst plan was to conflict with Cui Zhenzhen head-on.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I came in. I was really unlucky. I thought that I would have the chance to find He Tianxiong and others to deal with her together, but now it seems that I have to make plans in advance.

He glanced at Lu Baichuan's face in front of him, but seeing his expression of fear, it seems that Cui Zhenzhen should have let him see him just now because of his painful and murderous hands.

After stabilizing his figure, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said to Lu Baichuan: "Fellow Daoist Lu, don't worry, you and I will join hands to deal with it. I believe the other party may not be able to get any advantage."

After hearing this, Lu Baichuan steadied himself in the air for a while, then took out a spirit sword and a hood, with one hand to attack and the other to defend, and Yi Tian stood side by side to confront Cui Zhenzhen.

Later, I only saw that Cui Zhenzhen flew to the front and stopped not far away, looked Yi Tian up and down, then smiled and said: "It's you again, I didn't expect to see rapid growth in strength in a few years."

After spitting, Yi Tian replied lightly: "Cui Zhenzhen, you have finally recovered your yang. You must have absorbed a lot of monk's yang energy because of your current appearance. If you do too many bad things, be careful that one day the gutter will capsize."

At this time, Cui Zhenzhen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then combed it a little bit before returning to its original appearance.After hearing Yi Tian's words, he was not angry, and instead said: "I originally wanted to keep you as the last one, but I didn't expect to meet so soon, which means that you and I are really destined."

"What fate? It's obviously a bad fate. You and I will have a battle sooner or later. Why don't you fight to understand everything. Besides, I don't have the slightest interest in flying female corpses like you. I feel disgusted when I see your pretentious appearance." ,” Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Lu Baichuan, who was standing by the side, turned pale after hearing the conversation between the two, and stammered and asked, "The person in front of you Daoist Yi is actually a corpse repairer, isn't that a centuries-old monster?"

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched and he just replied lightly: "The old monster from 3000 years ago, fellow Daoist Lu and the two of us can't get rid of her if we don't work together with all our strength. Don't even think about running away alone, since you are being targeted by her. You can only fight to the death, there is no third way to go."

After finishing speaking with his right hand, he took out the Taiyuan Sword directly from his palm, and after a burst of blue light, the aura of the whole spirit sword was also raised a lot, and an arc-shaped sword balloon was formed within a ten-foot radius around him.

This move is also based on the shocking sword in Yao Jianshu. It can be attacked or defended. Now we have to see how Cui Zhenzhen accepts the move.

At this moment, I saw that the flying female corpse not far in front of her also had an unusually dignified expression, which was not the case in the last fight.If you just leave here, you must have given up an excellent opportunity. After thinking about it for a while, Cui Zhenzhen also secretly made up his mind, stretched out his palms and made a seal on his chest, and immediately a red mist dispersed from his body. His own figure disappeared.

Then the red mist began to spin rapidly, revealing the appearance of bloody skeletons faintly.

Suddenly, two beams of blood flew out of it and condensed into a skeleton image, which only hit the two people in front of them.

Lu Baichuan also knew the seriousness, for those with a discerning eye, it seemed that Cui Zhenzhen's strength had already reached the peak in the mid-Yuanying period, and he had to work hard if he wanted to survive.

After biting the tip of his tongue, he saw a blood sword spraying his spirit sword, and then said: "Go".The spirit sword turned into a golden light and directly faced the red skull.

After a while of confusion, Lu Baichuan's flying sword staggered a few times before flying back, but the spiritual light on the sword seemed to have dimmed a lot. It seems that the opponent was able to receive Lu Baichuan's flying sword attack without using the spiritual weapon .

The situation on Yi Tian's side was much better. Seeing that the bloody skull was attacking just like his wrist, a cyan sword edge mixed with sharp sword energy directly slashed at the skull.

Cui Zhenzhen in the blood mist exclaimed, and then saw the cyan sword light directly split the blood skull, and then hit the blood mist.The sword energy penetrated more than a foot into the blood mist before it was completely relieved.

Arguing with each other after one move, Lu Baichuan's eyes showed a little joy at this time, and then he hurriedly raised his protective cover and looked at Cui Zhenzhen cautiously, for fear that she would do something wrong again.

A moment later, Cui Zhenzhen's charming voice came from the blood mist again: "I didn't expect you to improve so fast, it seems that today I can only go to other places to fight teeth. The old boy in the back counts you as lucky. It's not that simple when we meet again."

After speaking, the cloud of blood mist floated in the opposite direction with a 'whoosh' sound, leaving only Yi Tian and Lu Baichuan in the air after a while.

Yi Tian finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the other party retreated despite the difficulty, and then motioned for Lu Baichuan to go down and talk.After the two slowly landed on the long corridor, Lu Baichuan first cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help. Otherwise, this old man would have been murdered by him today."

Yi Tian nodded and received a salute from him, and then replied: "This person is a major cultivator of the corpse path, and he is by no means a match for him. If you see him in the future, fellow Taoists, you should hide far away."

Lu Baichuan still had lingering fears in his heart when he survived the catastrophe: "That's that, I hope I don't have the chance to see her again in the future. But I heard her words, it seems that Fellow Daoist Yi knew this person a long time ago?"

Yi Tian's face twitched, and then he returned to normal and said: "It's a long story," and then he briefly talked about Cui Zhenzhen's background, and also mentioned how Lu Baichuan used to detect the corpse repair method to avoid it.

In order to thank Yi Tian for his help, Lu Baichuan did not hide his gratitude, and told what happened before.

It turned out that he and another fellow Taoist found a condensed fruit and wanted to pick it, but they happened to meet Cui Zhenzhen, and the three of them shot directly without speculating.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength was too strong, and the opponent's spirit weapon was eroded by a single encounter, and then Feidun stepped forward and directly bit the other person's neck, sucking all the Yang Yuan and blood of the other person.

Then he said: "I didn't expect to lose my life for a condensed fruit, but it's not worth it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his brows and said, "The condensed fruit is just a precious material for the golden core stage, doesn't fellow Daoist Lu know this?"

After hearing this, Lu Baichuan just smiled and replied: "Yi Daoyou doesn't know, that fruit should have been grown for seven or eight hundred years, and its own rank has reached level six, you and me Nascent Soul cultivators can use it. Take it. Afterwards, you can increase your spiritual power concentration to a higher level."

After hearing this, Yi Tian made some calculations and then discussed with Lu Baichuan to go back and have a look.The latter is also willing to accompany him, and the safety factor is much higher with Yi Tian accompanying him.

After the two of them finished talking, Yi Tian took out the communication jade tablet, wrote a sentence on it, and then passed the message out.

(End of this chapter)

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