
Chapter 490

Chapter 490

As the young lord of the Blood Fiend Cave, Jiang Shuai was arrogant and domineering on weekdays. Even if he met monks of the same rank, he would make many concessions to He Tianxiong and Jiang Tiancheng for the sake of the Blood Fiend Cave's sake.

There is no one who can't help but lose his face like Yi Tian today, and wants to fight against robbery.

Jiang Shuai smiled when he heard Yi Tian's words, turned his head to stare at Yi Tian and shouted: "The Daoist is very powerful, I don't know what kind of bet you want to make?"

"I want to gamble with the three-point condensed fruit on my body and the stone pillar that the young suzerain took at the casual repair alliance auction?" Yi Tian said lightly.

"How to bet?" Jiang Shuai laughed out of anger.

"Of course, the winner takes all, and the loser pays all. How about betting that you can take the move of the young suzerain unscathed?" Yi Tian talked eloquently.

After hearing this, Jiang Shuai rolled his eyes, weighed the strength of the two of them, clapped his hands and said, "I've made a bet, where are the things?"

Yi Tian handed over the jade box containing the spiritual fruit directly to Lu Baichuan and said, "I believe in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and fellow Daoist Lu will keep the spiritual fruit for you. If I lose, you will directly hand over the things to Young Master Jiang." Sovereign will do."

Lu Baichuan was also confused by this sudden situation, and then he figured it out. It seems that he has to be a middleman. After all, the Loose Cultivator Alliance is very particular about credibility.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuai also nodded in agreement, turned his hand and took out the stone pillar engraved with the spirit world text, and threw it directly to Lu Baichuan, saying: "The Loose Cultivation Alliance can still be trusted."

Then he turned to Yi Tian and asked, "Fellow Daoist, are you ready?"

After Yi Tian nodded, he flew straight to the side, and then crossed his hands one by one, sacrificed two blue auras and slowly drew circles in front of him.

This move imitates the spiral fire shield spell, but the fire aura in it has been changed to wood aura, in order not to reveal his true identity, and this move is also one of the strongest defensive moves he can use now.

Gradually, the surrounding spiritual energy was mobilized by Yi Tian, ​​forming a two-foot-sized shield in front of him.

And Jiang Shuai in front of him also had an extremely cautious face, just looking at the power of the opponent's moves was impressive.Although what he gambled this time was dispensable to him, the majesty of the Young Master of the Blood Fiend Cave could not be desecrated.

I saw that Jiang Shuai shot with anger, and a bloody aura rose from his hand and was compressed into the size of a fist in front of him.Then Jiang Shuai flicked a drop of blood into it with his fingertips.

Lu Baichuan, who was in the distance, showed deep fear on his face when he saw it, and he also spoke to Yi Tian: "This is the famous stunt of the Blood Fiend Cave, the Blood Fiend Sun Thunder, if you can't handle it, you should try your best." Get out of the way, anyway, if the spirit fruit is gone, you can find it again, it's better than losing your life."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian only had a calm face, and gave him a reassuring look.

Then Jiang Shuai yelled, and a red bloody light directly hit Yi Tian's position.But what happened next left everyone present stunned. The bloody sun thunder flew out and hit the center of the cyan round shield in less than half an breath.

But the imaginary blood-fiend thunderstorm did not appear, instead there was the sound of twisting from the rapidly spinning magic shield. Looking closely, one could see that the round shield seemed to be devouring the blood-fiend sun thunder.

Moreover, after the aura in it was shredded, the power of the entire magic shield seemed to increase by three points.Yi Tian, ​​who was holding the magic shield, was also happy in his heart, he didn't expect his spell to have this effect.

The expression on Jiang Shuai's face at this time was also very unhappy. The trick that he thought he was famous for turned out to be a bit of a mess in front of others. It seemed that the opponent's strength was definitely much stronger than his own.

At the moment Jiang Shuai also had no idea, but he didn't lose, he snorted coldly: "Let's go," and then took Xie Zongren to another direction and flew to another place.

Lu Baichuan, who was on the side, was relieved at this moment. To be honest, he absolutely didn't want to see Yi Tian get hurt because of this. After all, he had received some favors, but he didn't want to offend the Blood Fiend Grotto.His words and deeds represent the attitude of the Loose Cultivation Alliance at such a sensitive point.

After Jiang Shuai left, Lu Baichuan slowly flew forward and handed all the things in his hands to Yi Tiandao: "You Daoist Yi is indeed very powerful, but he just offended the Blood Fiend Cave like this, and later met He Tianxiong who didn't feel good about himself." Easy to handle."

Yi Tian almost laughed when he heard this, and said in his heart: "He Tianxiong wished that I would take action to leave Jiang Shuai now, if it weren't for the two of you who were burdensome watching me do it early in the morning."

Resisting the smile in his heart, Yi Tian paused before replying: "It's okay, Sect Master He is not a narrow-minded person, and besides, I just had a feud with Jiang Shuai, so it's nothing to do with the blood evil cave. Fellow Daoist There is no need to worry about it.”

Seeing Yi Tian like this, Lu Baichuan just sighed lightly, and then stopped talking.

On the contrary, Yao Renqing settled the game when he saw Yi Tian's understatement, so he flew forward and said, "If there is nothing wrong with the two fellow Taoists, can we go forward together? I know there are undiscovered treasures somewhere, but The puppet guards there are too powerful, I can’t handle it alone, I want to use the hands of the two to get the treasure. After the thing is done, we should divide it into threes and threes.”

It didn't matter to Yi Tian after hearing it, anyway, he just came here this time to find some chance, except for the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus and White Jade Lotus Roots in the central backyard, there must be treasures in Yunxiao Pavilion's private collection in other places.

Since it's more convenient for me to take advantage of the opportunity to find someone to cooperate with because my eyes are dark here, Dang even agreed to Yao Renqing's proposal.

On the contrary, Lu Baichuan said with embarrassment after hearing this: "This time, one of the monks who came together with the Loose Cultivation Alliance has fallen. I want to contact another member. Besides, there are many crises in this secret realm. I think safety is the first priority." .”

Yi Tian knew that he estimated Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, so it was inconvenient to stop him, anyway, he had his own ideas.Then he nodded and replied: "Your Daoist Lu's idea is worthy of being a sophisticated plan, so I will accompany you with Yao Daoist."

Yao Renqing's face twitched a few times, and then he nodded helplessly and said, "No, a twisted melon is not sweet. Fellow Daoist Lu has his own ideas and can't be influenced, so let's take our leave."

After bidding farewell to Lu Baichuan, Yi Tian and Yao Renqing flew straight towards the place where the treasure grows.

After the two flew for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian asked in confusion: "You Daoist Yao seems to have entered this place for the first time, why do you know there are traces of Baocai?"

Yao Renqing turned to answer with a smile: "In the alchemist alliance, senior monks have been here before. They wrote down the locations of all the treasures they saw before, and then made a map."

Yi Tian finally understood, so he asked Yao Renqing for a map.Although the latter looked embarrassed, after careful consideration, he took out a jade slip and expanded the map in his hand, and then threw it directly to Yi Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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