
Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Yi Tian and Yao Renqing flew in mid-air for nearly half an hour before approaching the place where the precious material grows.Judging from the map given by the other party, the markings on it are clear, but most of them are the topographic positions of the outer circle and part of the middle circle of Wandao Tianyu City.As for the core part of the inner circle, it is blank.

From this, Yi Tian can also know that most of these alchemists only collect medicinal materials in the peripheral area and rarely go deep into it.However, having this map saves me a lot of detours. According to the route described above, the entire secret realm is like a sky fortress, which is divided into three areas.

All the people who are sent in will appear in the outer circle at first, and then move to the inner circle of the middle circle according to their own abilities.

And the precious materials stored here are also increasing in order. Seeing that the condensed fruit fruit that has been obtained in the hand is only a sixth-level primary medicinal material, it will have a great effect on one's cultivation.If you continue to walk inside, you will definitely encounter more valuable things.

Those golden core monks seem to stop at the outer circle at most, and the monsters or puppets that appear from the middle circle are all at the Nascent Soul level.

And Yi Tian and Yao Renqing have also been cautious since they flew into the middle circle. Along the way, they saw many puppets above level six, and they often appeared in teams.

Even if the two of them are still there, they will not provoke them. For the time being, it is still very safe.

After flying for a certain distance, Yao Renqing heard Yao Renqing's voice transmission: "We will be there soon, there are three puppets of the sixth-level mid-level holding the gate."

He nodded to indicate that he understood the situation, and then the two slowly fell from midair.Yao Renqing took out the map and looked at it, then pointed to the corridor in front of him and said, "It's just after turning this corner, how should the two of us deal with the three puppets?"

After Yi Tian thought about it, it was Yao Renqing who discussed: "I'll deal with two, you deal with one, how about you quickly get the treasure after finding a way to trap them?"

After hearing this, Yao Renqing smiled and said: "It's all up to fellow Taoists. I can deal with a puppet. As for picking spiritual plants, I can leave it to my spiritual pet."

After finishing speaking, he patted the storage bag on his waist and summoned a one-foot-sized spirit monkey. Then Yao Renqing whispered a few words in the spirit monkey's ear, and then took out a few pills and put them in the spirit monkey's hands .

The monkey picked up the elixir, chewed it three or two times, and then swallowed it. Then the golden light flashed in its eyes and nodded to Yao Renqing.

Yi Tian looked at it with envy. This spirit monkey may have already opened up its intelligence and is more intelligent than ordinary monsters, so it can complete these difficult picking tasks.

Compared with the Fat Dog and Chi Yanju in his spirit beast bag, one has a big tongue and the other has a congenital defect.

After this treasure picking event is over, I have to ask for advice to see how they train their spiritual pets.

After Yao Renqing arranged the backup, he and Yi Tian strode into the passage.The passage was three feet high and five feet wide. After turning the corner, I saw three humanoid puppets standing in the middle of the road.

Yao Renqing and Yi Angel glanced at each other, and then the two secretly communicated a few words, and then Yao Renqing took out a three-inch long medicinal pestle, put it in his hand and injected spiritual power into it, then swung it against the wind and it became more than a foot long.

Yi Tian took out a handful of nanmuzi to inject spiritual power into it, and then lightly ejected it towards the corner of the wall on the ground, only to see that the seeds fell directly into the cracks between the floor tiles.

Before the two of them walked into the range of ten feet, suddenly the eyes of the three humanoid puppets in front of them lit up, and then they made a "bang choking" sound, and then their hands began to shake.

With a step forward, the three puppets rushed straight towards the two people in front of them. The speed was not too fast, but after three breaths, they turned into ordinary people's movements.

Yi Tian scanned the puppets in front of him with his spiritual sense, and found that they were made of high-quality black iron, and the parts at the joints were even mixed with hundred-forged gold, whose toughness can support the puppets to imitate any action of ordinary people .

The medicine pestle in Yao Renqing's hand turned into a white aura and hit the puppet's chest directly, and a five-inch dent appeared in the chest, but the puppet only paused for a moment, then walked forward again.

Yao Renqing was stunned at this moment, he didn't expect that he could only slightly delay the puppet's speed with one blow.With a bad face at the moment, he cast spells in his hand to control the medicine pestle to attack many joints on the puppet.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, didn't stop. After glancing at Yao Renqing's attack, he shook his head secretly, wondering if this alchemist is always a bit hard to make alchemy.

It is said that softness can be used to overcome toughness, but in such a situation, do you still have to force yourself to show that you are making trouble with your spiritual weapon?I'm afraid that in this battle, at least a sixth-level spiritual weapon will be lost.

The two puppets were striding forward, and the original distance of several tens of feet was reached in an instant, but the puppets were three or four feet away in front of Yi Tian, ​​and their feet were entangled by the twigs that sprang out from the ground.

At the beginning, a few vine veins were directly broken by the puppet's feet, but there were also flaws in its strength, and gradually more vines sprang out from the ground and entangled the puppet's feet.In just three breaths, the feet of the two puppets were bound to death by the rattan, and when Yi Tian's hands were sealed again to manipulate, the rattan on the ground tripped the two puppets to the ground with one hand.

Yao Renqing who was on the side was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "Friend Daoist Yi, help me quickly."

Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth, then stretched out his fingers to the third puppet, and saw a dozen vine veins sprang out from the ground with a few "swish swish" sounds, and saw that the puppet's thighs were all entangled at once.

At this time, Yi Tian glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw that the spirit pet monkey slipped in from the corner of the wall while taking advantage of the confusion.In less than half a quarter of an hour, the monkey picked a five-inch purple gourd and quickly rushed out of the medicine garden with a ten-foot-long gourd vine.

Yao Renqing's face cramped, this thing can't be used as medicine, and then he gave orders to the spirit monkey.Unexpectedly, the spirit monkey didn't want to go in again, so Yao Renqing had no choice but to take out a few pills and throw them to the spirit monkey to let him run in again.

Yi Tian looked at it with a burst of sneer, he didn't expect that this spiritual pet would dare to bargain with the owner, it seems that this spiritual wisdom made it difficult for pets to deal with.

Half a moment later, the spirit monkey was seen rushing back from the medicine garden, holding a elixir in its hand.Seeing Daxi, Yao Renqing took his hand and put it in front of his eyes, then smiled with satisfaction, "It's an 800-year-old wood spirit flower. It's of high quality, and it's worth the money."

Immediately, he signaled to Yi Tian to retreat as soon as possible, and Yi Tian also pointed at the rattan under the puppet's feet, then slowly retracted, and the two of them flew out of the passage as soon as they turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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