
Chapter 492 Purple Gourd

Chapter 492 Purple Gourd

After picking the elixir, Yi Tian and Yao Renqing hurriedly found a place where no one lived and began to carve up the precious materials.This time, fortunately, a spirit monkey helped to go in and pick the elixir twice. Although the purple gourd that was taken out for the first time looked immature, the second time it did pick a sixth-level high-level medicinal material.

Yao Renqing looked at the elixir in front of him and lost his mind for a moment. According to his idea, it would be best to get the wood spirit flower alone, and then split it in half.

But the situation just now was all there, if it wasn't for Yi Tian's help, I'm afraid there would not be such a result.

After tidying up the things, Yao Renqing asked first, "Friend Yi Daoist, how do you think this precious material should be divided?"

Seeing the other party like this, Yi Tian felt amused, but there was still one thing he didn't understand, so he asked directly: "Daoist Yao, why didn't we go to the medicine garden to pick it after subduing that puppet?"

Seeing that Yao Renqing was asked once, he replied without concealing: "There is a restriction in the medicine garden. If a monk enters, it is easy to touch it. Don't look at the door, there are only three. If the big formation is activated, the back road will be blocked. And the distant guardians will all rush out," he said with a look of fear on his face.

It can be seen from this that there must be seniors in the medicine island who have experienced this time, so Yao Renqing knew in advance and prepared a spirit monkey early in the morning to be responsible for picking the elixir.

After talking so much off-topic, Yi Tian found that Yao Renqing's eyes had been on the wood spirit flower, and he secretly smiled in his heart: "It seems that the other party is keeping an eye on the precious medicine, but it's a pity that although this thing is good for me, it's useless. The ultimate goal is to find the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus and White Jade Lotus Root."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said with a look of embarrassment: "You Daoist Yao is actually not very interested in this treasure material, but now I lack a copy of the elixir map of the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area. If you can make a copy for me, add If you add some other spiritual plants, how about this wood spirit flower all belong to fellow Taoists?"

After hearing this, Yao Renqing showed a look of joy on his face, and then took out the elixir spectrum jade slip and threw it directly to Yi Tiandao: "Friend Daoist, do what you want." After speaking, he took out a jade box and took it from the spirit monkey's hand The wood spirit flower was carefully preserved.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate and directly opened his consciousness, scanned the contents of the jade slip, then took out the blank jade slip and engraved all the contents in it.

It didn't take half a moment to re-engrave all the elixirs in the jade slip, and after returning the jade slip, Yi Tian glanced at the purple gourd with vine veins and said, "Daoyou Yao, what is this purple gourd? Lingzhi?"

Yao Renqing sneered and said: "Yi Dao has a friendly eye, this spiritual plant is an immature purple gold gourd."

"Oh, did fellow Taoist not be tempted at all when he saw this thing?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"To be honest, I recognized this thing the next morning, but unfortunately it is only in a half-ripe state. If we want to wait for it to mature, we have to wait at least a thousand years, and this thing needs to be planted in a place where the wood spirit is extremely strong. .In my opinion, there are only a few secret places here that have the conditions for planting, but it is useless to get it from the outside world." Yao Renqing talked eloquently.

Now Yi Tian frowned, even though the treasure was in front of him, it was not easy to ripen it.After weighing it over and over again, he opened his mouth and said: "You Daoist Yao wants this purple gold gourd, what do you think?"

Yao Renqing nodded in agreement without even thinking about it, and said, "It's okay, since Fellow Daoist has opened his mouth, there is no reason why he won't allow it." After finishing speaking, he directed the spirit monkey to hand over the gourd vine directly to Yi Tian.

After taking the spirit vine, he glanced at the purple gourd at the end. It is only three inches in size but it is full of spiritual power.Immediately, Yi Tian took out the spirit planting pot and filled it with half of the high-level cultivation soil, and then took out hundreds of fast middle-grade spirit stones and directly patted them into powder and mixed them with the spirit soil.

After doing this, he took out three green bamboos to build a gourd shed, and finally transplanted the purple gourd together with the vines.

But when the rhizome of the gourd vine had just penetrated into the soil, it absorbed most of its spiritual power in less than ten breaths.Yi Tian stared at it in a daze. After changing hands, he filled in hundreds of spirit stones again. After going back and forth three times, the gourd vine showed some vitality.

Yao Renqing, who was on the side, watched Yi Tian toss for a long time, and after spending a lot of spirit stones, he finally saved the purple gold gourd vines.At the moment, he also said with emotion: "Fellow Daoists, there is no need for it. If you plant it like this, it will take less than a month to refill the spiritual soil. After going out, you need to find a large spiritual vein for transplantation."

In fact, Yi Tian didn't understand that the supply of spiritual power as it is now is just a drop in the bucket, but fortunately, it can be transplanted for the time being, as long as he goes out and chooses a place full of wood spiritual power and then transplants it there.

The purpose of spending so much energy on transplanting is also very clear. I just went through it in my mind just now, remembering that I read the information about this thing in the panacea.After the ripe purple gold gourd is picked, it can be refined into a Haina jug, which can be used to store spirit wine or elixir, which can last for thousands of years.

After the two redistributed the spoils, Yao Renqing said: "The main task of coming in this time has been completed, and now I want to go back to the original way to find the way out. I don't know how to be friendly?"

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I still want to continue to visit the inner court, fellow daoists can do as they please."

Yao Renqing nodded and said: "Friend Daoist Yi, please listen to me. There are indeed great opportunities in the inner hall of Wandao Tianyu City, but it is also full of dangers. More than ten seniors in Xiadan Island have visited the inner hall. But there are very few who can come back. Fellow Daoists should be more careful."

After hearing this, Yi Tian looked at Yao Renqing's sincere expression and replied: "This exploration of the inner hall is imperative, and you don't need to persuade you anymore."

Later, the two parted ways, and in the end Yao Renqing sent a message to Yuhe saying that Ruuo Yitian could contact him directly if he wanted to come to Dan Island to obtain the elixir in the future.

After collecting the token, Yi Tian set off alone and followed the signs on the map to find the way to the inner court.

According to the description on the map, the outer circle is very detailed, but when it comes to the middle circle, it is only half marked, and the inner circle is even more pitiful, only a rough outline is drawn.

Most of the seniors who want to come to Dan Island only explore in the outer circle, and rarely enter the middle circle.As for Yao Renqing's statement that there are not one out of ten monks who have been to the inner circle and survived, it seems that there must be some great risks in this.

Without thinking about it, he turned around and cast the escape technique, Yi Tian flew towards the passage in the middle circle.

Fortunately, there were no traces of any monks along the way, but when they reached the entrance of the middle circle, they saw several monks gathered there as if discussing something.

After arriving, I found that He Tianxiong and his son and Jiang Shuai were among them, as well as Huang Wanting from Yicheng that day and a Nascent Soul Stage Elder were also standing in front of the passage discussing something.

(End of this chapter)

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