
Chapter 493 Trial Road

Chapter 493 Trial Road

There are two passages leading to the atrium from the outer circle of Wandao Tianyu City. Each passage looks ordinary, but none of the people present dared to go forward.

When Yi Tian arrived, he found that there were already eight or nine Nascent Soul cultivators standing there, seeming to be discussing how to get in.

When Jiang Shuai saw Yi Tian coming, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his head and continued talking with He Tianxiong.The latter's face remained unchanged, but the light in his eyes was fleeting.

As for Huang Wanting on the other side, she just turned her head for a while and then returned to normal. Ke Yitian knew that he was being missed by others, and he was afraid that the other party would have recognized him as Jiang Shuai in the last Loose Cultivation Alliance auction. Barbarian.

After roughly scanning the people present, they found that more than half of the people from Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave were coming. As for those casual cultivators, Yi Tian didn't find any trace of the flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen.

Immediately, he couldn't help but wondered: "Could it be that the female corpse went in early in the morning?" Just as he was thinking, suddenly there was a cluster of fiery red light flying straight towards here from behind.

It is Cui Zhenzhen who is in the twilight with the eyes of the clear spirit, but at this moment, it seems that her complexion is no different from that of ordinary people. If they don't know her details, ordinary people will definitely be confused by her appearance.

After ten breaths, Cui Zhenzhen lowered his light and looked around, when he saw He Tianxiong and his son, he was smiling.Turning to look at Huang Wanting with a solemn expression, she just swept her eyes over Yi Tian and walked towards the entrance of the passage.

The rest of the people present felt their scalps go numb when she saw it, but this Cui Zhenzhen didn't hold back his spiritual pressure at all, and let it spread out.

At this time, a wave of spiritual power comparable to the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul emerged from her body. Only He Tianxiong and Huang Wanting had reached the mid-stage Nascent Soul, but their cultivation strength was not as strong as that of Cui Zhenzhen.

He Tianxiong showed a stern expression on his face. He is someone who knows the inside story. Ten years ago, the other party was able to forcibly receive spells with the strength of his physical body. Now it is better than before.

Similarly, Huang Wanting also looked like she was facing a great enemy. When did such a powerful person appear in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area, Tianyi City didn't know anything about it. This can be called the actual ruler of the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area. what.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing aside, had a look of disdain on his face, and said in his heart: "It seems that there should be a few monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul who were sucked out of their skills by Cui Zhenzhen, otherwise her cultivation base would not be able to grow so fast. I helped Lu Baichuan before. It was not so strong when he was released from the siege, but it is a pity that although the corpse path technique can absorb other people's skills to increase one's own cultivation, there are also many disadvantages in it. Others are confused by the performance, but I am not."

Immediately seeing He Tianxiong turned his head slightly, and the two of them made eye contact, Yi Tian just shook his head slightly to indicate that it was nothing to worry about.The latter didn't make a sound after knowing it, just snorted coldly, then turned his head and ignored Cui Zhenzhen.

After waiting for half an hour, everyone suddenly saw that the cloud and mist in the passage gradually thinned out, and then Huang Wanting from Tianyi City stepped forward and chose a step to go up.At this time, her steps were steady and powerful, but her speed was not fast.

The second person who moved turned out to be Cui Zhenzhen. She chose another passage and strode in, but stopped after taking two steps. Then continue to go up.

When everyone saw this, they knew that there must be a problem with this passage, and they had to pass this pass if they wanted to go to the atrium.Immediately He Tianxiong turned his head and gave He Yiming some instructions, and the latter turned around and flew towards the outer circle after hearing this.

Now that the biggest threat is gone, He Yiming can explore the outer circle unscrupulously after these Nascent Soul cultivators have entered the atrium.

Yi Tian also really admired He Tianxiong's strategy, but it would be easier to cooperate with him in the future with less constraints.

After three breaths, He Tianxiong didn't dare to go straight to the passage that Huang Wanting walked through, his whole body's spiritual power gathered around him to form a white halo, and then he walked up with big strides.

Now that someone is taking the lead, the next thing will be easy to handle, and the rest of the people stepped forward to choose their favorite passages and followed the same way to protect their bodies and walk in.

Yi Tian didn't dare to go in the next five, but the path he chose was the one that Cui Zhenzhen took.After stepping up the steps, the whole person feels oppressed and heavy, not only the weight of the body goes up.Moreover, my feet became extremely heavy, and there seemed to be a huge suction on this step that firmly nailed me to it, and I had to use my energy to offset most of it before I could move.

After walking for half a quarter of an hour, I couldn't see the situation before and after, and Yi Tian was also cautiously moving forward at a constant speed.Suddenly there was a wave of spiritual pressure in front of him, followed by a scream, which made people's hair stand on end.

Yi Tian was startled, it seems that Cui Zhenzhen is really hungry and will attack people when he finds an opportunity.Don't do too much at the moment, try to use all your strength to offset the spiritual pressure on the passage, and then speed up and go up.

In less than ten breaths, he walked up more than 20 steps, and suddenly a red aura in the mist of the passage slanted towards his direction.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Sword with his right hand and struck at the red light. After the sound of 'Kaka', the clouds in front of him receded slightly, revealing Cui Zhenzhen's appearance.

I saw that there was still some blood on the corner of her mouth that hadn't been wiped off, she was taken aback when she saw who was coming, and then said angrily: "You brat is always against me, it seems that you are sincere and against me."

Yi Tian sneered and replied in a loud voice: "Cui Zhenzhen, you genital female corpse is addicted to drinking the blood of living people. If you can deceive others, you can't deceive me."

The loud voice spread throughout the passage, and many monks behind were all frightened when they heard it. They didn't expect to meet such a monster during this trip to Wandao Tianyu City.

Later, a female voice came from the other side, and it was Huang Wanting from Tianyi City who said, "No wonder I wondered when such a powerful master appeared in the Wandao sea area. It turned out to be an old monster who turned to the corpse cultivator. Sect Master He Don't you know that such a character has appeared in the bloody cave?"

Afterwards, He Tianxiong coughed lightly and replied: "I just remembered that this girl has been hiding in my Blood Fiend Cave for a long time, and she was only escaped several times before, and her strength recovered quickly after sucking the living Yang Yuan." , everyone has to be careful in a while."

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenzhen said with a face of indifference: "He Tianxiong, you are a pious guy. We met each other when we were in the beginning. You must have a ghost in your heart because you didn't say it at the beginning. There is also the little girl in Yicheng, who is not known by others. Knowing your details, I still can't see it, you are just a disciple of Yunxiao Pavilion, there should be some ulterior secrets coming to your sect's trial place this time."

A call shocked everyone around, and then Cui Zhenzhen took a big step and rushed straight, vowing to distance himself from everyone.

On the other hand, Yi Tian's face was like sinking water, and after taking back the spirit sword, he began to think about Cui Zhenzhen's words just now.

(End of this chapter)

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