
Chapter 494

Chapter 494

An hour later, the people on the passage came out one after another, but when they arrived at the atrium, they saw Huang Wanting waiting there with a sullen expression, discussing something with He Tianxiong.

The people who arrived later did not leave directly. You must know that if there is a thousand-year-old female corpse lurking next to you, no one will want to order at will.

After a while, it was almost time to wait for people, Huang Wanting said first: "Everyone understands the current situation. If we don't solve the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen, we will definitely be defeated one by one."

He Tianxiong next to him also echoed: "Young Daoist Huang is right, this female corpse is treating us as prey, and after she has accumulated enough strength, no one present will think of going out."

Huang Wanting nodded and Jie Xu said: "I have discussed with fellow Daoist He that we will form an offensive and defensive alliance for the time being, and work together to eradicate this beast. I also hope that everyone will get rid of prejudices and work together."

In fact, there were only nine people who came up, except for one who was killed by Cui Zhenzhen's sneak attack on the way, there were seven people left.Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto occupied four people at once, and Yi Tian exposed Cui Zhenzhen's true face, so they would definitely cooperate.

The remaining two casual cultivators looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and said in unison: "Just listen to what City Master Huang said, and we will work together to find this female corpse."

Jiang Shuai, who was on the side, took out seven jade tokens and said, "We all hold the jade tokens. Once we find the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen, we will contact you immediately. Don't waste the money." He then handed over the rest of the jade tokens to Zhu people.

Then He Tianxiong said: "Everyone, if you find that flying female corpse, you must not act on your will, run if you can, and find a way to inform others to stand by and wait for help if you can't."

After earning a good jade card, they all said goodbye. Although they all knew that this female corpse was not easy to mess with, everyone had their own ideas.

After Yi Tian got the jade card, he just randomly found a storage bracelet and threw the things into it. It would be best if Cui Zhenzhen didn't come to find him, and if he did, maybe what would happen.

After dispersing, Yi Tian began to grope according to the place shown on the map. The map given by Yao Renqing did not mark the atrium very clearly.

Under the balance, the next road can only be groped slowly by oneself. After flying over a long corridor, he glanced at a row of connected rooms in front of him.Yi Tian then went in and searched one by one, but the results were not satisfactory.It seems that the area where the disciples of the trial are resting is empty except for some stone beds.

After going around a few bends, he came to a stone gate, but Yi Tian didn't dare to go straight after scanning it. The two ten-foot-high stone statues squatting at the gate made people feel flustered.

After gaining the experience in the outer circle, Yi Tiandao didn't dare to be careless, and walked forward slowly, but deliberately kept a distance from those stone statues.There was no change in the stone statue until he reached the stone gate, Yi Tian moved forward with both hands to open the stone gate, revealing the dark room inside.

After the dirty air inside had dissipated, Yi Tian walked in slowly, and after a glance, he found that it looked like a refining room.Among them, there is a refining furnace surrounded by raw materials for refining.

After scanning with his divine sense, Yi Tian showed a look of disappointment on his face. The shelves are filled with rare level [-] materials.It's rare to put it in the Jindan stage, but it's not a problem at all for the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

On the contrary, a dark token placed in front of the refining furnace caught Yi Tian's attention.Going forward to pick it up to have a look, it seems that there are some patterns engraved on it, and I can't help but have some doubts in my heart.

Immersed in the divine sense and saw a smile finally appeared on his face, he sighed after a long time, and said in his heart: "Finally, the trip was not in vain, this token is used to control the two puppets at the door. But then The puppet is so big how to take it in."

With doubts, he walked slowly to the main entrance, picked up the token and injected spiritual energy, and saw a bright light in the eyes of the two stone statues, and the whole body began to shake.

After the stones on the stone statue fell, the dark body inside was exposed, and it turned out to be a giant battle puppet.

Then the token in Yi Tian's hand flashed, and the two giant puppets turned into two bright lights and flew directly into the token.

After tidying up the refining room, Yi Tian left this area without staying any longer, and suddenly felt flustered as soon as he flew into the air.

For the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, their foresight of danger is much sharper than that of ordinary monks, and this sudden feeling for no reason made him feel a deep sense of crisis.

Looking around, I saw a red light flying straight towards my direction in the corridor in the distance, and stopped not far in front of me after ten breaths.Later, a figure appeared in the red light, it was Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse.

She yelled softly: "Brother, you are really easy to find for a while, I didn't expect to hide here."

After hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help being taken aback, how could he happen to meet her twice, and the one in the outer circle can be regarded as an unintentional mistake.But now, it is clear that the other party is looking for her.

Someone put a tracking mark on his body at some point, and Yi Tian didn't answer at the moment, secretly thinking about what went wrong.

In an instant, an ominous thought flashed through his mind, and then he took out the jade tablet given by Jiang Shuai and smashed it into powder with his hand.Then he said to Cui Zhenzhen angrily, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you could have a relationship with Jiang Shuai. You are also a character. You should have known your identity early on, and you dared to cooperate with you. It seems It's not a small plan."

Cui Zhenzhen sneered and said: "Everyone's heart has weaknesses, Jiang Shuai is interested in power, and He Tianxiong will definitely become a stumbling block in his progress. And the enemy of the enemy is a friend, don't you think so?"

Keeping his mind steady, Yi Tian knew that this was not a good fight today, but he didn't know how the other party would make a move.With a flick of his hand, he raised the Taiyuan sword and said to Cui Zhenzhen, "I dare to expose you, but I have never been afraid that you will seek revenge from me. Don't tell me you want to do it now?"

"Among so many people, you are the only one I can't see through," Cui Zhenzhen said with a charming smile, "Well, I don't want to trouble you in the middle circle. If you have the ability to go to the inner hall, just help me get the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus, and you and I will be happy." Cleared up."

Yi Tian was startled when he heard 'Seven Treasures Golden Lotus' at first, it seems that the old monster in front of him still knows a lot of inside information, so it would not be too easy for him to get a piece of white jade lotus root.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Well, I also wanted to go to the inner court. Since everyone has the same goal, let's temporarily stop and talk about everything in the inner court. It's a waste of your trip, so how do you explain to Shuai Jiang?"

"Why do you need to explain, he and I are just a deal, there is a profit, there is no one to explain to the other." Cui Zhenzhen spat and said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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