
Chapter 496

Chapter 496
In the depths of the atrium of Wandao Tianyu City, two waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations of powerful spell attacks suddenly burst out, and it was Yi Tian and Jiang Shuai who started in the side hall.

This time Yi Tian also shot with anger, and was tricked by this kid once along the way, fortunately he didn't know that he was the nemesis of the flying female corpse, otherwise he would never be so stupid as to use Cui Zhenzhen to deal with him.

And he will never realize that he has reached an agreement with others, and sold him in the blink of an eye.

I had seen He Tianxiong make a move when I was in the Tomb Islands before, and it was majestic and mixed with a thick and bloody aura.In front of him, Jiang Shuai was also manipulating the two golden cones in his hand, but compared to He Tianxiong's momentum, he was still much weaker.

In Yi Tian's eyes, it was even more like a method used by a monk who had just conceived a baby, and the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure of the whole person was not well restrained.

I made a seal with both hands on my chest, and then directly sacrificed the sun, moon and brilliance wheel, but I called out "He", and suddenly the golden center was covered with a layer of cyan halo, and the whole set of spiritual weapons was spinning rapidly in my hand After getting up, a narrow and desolate space was even created within a range of one foot nearby.

With the sound of "go", the two-color light ball suddenly disappeared from the front, and then suddenly appeared not far behind Jiang Shuai, attacking his back.

It seems that Jiang Shuai also misassessed Yi Tian's strength, and he didn't realize how big a mistake he had made until the magic weapon appeared.After a teleportation, his figure was more than ten feet away from his original position, but the two-color light ball seemed to be firmly locked on it, and he also teleported there, and the speed was three points faster.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Jiang Shuai was also heartbroken and spit out two blood swords to stick directly on the natal spiritual weapon.I saw that the golden cone moved against the wind and quickly changed to the thickness of a bowl at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then directly faced the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel under Jiang Shuai's control.

With a bang, the entire floor of the side hall trembled several times, and the ground where the two spiritual weapons collided was deeply sunken.Before Jiang Shuai had time to be happy, he suddenly felt that the natal spirit weapon had lost contact with Shishi.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly seized the rare opportunity, and once again made seals with his hands towards the Moon Flame Wheel. In an instant, a cyan light separated from it and attacked Jiang Shuai.

A blood mist suddenly emerged from Jiang Shuai's body, and then his face became stiff, and his hands were raised straight up, and then an extremely stench came from him.

That Yuehuilun missed Jiang Shuai's hands and directly struck him, but made a series of creaking sounds.At this moment, Yi Tian's face changed, and he looked at Jiang Shuai very solemnly, only to see that his whole body's skin seemed to have lost its proper blood color and became extremely pale.

And the strength of the whole person has increased by more than two times in an instant, almost surpassing his current cultivation base.

Seeing such Yi Tian, ​​he still can't understand. It seems that Jiang Shuai has secretly switched to the practice of cultivating corpses a long time ago, and the sudden increase in strength is not a small price.I'm afraid that even if he escapes, he will be at the mercy of Cui Zhenzhen in the future.

After shaking his head, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the Sunshine Wheel. A golden light framed the two golden cones and flew towards Jiang Shuai's junior.After a bewildered sound, the golden wheel directly smashed a half-foot-sized pit on its back, and even the armor Jiang Shuai was wearing was directly shattered.In a blink of an eye, the skin exposed on his back slowly returned to its original state, with no scars visible.

He said with a jerky smile, "Originally, I was going to let Cui Zhenzhen deal with you, and then join forces to deal with He Tianxiong. But I don't know why you can still find this place, so don't leave, and stay to be my blood food Bar."

After saying that, the evil spirit of blood in the whole body suddenly appeared and wrapped the whole body, and then he stretched out his hands and kicked his feet and rushed towards Yi Tian.

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't show the slightest panic, he kicked his feet and flashed a distance of three feet to the rear, then pointed to the ground and called 'Get up'.

In an instant, the vines with the thick mouth of Yi Tian's bowl sprang out from the ground and entangled Jiang Shuai directly.It's impossible for these golden-armored corpses on the other side to force it, but restricting their actions is the best strategy.

The vines entangled Jiang Shuai's heels and then directly pulled him to the ground and dragged him on the ground. Yi Tianjian made a successful move and quickly knotted his hands again, muttering a word: "Swallow", and a ghost-faced flower opened blood The pot swallowed Jiang Shuai directly into the bud.

At this time, you can see a huge flower bud shaking violently in the middle of the side hall, but no matter how much Jiang Shuai inside attacks, he can't break through.

After a quarter of an hour, the vibration of the flower bud gradually became smaller and smaller, and then a golden light flashed out from the gap in the mouth of the ghost face flower.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, let out a cold snort, and with a flick of his hand, he pointed at the golden light and directly cast out a phantom thorn of divine consciousness spell on the spot.

After the golden light was concentrated by the phantom thorn, the speed slowed down immediately, and he saw the opportunity and grabbed the spirit body in the golden light, and stuffed it directly into the jade bottle that had been prepared earlier.

Needless to say, this spirit body is Jiang Shuai's Nascent Soul, whose body is trapped in the flower buds and is difficult to get rid of, so he prepares to escape from the Nascent Soul and wait for an opportunity to escape.He didn't expect to be caught, and it was all in his own mind to kill or cut.

After sealing the general's Nascent Soul, Yi Tiancai began to clean up the mess in front of him. To be honest, he never thought about killing Jiang Shuai directly, not to mention anything else, but his master Jiang Tiancheng would definitely not let him go.Moreover, there was still a lamp of his own life left in the Blood Fiend Cave, killing him was tantamount to telling Jiang Tiancheng the news.

After sorting out Jiang Shuai's luggage, he actually found a copy of 'Blood Fiend' and a copy of 'Blood Corpse' in it.Needless to say, one should be his natal exercise, and the other should be the corpse path exercise taken from Cui Zhenzhen.

Anyway, he had to deal with the flying female corpse next, so he immediately picked up the 'Blood Corpse Hundred Refining' and looked at it to find some clues to defeat the enemy.

An hour later, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, showed a little smile. Just now he comprehended this "Blood Corpse Hundred Refinements". 'Have the same purpose.

Both are based on condensing the blood energy of the whole body as inspiration, what is not used is that one is a humane practice and the other is a corpse.The reason why Jiang Shuai was able to change his skills so quickly was that he had obtained a drop of Cui Zhenzhen's heart and soul before, and he could quickly become a blood corpse by using this as a guide.

The advantage is that the body has been tempered and hardened, and the skill has doubled in an instant.But the shortcomings are also obvious. After the blood corpse transformation, he had to switch to the corpse cultivation method, and he used Cui Zhenzhen's heart and soul to guide him, so he will be firmly restrained by him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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