
Chapter 497

Chapter 497

In the atrium corridor of Wandao Tianyu City, Yi Tianzheng flew alone in mid-air, his face did not resolve the joy of Jiang Shuai at all, but now he was deeply worried.

There are too many people involved behind this matter, He Tianxiong, Cui Zhenzhen and even Huang Wanting are all involved.Fortunately, I still have Jiang Shuai's Nascent Soul on hand as a bargaining chip, and now it seems that it is most appropriate to hand it over to Cui Zhenzhen.

After thinking for a while, he took out a transparent jade bottle from the storage bag, which contained a drop of blood extracted from Jiang Shuai's body.This drop of blood was Cui Zhenzhen's painstaking effort to use for Jiang Shuai to transform the corpse, but unfortunately the latter was beheaded by himself before he had time to refine it.

Although I don't want to switch to the way of cultivating corpses, but with this thing in hand, I can restrain Cui Zhenzhen.In the classics of the Infernal Sect, it has been seen that the curse of bad luck is cast on people through the technique of blood penetration.

But at that time, I thought I couldn't use it, so I just took a rough look and ignored it.Now that you have encountered it, you should find a chance to try it, otherwise, if Cui Zhenzhen absorbs the blood of similar monks to strengthen himself, there must be a big enough threat to him one day.

In the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, if he, an outsider, wants to pull out the remnant forces of Yunxiao Pavilion and the current largest Zongmen, Tianyi City, by his own strength, it is tantamount to talking in a dream.

But fortunately, a heaven-sent opportunity lies ahead. The rise of the Blood Fiend Cave and the return of Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, undoubtedly disrupted the original situation in the Wandao sea area.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a resounding sound vibrating in the entire atrium, and the invisible sound waves could actually form ripples in the air.Even after Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air, was swept by the sound wave, he staggered and almost fell down.

The green and red qi in the dantian quickly circulated in the body for a week before he stabilized his figure in the air, and then he felt something was wrong in his heart.In such a situation, I don't know if there will be a sudden change in the atrium, and then I turned around and flew towards the direction of the sound.

After flying over for a while, I saw a red light flying towards the same direction as myself from a distance.After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that it was He Tianxiong. The next thought flashed in his mind, and he went to meet him.

After the two met in the air later, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a blood-red identity jade badge and threw it to He Tianxiong.The latter took the jade card and looked at it for a while, showing a happy smile on his face and said: "You Daoist Yi really keeps the promise, but I don't know what will happen to him in the end?"

To be honest, if Jiang Shuai's Nascent Soul was handed over to He Tianxiong, then he would not be holding back the opponent's cards.With a smile on his face, he replied: "Jiang Shuai fled to the depths of the atrium after escaping from Yuan Ying."

After hearing this, He Tianxiong's face showed a bit of confusion, but his words did not really convince him.

Yi Tian flipped his hand and took out a transparent jade bottle, threw it to He Tianxiong and said, "This is a drop of blood that Jiang Shuai asked Cui Zhenzhen to ask for, and it was used by him to turn to the way of cultivating corpses. I believe that with the help of the blood evil cave You can use the cultivation technique, maybe it can also have the effect of restraining the flying female corpse."

He Tianxiong took the jade bottle and scanned the drop of blood inside, only to see that it was as thick as ointment, and the spiritual power contained in it was extremely cold, it should be the heart blood of the lady.

After putting away the jade bottle, He Tianxiong asked again: "I want to go to the place where you guys fought, and I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi can point you in the right direction."

This shows that he still has thoughts about Jiang Shuai's Nascent Soul, Yi Tian didn't hide it and took out a blank jade slip to describe the exact position where Jiang Shuai was defeated before.

After putting away the jade slips, He Tianxiong thanked him and hurried towards that place, the two of them crossed each other and then separated.

Handling this matter well can be regarded as planting a nail in He Tianxiong's hands. Presumably, with He Tianxiong's ability and this drop of blood in his hand, there must be some troubles.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian continued to search for the origin of the sound wave, and checked the map after flying for a quarter of an hour, and he actually entered the second half of the atrium.This place has not been marked on the map, but as the flight gets closer, you can feel that the sound wave is getting stronger and stronger.

After half an hour, I came to a platform. At this time, no other monks arrived here, but Yitian knew that they would all arrive in a short time, especially Cui Zhenzhen, she was determined to go to the backyard, so as long as she waited a while Wait a moment to meet her.

Sure enough, when inspecting the spiral staircase in front of him, a powerful spiritual pressure came from the long corridor in the distance, and then he checked with his spiritual sense and found that the second person to arrive was that Cui Zhenzhen.

At this time, the spiritual power in her body seemed to be much stronger. It should be a monk who was murdered by her.Yi Tian was also a little drummed in his heart, and couldn't help thinking about whether he really wanted to cooperate with her.

The red escaping light came to this platform after a while mixed with some corpse aura, and then Cui Zhenzhen's figure appeared.Before Yi Tian could open his mouth, he asked Fang Fang directly: "Boy, did you kill Jiang Shuai?"

"Oh, why do you know that?" Yi Tian asked disdainfully.

"Among the monks who entered the atrium, only Huang Wanting, He Tianxiong and you have such abilities. The first two will never attack in order to avoid suspicion, so only you are the most likely to attack," Cui Zhenzhen said angrily.

Yi Tian said flatly: "How do you know that Jiang Shuai is dead, maybe he is nesting somewhere at this time and having a good time."

Cui Zhenzhen said with a sneer: "If it wasn't for some emergency, I believe Jiang Shuai would not take the initiative to turn to the dead body. From this, it can be seen that he must have been chased and killed as a last resort."

These were already expected in Yi Tian's mind, and he didn't pretend, he took out a jade tablet with a talisman on it and threw it to Cui Zhenzhen.

After the latter took the jade bottle, he gently lifted the talisman and penetrated his divine sense. After three breaths, the expression on his face became wonderful.Sighing, he turned to look up and down Yi Tiandao: "I didn't expect you to have so many tricks, so I became your accomplice."

"It doesn't matter what collusion is, everyone is just trading on an equal footing," Yi Tian continued: "I want to go to the backyard to get a piece of white jade lotus root, and you want the seven treasure golden lotus. Everyone's interests are consistent and do not conflict, why not cooperate."

Cui Zhenzhen sneered and said with a sneer: "Fellow Daoist cooperates with the slave family like this?" Then he put the talisman on the jade bottle back on and put it away, and then said: "I really don't like your style of dragging people into the water like this." I like it, but this Jiang Shuai is of great use to me, this time it is a favor from you, after entering the inner court, let's cooperate to get the treasure for the time being."

(End of this chapter)

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