
Chapter 501 The Secret of Buddhism

Chapter 501 The Secret of Buddhism

The Wandao Tianyu City usually lasts for a year in the Wandao waters. During this period, as long as the monks holding the Xuanyu Token can break through the layers of clouds and mists to find the hidden entrance under its guidance.

But this time Wandao Tianyu City actually only appeared in less than half a year before disappearing in the void.As long as the monks who went in were not fallen, they were all sent out directly.Among them were Cui Zhenzhen, Huang Wanting and He Tianxiong who entered the backyard.

Originally, the three of them were still struggling with the Mo Jiaolong, but suddenly a white light flashed and sent all three of them out.

This kind of situation has never happened before, but the three people standing in the air at this time are also terrified, and it is really indescribable to be teleported out suddenly.

If the fight continues and the outcome is unknown, but neither He Tianxiong nor Huang Wanting got the leaf petals of the Seven Treasure Golden Lotus, it was a waste of a great opportunity for the two of them.

On the contrary, Cui Zhenzhen took a slice in his hand and was regarded as the biggest winner.Then he turned around and smiled coquettishly at the two of them: "I don't have time to play with you, let's say goodbye to the little ghosts of the Blood Demon Palace and Yunxiao Pavilion." Execute the escape technique and leave.

He Tianxiong looked at Cui Zhenzhen who was going away with a little unwillingness and jealousy in his eyes, and then said to Huang Wanting: "Second City Lord, we all returned without success this time, and the Lebao that Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, wants to come to Wandao in the future. There will soon be third-party forces rising in the sea.”

Huang Wanting also said with a worried expression: "What Sect Master He said is very true. I will discuss this matter with my brothers and sisters after I go back. It seems that the sea area of ​​Wandao will not be very peaceful in the future." They each found their way back to the sect.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the secret room of the inner courtyard of Wandao Tianyu City, had no idea that the secret realm had been completely closed this time, and he rested for a period of time before replenishing the lost spiritual power in his body.

After sorting out his thoughts, Yi Tian also stood up slowly and picked up the Ye Mingzhu to illuminate the surroundings. After scanning his eyes, he found that this place looks like the scripture storage building of Yunxiao Pavilion.

On the stone wall in the middle is the portrait of the patriarch, and on both sides are some bookshelves for storing jade slips.However, after walking around, I found that there are few remaining jade slips on the shelf, and even the remaining jade slips are all foundation-building exercises.

However, Yi Tian put away all the jade slips on it one by one based on the principle of not letting go of them. These things are of no use to him, but if he takes them back to the Chiyang Sect, it will still be a fortune.

The shelf on the left is full of exercises, and the one on the right is the art of body training.However, the labels on the top are much less than those on the left. After shopping around, Yi Tian found a jade box with a seal in an inconspicuous corner.

Going forward, he picked up the jade box and put it in his hand to look at it, only to see that it says 'Buddha Sect Sun Crown Golden Sun Body' on it.At the moment, I was overjoyed that a body training technique I practiced many years ago was called 'Golden Sun Immortality', which was originally a remnant of Buddhist secret books.

I cultivated it all the way to the late stage of Jindan, and I couldn't continue. I was deeply regretful about this, because the advantage of "Golden Sun Immortal Body" is to temper the body to resist the catastrophe, which is exactly what I dream of.

It must be a chance given by God to be able to find the 'Buddha Sect Sun Crown Golden Sun Body' here now. If he doesn't do it right now, he wants to break the seal on the jade box directly.After scanning the jade box, I found that there were two jade slips inside, which were marked with 'Sun Corona' and 'Golden Sun' respectively. It turns out that this set of secret techniques is actually divided into two sets of formulas.

Thinking that he had practiced Jinyang body before, Yitian directly took out the jade slip marked 'Golden Yang' to refer to it.Half a moment later, I couldn't help but sighed. It turned out that the "Golden Yang Immortal Body" I practiced was actually a simplified version of the "Golden Yang Body".

If you follow the cultivation aid described here to add blood that requires yang-type spiritual pets, it is indeed more effective than using 'Spirit Yang Grass' before.

Moreover, this Jinyang Body Kungfu also mentions that anyone practicing the 'Golden Yang' Jue must be practiced together with the 'Crown' Jue, otherwise the physical skills will improve too quickly and one's own spiritual consciousness will not match up, but the limbs will become holey Strong in martial arts but weak in spirit.

Yi Tian read through another "Corona" tactic carefully. The first half of this tactic describes how to strengthen and temper one's consciousness, while the second half mentions how to condense the corona.

The mana condensed on weekdays forms a corona at the back of the head, and as the cultivation level continues to improve, this corona will accumulate a large amount of spiritual power.

According to the description in this spiritual formula, after cultivating to the extreme, you can create an incarnation for yourself by relying on the corona alone, and this corona is equivalent to a clone of yourself during the battle.

After reading this, Yi Tian sighed. With this corona, it is equivalent to insurance for himself, and having an incarnation outside the body during the battle is equivalent to two to one. The odds of winning are not as simple as one plus one equals two up.

But after looking at the method of cultivation, Yi Tian's face also became cloudy and uncertain. The cohesion of the "corona" cannot be completed overnight, and the method of reincarnation and recultivation of the Buddhist sect seems to be tailor-made for this purpose Generally, as long as the merit, karma, and cause and effect of previous lives are superimposed after reincarnation, it can be quickly condensed into a corona.

Although it seems impractical for Yi Tian himself to switch to the Buddhist sect's secret method, if he really wants to condense the corona, there is a way.At the end of the reading, Yi Tian finally showed a little joy on his face. The way to practice corona without reincarnation lies in entering the world.

Try to find a way to experience life, old age, sickness and death, love and hate, resentment and parting, and the seven sufferings of not getting what you want in the world.

Now that I am still entangled in mundane affairs, I can think of a way to enter the world and practice for a hundred years after I get rid of these things. First, I can sharpen my state of mind, and later I can also try to practice this golden body art.

After putting away these jade slips, Yi Tian took out the jade box that stored the white jade lotus root, opened it and took out one for a closer look. The lotus root dug out from the mud at the bottom of the pond was black in appearance, and the word "white jade" It doesn't matter at all.

But Yi Tian also knew that Qi Shanyun would not lie to himself, this three-foot-long lotus root segment weighed about a thousand catties in his hand.

Stretch out your right hand and point it towards the black lotus root after cleaning. In less than three breaths, you can see the mud residue on it falling off the lotus root like a molting skin.

After the dirt was removed, the white jade-like long lotus root was exposed, and then another gourd painted in the same way was removed to clean it.

The two lotus roots are three feet long, Yi Tian took out the jade box and put one of them in it and pasted a talisman on the outside to preserve the spiritual power.

The other one cut off a section with the Taiyuan sword, put it in his mouth, took a bite and chewed, a cold spiritual power flowed directly from his throat to his stomach in an instant, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly put away the rest However, he sat cross-legged and practiced silently to refine the spiritual power in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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