
Chapter 502 Scapegoat

Chapter 502 Scapegoat

Ever since Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City was shut down suddenly ten years ago, the Ten Thousand Islands sea area has not been peaceful. First, Jiang Tiancheng from the Blood Fiend Cave suddenly made a comeback. The reason is that his lover Jiang Shuai was trapped somewhere.

According to gossip from an insider, it is said that the last time Jiang Shuai walked was in the atrium of Wandao Tianyu City. At that time, besides He Tianxiong and Huang Wanting, there were two Nascent Soul cultivators who saw him appear.

Although Jiang Tiancheng was doubtful after seeking evidence, he still searched everywhere to find Jiang Shuai's whereabouts. Unfortunately, he has been running around for more than ten years without any results.

Another piece of news is about the sudden rise of Cui Zhenzhen, the ancestor of the Corpse Sect ten years ago, the flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen. Immediately, the overlords Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto in the north and south of the entire Wandao sea area were all in operation, and the sea area where the Corpse Sect was located Attachments are completely blocked.

It's a pity that the monks of the Corpse Guard faction were determined to break through. After a few small battles, the Blood Fiend Cave lost again and again, and it is said that some high-level golden armored corpses gradually appeared in the camp of the Corpse Guard faction. They are all monks who went to encircle and suppress.

Faced with such a fueling tactic, Xuesha Grotto obviously felt that the gain outweighed the loss, and finally had no choice but to designate the [-]-mile sea area around the Yushi faction as a restricted area.

In addition, there are gossip rumors that among the monks who entered Wandao Tianyu City, there was a monk named Yi Tian at the beginning of the Nascent Soul. released in.

There are several versions of the rumors, but almost all point the finger at Yi Tian himself. Unfortunately, no one has seen this person since Wandao Tianyu City disappeared.

However, in those black markets, you can still see the picture of this person, and there was a mysterious buyer who offered a bonus of 1000 million spirit stones to buy this person's head, and the person who provided the information could also get 300 million spirit stones.

Yi Tian was involved in each of these matters, but as the person concerned, he was still practicing hard in the Buddhist scripture pavilion in the Wandao Tianyu City.

In fact, Yi Tian himself was very helpless, he was locked in the Sutra Pavilion several times and could not come out, and finally had to sit cross-legged and start to practice.The effect of that section of white jade lotus root is remarkable, and one bite is worth ten years of meditation.

After Jiang Yitian finished eating a piece of white jade lotus root, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power in his lower dantian was close to saturation, and the pure spiritual power had been circulating in the body for three weeks, and the original spiritual power was washed away again. again.

As he sat cross-legged in the middle of the Sutra Pavilion and continuously circulated his spiritual power, he could clearly feel that the bottleneck in the mid-Yuanying period was being gradually broken away.You don't have to force yourself to go out right away when you get this opportunity, you just sit up cross-legged and keep your five hearts facing the sky to start practicing.

This cycle of heaven not only purifies the spiritual power, but also slowly fuses the real fire of the five elements of life and the Nanming Lihuo handed down by the ancestor of Lihuo.It is more accurate to say that it is swallowed rather than fused. At the beginning of the period, the two groups of real fire in the hands of the Nascent Soul still refused to give in to each other.

But after all, Nanming Lihuo is an outsider, and has no roots here. It took Yi Tian a long time to transform it into a soft white fireball, and then he used his own real fire to slowly extract it from it and blend it in. , After finishing this process, it feels like a hundred years have passed.

Standing up to see that the water source in the time-keeping floor drain on the side had run out, he couldn't help being shocked and said, "This Nanming Lihuo is really overbearing. According to the time-keeping hourglass, it seems that nearly a hundred years have passed. Didn't you miss the boat back to Tianlan Continent!"

After three breaths, Yi Tian's face became dumbfounded, and then he sighed and gave a wry smile.It turns out that I have already crossed that bottleneck unknowingly and achieved the mid-stage cultivation of the Nascent Soul. As the saying goes, one can know that it is not a blessing. This way, it saves me a lot of troubles, but it creates a lot of troubles.

After searching around in this small room, he couldn't find any mechanism, then Yi Tian walked slowly to the mural and stared at it for a while, suddenly a thought flashed in his mind.

This painting is a bit different from the mural in Yunxiao Pavilion. If you really want to say where the difference is, you won't be able to find it for a while, but you can feel that the flawless and experienced eyes seem to be staring at something in front of you.

Following his gaze, he saw a bottle of incense burner, and immediately Yi Tian cursed secretly in his heart: "I really don't understand etiquette, but any disciple of Yunxiao Pavilion who comes here to see his ancestor must first offer incense, and then kneel down three times Kowtow to salute, if you care about it, you will forget about it."

Immediately, he took out three sandalwoods and lit them, bowed to the mural, and then inserted the sandalwoods into the incense burner one at a time.Then he walked slowly to the incense burner and bowed to the Lihuo Patriarch and Wuxia Taoist on the murals.

After kneeling three times and prostrating nine times, he suddenly saw a flash of light on the periphery of the incense burner, and then shot a white light straight on the stone wall directly behind.After hearing the sound of 'Kaka', a five-foot-high stone door appeared on the originally empty stone wall.

Overjoyed, Yi Tian walked up slowly and pushed the door open. At first glance, there was a halo of light inside and he didn't know where to go, but it seemed that there was only one way out in front of him, so he raised his foot and stepped into it without much thought.

With a 'plop', Yi Tian felt as if his body lost control after stepping into the light gate, and then he kept falling, and his feet landed on the ground after ten breaths.

After a burst of dizziness in his head, Kankan opened his eyes, looked around and found that this place was a dark cave.Immediately, he hurriedly took out the Ye Mingzhu to illuminate the surroundings. Yi Tian turned his head and saw that there was a stone wall engraved with a formation pattern directly behind him, which should be the exit of the Cangjing Pavilion in Tianyu City of Unicom.

Turning his head and holding the Ye Mingzhu high to illuminate the passage ahead, he realized that the road ahead seemed to be slowly sloping upwards. Yi Tian couldn't help but want to walk forward directly.

Walking along the way, Yi Tian found that the direction was constantly going up, and the stone walls of the passage seemed to have been dug by hand.A quarter of an hour later, when he walked to the end of the passage, he saw a closed stone door in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to push the stone door, which remained motionless.

Turning to look around the Shimen, he didn't find any mechanism, Yi Tian immediately became suspicious and said: "Qi Shanyun should have calculated the way out, this stone door should not look like there is any mechanism locked, but I don't know. Why can't it be opened?"

After trying a few more times, Yi Tian finally understood that it was not the problem inside the stone gate, but the outside was blocked.Qi Shanyun would never have imagined that the way out he designed would be blocked outside after thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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