
Chapter 503 Mu Yunyan

Chapter 503 Mu Yunyan

There are three large-scale spiritual veins under the sub-island of Tianyi City, and their converging point is the place where Zi Wushang, the lord of Tianyi City, lives for pure cultivation.But outsiders will definitely not know that it is in this cave that there lives a stunning female cultivator in the early Yuanying period, Mu Yunyan, who was once well-known in the Wandao sea area.

Although this person can move freely in the cave, but whenever he tries to open the cave door, he will be forced back by an invisible force.Moreover, a halo flashed across this female cultivator's body from time to time. If she looked carefully, she could find that it was a spirit sealing restriction, and her cultivation base was completely sealed, and her spiritual power could not be lifted at all.

The person who was able to enter Zi Wushang's Cave Mansion was also his daughter Zi Yuan. At this time, in the hall of the cave, Zi Yuan and the beautiful woman were seen sitting opposite each other, as if they were chatting about the recent anecdotes that appeared in Wan Li Hai.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the depths of the cave, interrupting the two people who were talking. Zi Yuan asked with a puzzled face, "Aunt Yun, does father's cave have any spiritual pets?"

After hearing this, Mu Yunyan frowned slightly and said, "I've been everywhere in this cave, but I've never seen such a thing happen." Immediately, she stood up and took Zi Yuan to look for the source of the sound.

Shaoqing and the two found an abandoned storage room deep in the cave, and listened carefully to the sound of 'bang bang' coming from the wall behind the stone room.

Immediately after the two of them glanced at each other, they both realized that there was a problem here, and Mu Yunyan's cultivation was all sealed and unable to fight against the enemy.And Ziyuan is only at the peak of Jindan mid-stage, even so she took out a spirit sword in her hand and was ready to go.

I only heard the sound of 'bang bang' suddenly became more urgent, and a crack began to crack on the stone wall, and then it became bigger and bigger.

With a 'bang' sound, a stone door suddenly appeared on the front stone wall, and then a blue light emerged from it. Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Ziyuan directly raised the spirit sword in her hand and struck towards the blue light.

With a 'click', Ziyuan's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the move she was about to launch was blocked in an instant.Then the spirit sword was cut in half by Qing Guang on the spot.

Mu Yunyan was still knowledgeable, and hurriedly pulled Zi Yuan back and pushed her away, ready to flee.She could clearly see that the blue light was obviously a high-level spirit sword, and the monk who could appear here inexplicably couldn't possibly be here to drop by.

The two of them acted quickly, but they still couldn't catch up with the blue light that came out of the door. With a sound of 'whoosh', the blue light rushed ahead of them and blocked the way out.

After three breaths, a monk in his 20s appeared in the blue light, glanced at the two of them, and suddenly said, "Ziyuan, why are you here?"

Mu Yunyan and Ziyuan were still waiting for each other, but after this question, the two of them also showed strange expressions on their faces.Mu Yunyan still had a vigilant expression, but after seeing the other party's appearance, Ziyuan called out directly: "Brother Yi, why did you come out from here?"

It was Yi Tian who forcibly broke through the back of the stone gate and directly broke into Zi Wushang's old lair.In fact, Yi Tian also thought about opening a new path to rush out before, but the stone walls on both sides of the passage were obviously strengthened, no matter how he used the spirit sword to dig, he could only leave a mark of about three inches on the stone wall.

On the contrary, after the pattern pattern on the stone gate was deciphered, Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan sword and broke through the gate directly.

Seeing that it was Yi Tian, ​​Ziyuan felt relieved, put away the spirit weapon, and then explained it to Mu Yunyan. After hearing this, the latter showed a little strange look in his eyes, and asked later: "Why did you follow the concubine? If you come out from the depths of your body's cave, is there any secret way in here?"

Yi Tian scanned the opponent and thought for a while, and without answering, he stretched out his right hand and tapped Shimen a few times.In an instant, all the stones on the ground were moved back, and after ten breaths, the stone wall was restored to its original state, and it could not be seen that it was broken from the inside just now.

Then he sneered and said: "This fellow Taoist has been trapped for hundreds of years, it looks like you were forcibly captured and brought back as a Taoist companion."

After hearing this, Mu Yunyan was taken aback, and suddenly a blue light flashed in front of her eyes, and then she found that Yi Tian was already standing on the left side, looking at it with a strange smile on her face.

Zi Yuan hurriedly said, "Aunt Yun is a divination master invited by my father, she was definitely not brought back by force."

Yi Tian just shook his head. Facts speak louder than words. Immediately, his hands quickly formed a seal on his chest, and then he tapped the seal on Mu Yunyan's body a few times.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the golden light around Mu Yunyan slowly faded away, and the fluctuation of her spiritual power instantly rose to the initial stage of Nascent Soul.

Before Ziyuan could react, she saw Mu Yunyan move her hand to trap her, and then she became dizzy and closed her eyes before losing consciousness.

Yi Tian on the side also frowned, wanting to say something but unable to ask.

A moment later, Mu Yunyan was seen lifting Ziyuan up, and then walked out of the cave with her in her arms.Yi Tian was about to catch up to see what happened, and suddenly Mu Yunyan's voice transmission came from his ear: "I thank the Taoist friend for helping you out of trouble, please wait in the hall of the cave for a while, let me arrange Ziyuan before we talk."

After doing so, he felt relieved, and then he walked to the front hall of the cave, found a seat and sat down on his own.

It didn't take a while to see Mu Yunyan coming out from the back of the passage, and then said a blessing to Yi Tian: "Friend Daoist solved my century-old misfortune this time, I am also very grateful."

"Is this really the cave of Zi Wushang, the lord of the Yi City?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"That's true, but I don't know how you got in?" Mu Yunyan replied suspiciously.

In this way, Yi Tian did not hide anything and directly explained how he came here, in which he just skipped everything about the Sutra Pavilion.But after thinking about it, he ran into Zi Wushang's quiet room for no reason, if he was bumped into by others, it would be hard to argue.

After a pause, he still asked: "If fellow Daoist Mu wants to get out of trouble, why don't you go out with me, if Zi Wushang comes back and bumps into you, wouldn't it be a waste of joy."

But Mu Yunyan smiled sweetly and said: "Don't worry, friend Daoist, it was Zi Wushang who asked his daughter to accompany me because he had something important to do. I think he won't come back in three to five months." He looked at Yi Tian with a strange face.

Seeing that she was a little hairy, Yi Tian asked directly: "Why do fellow Taoists look down on me so much, have we met before?"

Mu Yunyan shook her head and said: "I haven't met, but I have seen the pictures of fellow Taoists. It seems that Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave are looking for you, saying that you plotted against Jiang Shuai and collaborated with Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, and Tianyi City. , Blood Fiend Cave is the enemy."

After hearing this, Yi Tian sneered and replied: "Why plot against Jiang Shuai, I killed him head-on. As for Cui Zhenzhen, I just had a private agreement with me to deal with He Tianxiong."

(End of this chapter)

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