
Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Tianyi City has not been peaceful recently. Originally, the forbidden island was a place that ordinary people could not enter without permission. Unexpectedly, three days ago, a protective array was suddenly activated from inside.

Witnessed by many monks in Tianyi City, a white spiritual light broke out from the formation, and then directly broke through the outer multi-layer defenses and fled towards the depths of the Wandao sea area.

After the white light disappeared into the sky, the alarm bells of the entire Tianyi City rang out, and the elders of the Nascent Soul stage also remained silent and did not make any statement.The main city lord, Zi Wushang, was not stationed there, and the second city lord, Huang Wanting, was also practicing in seclusion. In the end, the third city lord, Lan Bing, had to come out to preside over the overall situation.

Half a day later, the City Lord's Mansion ordered the whole city to lift the law, and the major businesses returned to their original state, doing what they should do. As for the matter of the white light breaking the ban, it was suppressed just like that.

At this time, Yi Tian in Tianyi City changed his appearance and walked on the street, muttering in his heart, "Mu Yunyan is really strong, and after she broke the restriction of Ziwushang's cave, she left behind the jade token of communication." Busily broke through three or four island chain defense lines and fled to the depths of the Wandao sea area. '

Thinking about it, the people of Tianyunmen still know a lot about their ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and there must be a reason for their mistake and capture a hundred years ago.

Mu Yunyan also has a good impression of Zi Yuanxin, if she hadn't come to accompany her from time to time, the life of captivity for the past hundred years would have been more or less fun.So before he left, he didn't put any restrictions on him, but just used a little bit of divine sense to erase the part where Yi Tian appeared in his memory.

But what makes Yi Tian feel the most uncomfortable at the moment is that among the many notices at the wanted column of the city gate of Tianyi City, the one with the highest reward bonus is actually himself.

I heard Mu Yunyan mention this before, and I didn't care about it at first, but after what she said, I used the Thousand Faces Technique to change my face before I dared to walk on the street unscrupulously.

Thinking about it, He Tianxiong had made the most of his relationship with him. After quitting Wandao Tianyu City, he even accused himself of killing Jiang Shuai.

Moreover, Huang Wanting also thought she was not pleasing to the eye, otherwise why would she post the reward notice here in such a big way.You must know that it is rare to offer a reward for a Nascent Soul cultivator, and most of the people coming and going in the city are just watching the excitement.

But even this has brought him a lot of trouble, at least he can't easily show his true colors to others.

Staying in Tianyi City is also Yi Tian's own consideration. First of all, there is no better place to stay after wandering for a while.Secondly, I can't always rely on Mu Yunyan's transmission channel, and the sea-going ship Jibaozhai is also a good choice.

In the end, although Zi Wushang and Mu Yunyan made up their minds to make a calculation, after leaving Tianyi City, it would be difficult to really find a chance to make a move.

The biggest benefit of staying is that no matter how great Zi Wushang and Jiang Tiancheng are, they would never have imagined that I would still be recuperating under their noses.It can also avoid the eyes and ears of He Tianxiong and Huang Wanting. As for Cui Zhenzhen and the hostages in hand, he can make good use of them.

Now I am determined not to go directly to the branch of Qibaozhai to find the shopkeeper to inquire about the ocean fleet. I am so wanted and I don't know if the other party is willing to offend the actual authority of Tianyi City in order to cover up.

After walking around the city for a short time, I felt two powerful spiritual pressures approaching here on the sea far away from Tianyi City, and it would take me a while to reach Tianyi City.Yi Tian hurriedly put away his spiritual consciousness and temporarily suppressed his cultivation base in the foundation building stage.

The person who came must be a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and there was no one else who dared to fly so recklessly except the city lord Zi Wushang.But Yi Tian clearly felt that another wave of spiritual pressure fluctuations was not weaker than Zi Wushang, and the answer should obviously be Jiang Tiancheng from the Blood Fiend Cave.

I didn't expect the two of them to come together, it seems that the conspiracy is not small.Yi Tian didn't dare to reveal the slightest flaw for fear of showing his feet, and after a while, the two spiritual pressure fell directly on the vice island.

Before Yi Tian could relax, a powerful spiritual force suddenly came directly from the vice island and covered Tianyi City with a radius of three or four hundred miles.

Almost everyone on the street was swept over by that divine sense, and Yi Tian didn't dare to take it too seriously, and let the divine sense pass by him as if nothing happened.

After ten breaths, the entire Tianyi City returned to its original state, and Yi Tian thought to himself, "It should be that after Zi Wushang came back, he found that the beauty in his cave had gone to get angry and had nowhere to vent his anger." '

Since he wanted to stay here, he had to find a place to go, so he walked all the way to the western half of Tianyi City.This is an area that provides caves for casual cultivators. The biggest benefit of choosing to hide here is that you can monitor Zi Wushang and Huang Wanting's movements from time to time among a group of low-ranking cultivators.

Half a day later, Yi Tian got a token of a high-level Foundation Establishment Cave Mansion. After a little searching, he found that the exact location was on a mountain peak in the west area, and his vision was facing the Vice Island of Tianyi City. He stood at the gate of the cave mansion. You can have a clear view of the surrounding area of ​​​​the sub-island except for the prohibition that cannot be seen through.

Then he hurriedly went in and closed the cave door, opened the restriction and pretended to retreat, but when he came to the cave, he found that the spiritual energy here was very thin, not even comparable to his own spirit gathering array.

Sitting on the ground, he took out several materials and a double-headed dragon's eyeball, and looked at these materials with a strange smile on Yi Tian's face.Then only a trace of flame lit up, and then began to refine the spirit weapon.

Seven days later, when the cave door was opened again, a three-inch ball-like spiritual weapon slowly floated out of the cave door, and then a cyan mana surrounded it, slowly activating it and sinking into the cave. In the ban.

After seeing that the spiritual weapon was in place, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and went back into the cave, closing the stone door tightly and opening the restriction again.

Back in the cave, Yi Tian couldn't wait to test the effect of his spirit weapon, sat cross-legged in the spirit-gathering array again, took out a jade tablet in his hand, and shot several formulas towards it, after which a beam of white light shot out directly Mapped onto a stone wall.

In this image, one can clearly observe the situation within a hundred miles around the Vice Island overlooking the entire Tianyi City from the entrance of the cave.

Although the spirit weapon refined this time is the seventh-level dragon eye, the grade has only reached the top level of the fifth level. It is purely for surveillance and refining the "eye of true sight".
Yi Tian used it for surveillance, and considering that there was no substitute for low-level treasures at hand, he had no choice but to use it.

In this way, even if he stays at home, he can fully control the overall situation, and even the movements of any Nascent Soul cultivator cannot escape his surveillance.

(End of this chapter)

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