
Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Tianyi City has become very busy in the past seven or eight years, and the number of foreign monks coming and going has increased a lot, and the elixir, spiritual weapons, and even precious materials on the market have gradually become scarce.

Interested people began to hoard all kinds of materials in private, and everyone knew in their hearts that it was probably another disturbance in the Wandao sea area.Thinking about it, the most unstable factor in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area is the sudden rise of the Royal Corpse Sect. Judging from its posture, it seems that the two sides are about to engage in a big battle.

Yi Tian also saw all these things through the "Eye of True Sight" outside the cave, until one day many years later, he suddenly saw that the law enforcement team in Yi City seemed to be starting to recruit strong men.

But all the shops that open shops in Tianyi City need to send monks to report to the city lord's mansion more or less.And those casual cultivators on the street were directly stopped by the law enforcement team and then forcibly dragged to the city lord's mansion.

Not only that, even those casual cultivators who rented caves in the west district for retreat were directly interrupted by the law enforcement team one by one.There are as many as a hundred of those casual cultivators' caves, and the strength of the casual cultivators who come out of them are also of different levels, ranging from those in the Jindan realm of the Foundation Establishment Dao.

But the law enforcement team was led by a Nascent Soul cultivator, who seemed to be an elder from Tianyi City, so even if the casual cultivators inside were angry, they didn't dare to get angry in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Yi Tian took a look at this group of people who began to knock on doors like a carpet from the bottom of the mountain, and they would find themselves in a few hours at this speed.At that moment, I smiled in my heart, since Zi Wushang made such a bad move, then I might as well mix it up and see what he wants to do.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hands and made a seal on his chest to use the Thousand Faces Technique to instantly change his face in his 20s into that of a 30-year-old Confucian scholar.

Then he directly suppressed his cultivation to the late stage of foundation establishment, and gained a better understanding of his own aura since he advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.The spiritual pressure control is far superior to the past. Although I don't know if the Nascent Soul cultivator can detect it, Yi Tian also wants to try it.

It didn't take long to hear the sound of the ban coming from outside the door, and Yi Tian immediately stood up and walked slowly to the entrance of the cave to open the ban.Outside was a group of members of the Law Enforcement Team of Tianyi City, headed by a Golden Core cultivator.

Maybe the elder Nascent Soul would only show up for those golden core casual cultivators, and as for these foundation building stage monks, just send a golden core stage deacon to recruit them.

After waiting for the people from the law enforcement team to explain the situation later, Yi Tian cleaned up the cave according to their requirements and ran directly to gather outside the law enforcement point of Tianyi City.

Along the way, I found that many monks looked worried, and some well-informed people communicated in private.Yi Tian didn't avoid suspicion, and after inquiring a few places, he found out that the large number of casual cultivators recruited by the Tianyi City law enforcement point this time was to form a conquest coalition army with the Blood Fiend Grotto.

The two parties seem to have agreed to attack the Corpse Guard faction from both the north and the south at the same time, intending to eradicate its power.

The reason is that Cui Zhenzhen, the patriarch of the corpse sect, has expanded the sect's territory aggressively since he came out of Wandao Tianyu City.Moreover, all the monks who went to attack the other side were refined into war corpses after being killed or captured alive.

Especially in recent years, I heard that Zi Wushang led the monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to encircle and suppress.As a result, Cui Zhenzhen evaded and did not fight, and used refined corpses to attack the continuous logistics army everywhere, playing tricks on the conquering troops.

In the sea area where the Royal Corpse Sect was located, an extremely powerful formation was also set up, and even the Elder Yuanyingqi who was sent by the Loose Cultivation Alliance to conquer was trapped in it.

Zi Wushang seemed to have done a futile effort, and finally had to withdraw the large army as a last resort.Yi Tian also understood the next thing, Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto both reached an agreement to prepare for a north-south pincer attack and hit the superior force to directly strangle Cui Zhenzhen within the range controlled by the Corpse Guards.

After knowing the details, Yi Tian also sneered at this, if Cui Zhenzhen was so good at dealing with Qi Shanyun back then, he would not have trapped him with the crystal coffin.In terms of strength, neither Zi Wushang nor Jiang Tiancheng is his opponent, only the combination of the two sides has a chance of winning.

After running to the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianyi City and receiving a jade plaque, Yi Tian was told that all foundation-building casual cultivators would take assault boats to the outpost in three days.This period of time is considered as a pre-departure preparation for everyone. Everyone can go to the shops in Tianyi City to replenish the materials and treasures they need, but they are not allowed to go out of the city.

After three days, if they cannot arrive at the assembly point on time, the law enforcement team will come to find someone, and then they will be directly incorporated into the first attack formation.Yi Tian knew in his heart that this must be the cannon fodder team.

At the moment, he didn't take it seriously and just took the jade card and went straight to Qibaozhai's shop. He still had an agreement with Gu Baichuan back then, but he didn't know what happened to him now.If this line is broken, I have no choice but to find other ways to return to Tianlan Continent.

It didn't take a while to come to the branch shop of Qibaozhai. At this time, there was a crowd of people here, and most of the people who came were casual cultivators.After Yi Tian walked into the store, he found that there were several customers standing in front of each counter, and listening to their conversations, they were all buying precious materials.

Now that the situation is unclear, these low-level casual cultivators are also planning ahead and trying to leave as much security as possible for themselves.

As soon as he entered the store, Yi Tian directly ordered the boy to meet with the shopkeeper Gu Baichuan, but the boy didn't take it seriously when he saw that he was a foundation cultivator.But when Yi Tian took out the token that Gu Baichuan had given back then, the boy's expression changed and he hurriedly took it up to the second floor.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I came to the depths of the corridor in the rear compartment. This is a quiet living room. After entering, Yi Tian sat down directly.After waiting for half a moment, there was a sound of 'acridine' on the door, and then Gu Baichuan walked in with a tired face.

When he came in, he saw the face of the visitor, but his expression was fixed, and as Yi Tian removed the Thousand Faces Technique to reveal his true face, Gu Baichuan showed a look of joy on his face, then he raised his hand and opened a soundproof barrier, and then laughed: "Yi Fellow Daoist, I knew that you would not fall so easily, are those arrest warrants at the gate of the city real?"

Yi Tian also nodded with a smile and replied: "Half-truth, half-false, but it seems that Qibaozhai is also implicated in this incident."

Gu Baichuan shook his head helplessly and said: "Not necessarily, this time the two city lords, Zi Wushang and Huang Wanting, respectively lead two warships from Tianyi City to participate in the battle, and I, Qibaozhai, cannot escape being in the whirlpool."

"The fellow daoist is also on the list of players?" Yi Tian asked.

Gu Baichuan shook his head and said: "As the big shopkeeper of Qibaozhai here, I have no reason to go to war, but this marching support is indispensable, and the profit that will be handed over to the city lord's mansion for a full sixty years is barely enough to keep the current business. scale."

"Then Zi Wushang won't let anyone off the ground, knowing that you merchants are rich enough to take advantage of the opportunity to encircle and suppress the Royal Corpse Sect to make money," Yi Tian joked.

The fat on Gu Baichuan's face visibly twitched when he heard this, and then he changed the subject and asked, "What do you think the victory will be in this battle?"

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian replied: "In my opinion, the combination of Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto may not be the opponent of Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse. This battle will eventually turn into a long-lasting tug-of-war."

"Then how can I, Qibaozhai, get along here?" Gu Baichuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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