
Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Sitting on the assault boat in Tianyi City, Yi Tian thought about the next trend of this battle along the way.I chatted with Gu Baichuan for a while in Qibaozhai before, and got a deeper understanding of the situation in Tianyi City recently.Although those monks who stayed in Tianyi City avoided going to the front line in person, they did not lose all kinds of resources.

This time, Zi Wushang took advantage of the joint battle to squeeze all the forces in Tianyi City, and then formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the forces of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

It is believed that Jiang Tiancheng's Blood Fiend Cave will not be outdone and will unite with many forces in the southern archipelago. At that time, both the South and the North will make efforts to uproot the Corpse Guard faction controlled by Cui Zhenzhen.

But after thinking about it, I am also extremely unfavorable to the two parties. Although it is a temporary intention to join forces, everyone has their own little calculations, and this battle is not easy to fight.

But Yi Tian still thinks that Cui Zhenzhen will not sit still, and her ability and knowledge are more than enough to face the two forces at the same time.

Turning his head and scanned the monks sitting around, he found that they were basically in the foundation-building period, and those monks who were golden core were sitting in the cabin at the moment.This time Tianyi City dispatched a total of two warships and three assault boats, and Zi Wushang and Huang Wanting should be on top of the battleships leading the way at this moment.

Most of the casual cultivators who were forcibly pulled from Tianyi City were crowded in the three assault boats behind.

The flight was extremely fast along the way, and Yi Tian couldn't help thinking that if he had such a warship, he could drive it back to Tianlan Continent.

As long as the energy supply can be guaranteed, they will not be afraid of the trouble of accidentally intruding into the territory of the Sea Clan.

After flying in the air for a few days, the airship finally lowered slowly. Yi Tian stood up and looked into the distance, and found that the airship in front had landed in the port of an island below.

Looking further into the distance, there is a cloudy sea. After taking out the chart and checking it, Yi Tian was startled.This place is still [-] miles away from the hinterland of the Zongmen of the Corpse Guard Sect. It seems that the Corpse Guard Sect under Cui Zhenzhen has developed extremely fast in the past few years.

And I remember that I passed by this place back then and never saw such a scene. Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a few golden core monks walked out of the cabin and shouted to everyone on the deck: "Everyone is in front of you. In this large formation, except for some special exercises, the power of the other humane exercises will be greatly weakened, but the power of the corpse way exercises will increase by more than [-]%."

The casual cultivators present all showed a little timid expression on their faces, and a few of them were really eager to try, and the more this was the case, the higher the rate of return.Tianyi City paid a high price this time, as long as anyone who can kill a disciple of the same level as the Corpse Guard Sect can go to the Law Enforcement Team to receive corresponding rewards with the Jade Card of his sect status.

While others were whispering to each other, Yi Tian was standing on the side of the ship with a glint of blue light in his eyes, scanning the situation on the two warships in front.With Zi Wushang present, Yi Tian didn't dare to blatantly extend his spiritual consciousness, and there was Huang Wanting beside him.

Although both of them are Yunxiao Yumao, the advantages and disadvantages of their skills have already been learned from Yunxiao Ao Jue, presumably Cui Zhenzhen also knows them from the bottom up.

Suddenly a powerful spiritual consciousness came from the distant sea, its strength was not weaker than that of Zi Wushang.Yi Tian turned around and saw a red ray of light flying rapidly from the sky, and after a while passed by three assault boats from Tianyi City, it landed directly on the warboat Huang Wanting was riding on.

The opponent didn't deliberately hide his aura, so many monks present felt the strong evil spirit and the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the Nascent Soul stage.

Although most of the foundation-building monks around recognized the Nascent Soul monk in the escaping light, they couldn't tell what level this person's cultivation had reached.

In the early years, Yi Tian had dealt with He Tianxiong of the Blood Fiend Cave, so he knew his aura very well.

And the person who came today is obviously not inferior to He Tianxiong in strength, needless to say, this must be Jiang Tiancheng, the real manipulator behind the scenes of the Blood Fiend Cave.

Before the battle, this person came here with great fanfare and met with the second city lord Huang Wanting first, it seemed that Zi Wushang didn't take Zi Wushang seriously.

When I was young, I saw two rays of light rising from Huang Wanting's war boat, and then flew directly to Zi Wushang's boat.

It was obvious that the Nascent Soul cultivators of the two parties were preparing to hold a battle meeting, but Jiang Tiancheng's approach was a bit intriguing.It didn't take long to see a few monks flying out of Zi Wushang's boat and directly flew to the main cabins of the three assault boats behind. About half an hour later, I saw the main cabin door was opened. The law enforcement elders of the city came out slowly.

The leader looked around at the group of casual cultivators on the lower deck, and then raised his Qi luck and said, "Fellow Taoists, City Master Zi has ordered you to dive into the dark clouds ahead immediately, and to kill anyone who encounters a corpse that obstructs you. "

As soon as I finished speaking, no one responded to the casual cultivators on the deck. It was obvious that they were going to be sent to death.

Seeing that the response from the crowd was not high, another law enforcement elder stood up and said: "City Master Zi has ordered that the corpse pill be used as a reward condition for this battle. As long as you can pay a corpse pill for a bronze armored corpse after the battle, you and other foundation-building monks will be rewarded." It can be exempted from working in Tianyi City for ten years, and can also be leased as a ten-year blessed land cave. And it has priority over those monks who use spirit stones to pay."

Now, there are quite a few casual cultivators on the entire deck who started to whisper to each other, and more of them were silently communicating with each other through sound transmission. It seemed that they were interested in what they said.

Seeing this, the law enforcement elder said: "After the development is over, all the products in all shops in Tianyi City will be settled with corpse pills first. To be honest, even if you have spirit stones, it will not be easy to use."

As soon as Yi Tian said this, he secretly admired Zi Wushang for being able to think of this idea to arouse the enthusiasm of casual cultivators. He thought that under the order of the law enforcement team of Tianyi City, those shops would not dare to openly disobey Zi Wushang's warrant.

Then, as long as these corpse pills are converted into the shop rent of those shops, Zi Wushang can be said to have solved all the follow-up problems without bloodshed, and the cost can be minimized after the war.

Then I saw members of the law enforcement team distributing pre-war supplies in the four corners of the assault boat deck. Those supplies were not free, and monks usually had to buy them out of their own pockets.If there are not enough spirit stones, it doesn't matter, just sign the contract on the spot and use the corpse pills collected after the war to pay back.

For a while, there was a crowd of people around, and those low-level monks seized the last supply time to fully arm themselves.Yi Tian understood Zi Wushang's intention with a glance, and he began to put the value of the corpse pill on the table.

Tianyi City is not afraid that those casual cultivators will not admit it, anyway, these things are just low-level spiritual weapons.Even if it is a third-level spiritual weapon for a corpse pill of a bronze armored corpse, it is not a bad deal.

(End of this chapter)

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