
Chapter 508

Chapter 508

The encirclement and suppression battle between Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto started shortly after the summit meeting between the two sides. Tianyi City's side sailed head-to-head towards the small island where the Royal Corpse Sect's headquarters is located after two warships fell into the water.

The three assault boats followed closely behind at a distance of two to three nautical miles. Because the vision was not clear in the cloud formation, the three ships behind did not dare to stay away from the protection range of the main battleship.

The five boats drove at full speed and directly drew a wave on the water, and they sailed nearly a hundred nautical miles in about half an hour.There were no obstacles from the Infernal Corpse sect cultivators along the way, but this did not make everyone happy. The more it happened, the more it proved that the Corpse Corpse sect was accumulating strength and preparing for a shocking blow.

Sure enough, after sailing for a short time, I saw that the visibility above the sea surface was directly reduced to about one mile under the cloudy sky that day.Suddenly one after another sharp screams rang in everyone's ears, and then a scream reverberated across the sky.

Before everyone could react, they saw black dots appearing on the sea in all directions. If they scanned with their spiritual sense, they would find that these were bronze armored corpses lurking in the water.

A golden light flashed not far ahead. It should be that the monks on the two main battleships started to fight with the members of the Royal Corpse Sect.Following the order of the Jindan cultivator on the assault boat, all the casual cultivators on the deck also showed their housekeeping skills and directly greeted the refining corpses coming up from all around.

The battle went straight into a white-hot state from the very beginning, and Yi Tian scanned the bronze armored corpses with his spiritual sense and couldn't help being shocked.Although these refining corpses have only been initially refined, their power is definitely superior to the foundation-building monks one-on-one.Only those cultivators who have practiced special skills can be invincible in the confrontation, and in the cloudy formation, the opponent's offensive is like a tide because of the favorable location.

The casual cultivators here also seem to be aware of this point, and when they cooperate in groups of three or four, they often hit a corpse with three or four spells at the same time and directly smash it to pieces.

Not long after the class, Yi Tian saw the Jindan monks on the assault boat start to attack. After all, there were too many opponents, and it would take a little time to clear them with the cooperation of the Foundation Establishment monks alone.

With the addition of Jindan monks, the whole battle situation suddenly became one-sided, and the speed of the three assault boats suddenly accelerated a lot.

Suddenly the scream sounded again, and then a few spots of light flashed faintly in the sky.Yi Tian raised his head and used the pupil technique to look at it, and then smiled, Cui Zhenzhen seemed unable to sit still, knowing that these bronze-armored corpses would not be able to stop him for a long time, so he directly dispatched a silver-armored corpse whose strength was comparable to that of a Golden Core cultivator.

For a moment, the faces of the Golden Core cultivators were sinking water. These silver-armored corpses were casual cultivators who led teams to encircle and suppress them several times before, and even those Golden Core disciples from Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave.

They are not as fragile as the bronze armored corpses, and some of the talents and specialties of these silver armored corpses will still be preserved. To be honest, it is not an easy task to deal with them.

The battle flag of Tianyi City slowly rose above the two battleships in front, heralding that they would rush into the Royal Corpse Island without hesitation.The few Jindan monks who were in charge of the overall situation in the back also had a bitter look on their faces, and after a while they waved their hands and ordered the people around them to blow the horn.

For a while, the sound of a few long horns directly changed the sound of attacking spells in the battlefield, and then, except for the Golden Core cultivator who was behind the pilot, the rest of the people also rushed out of the cabin to meet the silver-armored corpse flying in the air .And the many casual cultivators on the deck also drove their spiritual weapons up into the air and began to tilt their spells towards the bronze armored corpses below.

After Yi Tian flew out of the boat, he just kept flying at a low altitude in order not to attract attention, but this also allowed the bronze armored corpse in the sea to find the target of attack.

In an instant, he realized in his consciousness that at least three bronze armored corpses were aiming at his position, and when they suddenly saw a black light, they jumped out of the sea and rushed straight at them.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he sped up his flight speed a little and got rid of them, and then flew directly towards a place in the cloud formation.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian threw away the bronze armored corpses that followed behind him, and then fell directly into the water. A blue fire light all over his body protected him with the real sunflower fire, and then he fell headlong into the bottom of the sea.

In the chaotic battlefield, it is not surprising that even a dozen monks are missing one after another, and at this time Yi Tian is diving deep into the bottom of the sea.I heard before that there is a large array of dark clouds within a range of [-] miles around the Royal Corpse Island, but after thinking about it carefully, the aura needed to maintain a large formation of a thousand nautical miles is definitely to arrange the formation base on a large spiritual vein Only then.

The power of the cloud formation was revealed when it was still about three hundred miles away from the land, and the formation was basically spread in the bottom of the sea.These bronze-armored corpses all emerged from the sea, I'm afraid those casual cultivators, even monks from Tianyi City, would not dive into the water rashly.

After going downstream for hundreds of feet, Yi Tian found that the yin qi deep in the bottom of the sea became more and more intense, which in turn boosted the sunflower yin true fire he sacrificed.

Yi Tian quickly found a spot of light on the bottom of the sea along the direction where the source of Yin Qi flowed out, and when he swam over for a while, his face immediately showed joy.

In that spot of light was a one-foot-thick copper pillar, and the inscription engraved on it was faintly shining at this moment.After swimming up and scanning the text with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian quickly searched for the graphic description of the formation in his mind.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian found the source of the Yinyun formation in his mind, then he sighed and said inwardly: "I didn't expect that Cui Zhenzhen is still a master of formations. The inscriptions are very similar, it seems that there is a great relationship between the two."

So Yi Tian hesitated. This time, Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto jointly dispatched to eradicate Cui Zhenzhen's Corpse Guard. If he thought about his formation like this, Zi Wushang and Jiang would be the most beneficial. God made it.

Now that I have made up my mind to fish in troubled waters, I can't break the formation right away. I flicked my right index finger on the Kuiyin real fire and cast a little fire light, and then stretched out my palm to break the shell of the formation base, and then directly The inscription was modified on the base of the copper pillar formation.

At the same time, many monks in the sky saw with their naked eyes that the sky and earth shrouded in a large array of dark clouds suddenly trembled violently. On the sea, the monks of Tianyi City and the refining corpses were originally at loggerheads, and then turned into a one-sided trend.

The corpse aura on those bronze armored corpses suddenly weakened by three points, and the offended human monks took this opportunity to attack violently.And those silver-armored corpses in the sky were weakened even more so that the Golden Core monks in Tianyi City succeeded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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