
Chapter 509

Chapter 509

The original dark cloud formation of the Royal Corpse Sect can be said to be the first thing to face in this encirclement and suppression operation of Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave. Under the cover of the dark cloud formation, the power of the original humane monks' spells has been directly reduced by [-]% .

But just when a group of monks were in a hard fight, the power of the cloud formation in the sky, which automatically diminished for no reason, immediately boosted the morale of everyone in Tianyi City. The number of dead bodies has been reduced by a quarter.

Before everyone had time to be happy, the cloudy clouds in the sky did not appear to collapse after shaking violently, and slowly stabilized after ten breaths.For a moment, the faces of the cultivators in Tianyi City showed serious expressions. Fortunately, they took advantage of the gap just now to forcibly kill some of them.

Now even though the Great Cloud Array had returned to its original state, the balance of strength was suddenly broken, and the speed of the five warships was much faster than before.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the bottom of the sea, had just completed the engraving of the inscriptions of the formation foundation. It was really too hanging just now. After forcibly breaking the protection restriction of the formation foundation, he thought it was easy to catch.Unexpectedly, these protective prohibitions suddenly flashed continuously, as if they were about to be broken, so Yi Tian had no choice but to speed up the modification of the formation base inscriptions, and it took about five breaths to erase the inscriptions in the original formation patterns. The key nodes then re-engraved the inscriptions designed by themselves.

After doing this, he hurriedly pulled his hands back, and the restraint on the base of the formation healed quickly without external force intrusion, and finally formed a layer of light film on the surface of the copper pillar to protect it.

After all this, Yi Tian chose a direction from the bottom of the sea and swam slowly towards Yushi Island alone.After not more than a hundred and fifty nautical miles, they found that there seemed to be corpses ambushing underwater in front of them, and it seemed that there were no less than hundreds of bronze armored corpses.

Layers of black energy are exuding from these refined corpses. It seems that some strange poison must have been used during the sacrifice, so that there are no living creatures in the nearby sea area.

But when he quietly approached within three miles, none of the refining corpses responded.Yi Tian felt suspicious at the moment. Logically speaking, the distance between the corpse refiner and the master couldn't be too far, otherwise the corpse guards would not be able to convey the spell instructions.

In the water, I used the Qingling method to look in the direction of the refining corpses. There were hundreds of bronze armored corpses standing in a line on a submarine platform. The leader was the silver armored corpse with blood red eyes The eyes, unfortunately, are dull, but the hundred bronze armored corpses behind him have their eyes closed.

This is a good way to see it, and it is estimated that Cui Zhenzhen is playing tricks, knowing that the monks of the Corpse Guard Sect are not strong enough, so they use silver armor corpses to lead hundreds of bronze armor corpses.The outer defense seems to be hundreds of refining corpses, but it is actually controlled by the Nascent Soul cultivator alone.This trick is to consume the vitality of Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave. After the attack on the Royal Corpse Island, there will not be so many refining corpses on it.

After watching around for a while, Yi Tian chose to take a detour. This Cui Zhenzhen put all the refining corpses under his control on the only way of the fleet. There should be a few more waves to deal with. On the other hand, I can use this advantage to avoid ambushes after I have insight into the opportunity.

After leaving here, Yi Tian took out the chart and looked at the surrounding terrain. After confirming his position, he turned around and prepared to sneak in from the east of Yushi Island.

Although it took a long detour, if there is no obstacle, it should arrive at about the same time as Zi Wushang's fleet, but the landing place is different.

A person can move flexibly, and as a Nascent Soul cultivator, he can extend his spiritual consciousness hundreds of miles away in the water. As long as he does not come out of the water or compete with the spiritual consciousness of other Nascent Soul cultivators underwater, no one should be able to detect him. whereabouts.

Immediately after Yi Tian's whole body flashed with aura, he performed escapism on the bottom of the sea and began to make a detour.Sure enough, after leaving the original direction for fifty miles, I found that there was no ambush on the bottom of the sea here, and I was shocked at the moment.It seems that Cui Zhenzhen was aware of the Tianyi City's attack in advance. Could it be that there was a change in it? These ambush troops were completely stopped in front of the five warships. Calling it a coincidence would be too demeaning of my IQ. .

Or it could be said that Cui Zhenzhen, the corpse of the flying girl, left behind many hidden hands to detect Zi Wushang's whereabouts.For the time being, I don't care about so much anyway, anyway, I've got 12 points of energy, and I rely on extraordinary courage and extraordinary wisdom to go deep into the lone army.

An hour later, a blue light shone on the east coast of Yushi Island, and then it flashed several times before disappearing among the reeds by the sea.The two patrolling disciples of the Corpse Guard saw a vision and hurriedly took out their jade cards to contact them, but before they could infuse their spiritual energy, they felt dizzy and unconscious all over their bodies.

Then Yi Tian smiled at the two Foundation Establishment cultivators on the ground after showing his figure on the coast, and then a gust of breeze blew past and wiped out the traces of the three of them.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian was walking slowly on the road leading to the forbidden area of ​​the Royal Corpse Sect sect. There were few monks along the way, but most of the monks who could pass by again were Jindan stage monks.

I met four or five in just half an hour, and Yi Tian was very surprised to see the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies. I remember that I came to the Corpse Guard twice before and after, but the number of Jindan monks here has increased dramatically So fast, it seems that Cui Zhenzhen must be the ghost.

Recalling that in Wandao Tianyu City, it is not without reason that Jiang Shuai relied on Cui Zhenzhen's effort to switch to the practice of cultivating corpses.

If it wasn't for the fear that Cui Zhenzhen would be alarmed by the hijacking of a Golden Core cultivator, Yi Tian would really be ready to do it.Now I cast spells on the island to hide my whereabouts, except for a few people of the same level of cultivation who can see through, the rest of the people can't find me even if they are close at hand.

As he walked, he arrived not far from the forbidden area, presumably this Cui Zhenzhen should be not far away.Just as he was thinking about how to break the prohibition on sneaking into it, suddenly several strong spiritual pressure fluctuations came from the forbidden area of ​​the corpse sect sect in front of him.

Then from the main hall of the Royal Corpse Sect, a wave of spiritual pressure in the early stage of the Nascent Soul spread out, and then a black light and shadow flew out of it and swept towards the forbidden area.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hidden from the side, just took a slight look at the early Yuanying cultivator, and his face showed an unusual solemnity. This person turned out to be the original sect master Xie Zongren.I remember that this person was only in the middle and late stage of Jindan back then. If it wasn't for Cui Zhenzhen who forcibly improved his skills, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to reach the Nascent Soul stage in this life. Ning, strictly speaking, it is only stronger than Jindan Dzogchen.

I was wondering. Suddenly, there were five strong spiritual pressure fluctuations in the forbidden area of ​​the Imperial Corpse Sect, the strongest one was as strong as that of the late Nascent Soul, and the other four were also different from myself. up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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