
Chapter 510

Chapter 510

From the hinterland of the Zongmen of the Royal Corpse Sect, five extremely powerful Nascent Soul cultivator spiritual pressures were faintly transmitted, directly covering the entire island with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, followed by a blood-colored red spell mixed with shocking bang.

Afterwards, an invisible layer of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air could be seen spreading out from the Forbidden City of the Corpse Sect as the center, directly covering the ground within ten miles around.If it weren't for a layer of protection around the forbidden area, the prohibition would probably affect the entire island.

At this time, the warships from Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto had just attacked the north and south banks of Yushi Island.

The two monks fighting at the landing point were directly shocked by the soul pressure of the Nascent Soul monk on the island. Many people were directly stunned.

This login was nothing more than a feint attack, the purpose was to attract the attention of the monks on the island, and as the highest combat power of both sides, they had already sneaked into it without anyone noticing.Now going to the island is no different from standing under a dangerous wall. In the eyes of these Nascent Soul monks, the low-level monks are just ants, and going up is just to die.

And the monks of the corpse sect on the island also withdrew from the east and west sides one after another. It is enough to stay on the island at this time and be affected by the magic of the monk Nascent Soul.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing outside the forbidden area, also showed an extremely dignified look on his face. The situation inside is unknown now, and it should be a two-on-four situation, but it is a problem to help whoever he goes in.

Just as he was hesitating, another female voice suddenly came out from the forbidden area, which actually contained some wave-like spiritual pressure of the late Nascent Soul, which made people feel dizzy.Yi Tian hurriedly used his kung fu to stabilize his mind, and then used a shadow body technique, then floated into the air and slowly flew into the forbidden area.

As soon as he entered the forbidden area, he found that after being affected by the spell, the ground was full of gnaws, and after flying in for a while, he heard Cui Zhenzhen's laughter and said: "The four fellow Taoists are really willing to be part of your subordinates. A group of disciples and disciples used this trick to deceive the sky and cross the sea, even the slave family was almost deceived."

Only a male voice was heard saying: "Cui Zhenzhen, you absorb the monk's essence and blood to cultivate the way of corpses. If you are not eradicated from the Wandao sea area, I am afraid that there will never be peace."

Yi Tian heard this person's tone of voice should be Zi Wushang or Jiang Tiancheng, but the situation is not yet clear and he dare not show his face rashly.

Then Cui Zhenzhen sighed and then said softly: "Jiang Tiancheng, what do you think this is?"

After three breaths, there was a furious roar: "It turns out that you imprisoned my apprentice's Nascent Soul here, handed over the jade bottle wisely, and the old man left your whole body."

A proud laugh sounded and said: "Your apprentice and I have agreed to cooperate with each other in Wandao Tianyu City before, but what I didn't expect was that he was just a wimp, who was beaten so helplessly that he finally wanted to turn to the path of corpse cultivation , I really embarrass you with bloody shame."

Before Jiang Tiancheng could reply, Cui Zhenzhen's voice came again and said, "You have been here for a long time, boy outside, why aren't you going to show up? Most of you are old acquaintances here."

As soon as the words came out, the four divine senses extended from not far away and directly covered the entire forbidden area. Yi Tian didn't pretend to be told his whereabouts directly, and directly received the spell and strode forward. .

After just ten breaths, he had already walked four or five miles to the central area of ​​the forbidden area. At this time, the six people he estimated in his heart were present, but the situation was much more serious than he imagined.

I saw Zi Wushang's face was serious, as if he was facing an enemy, he was holding a spiritual weapon to protect his whole body, and Huang Wanting beside him was pale and was holding a spiritual sword in his hand, but the spiritual pressure around him was obviously unstable after the attack just now Little loss.

And the Xuesha Grotto is not much better. He Tianxiong's head is slightly sweaty. Jiang Tiancheng is actually the calmest among the four. From the perspective of strength, his cultivation should have reached the Dzogchen in the middle of the Nascent Soul. He looks like he has a spiritual weapon in his hand to protect him, and he was also the one who was least affected after the confrontation just now.

Seeing someone coming, all the people present were also stunned for a moment, but when Zi Wushang and Jiang Tiancheng only frowned when they saw the person's face, He Tianxiong's face twitched, and then he said: "I think it is Who is it? It turned out that fellow Daoist Yi came here, and we worked together to eradicate Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, so as to avoid future troubles."

Seeing this, the two members of the Royal Corpse Sect also put away their spells first, Cui Zhenzhen glanced at Yi Tian in front of him and then smiled: "I knew you kid would not die so easily in Wandao Tianyu City, I haven't seen you for many years, and I have already advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here this time?"

Yi Tian just replied to He Tianxiong indifferently: "He Daoyou has exhausted our relationship with you, so I have to be careful with this trick of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge."

He Tianxiong blushed and knew that Yi Tian was referring to the rumor that Jiang Shuai was killed, but in fact he did it, but at this moment, it would be difficult to say what happened next.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenzhen picked up the bottle containing Jiang Shuai Yuanying, and then directly threw it to Jiang Tiancheng and said, "Your apprentice, I will return it to you directly, but I am not the one who came up with ideas and actions."

After Jiang Tiancheng found the jade bottle, he lifted the seal talisman on the bottle cap, probed his spiritual consciousness inside, and his face changed several times, then he put the jade bottle away, clasped his fists at Cui Zhenzhen and said, "I'm here Thank you in advance, friend."

This change in tone made both Zi Wushang and He Tianxiong's faces look very exciting.Originally, the siege and suppression of the corpse faction was just the efforts of these two people to make up their minds, but Jiang Tiancheng had stated before that the main purpose was to find Jiang Shuai's whereabouts.

Cui Zhenzhen joked, "Don't fellow daoists want to know who the noble disciple has offended?" Saying that, he cast his eyes on Yi Tian.

After calming down the anger in his chest, Jiang Tiancheng asked in a deep voice: "I would like to hear more about it," but his eyes followed the direction Cui Zhenzhen was looking at and locked onto Yi Tian.

Without waiting for Cui Zhenzhen to speak, Yi Tian interjected directly: "In Wandao Tianyu City, Jiang Shuai deliberately planned to deal with me, and it happened that I was also entrusted to take his life, but it is a pity that he secretly contacted Cui Daoyou to transfer to the corpse cultivating path Fortunately, I was stopped in time by my subordinates, otherwise there would be no chance to seize the house at this time."

These words are righteous words, and the people present can hear something.After hearing this, Jiang Tiancheng asked: "It's fine that the little apprentice is not as good as a human being, but what did fellow Taoist say about turning to the way of cultivating corpses?"

Cui Zhenzhen smiled coquettishly and said: "Jiang Daoyou, I'm afraid that you will be disappointed, but Lingtu admires my concubine, and even went to find me in private to ask for a drop of blood essence for conversion."

On the one hand, Jiang Tiancheng was so angry that his face turned red and then pale. He really couldn't accept that the disciple of the strongest master in the dignified Blood Fiend Cave would make such a bad move.

But the facts are so credible that Jiang Tiancheng has no choice but to believe them.

(End of this chapter)

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