
Chapter 511 One-on-one

Chapter 511 One-on-one

Yi Tian's sudden thrust in the forbidden area of ​​the Royal Corpse Sect immediately disrupted the plan of Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave to encircle and suppress the Royal Corpse Sect.

After Jiang Tiancheng retrieved the Nascent Soul of his disciple Jiang Shuai, he started to withdraw, and everyone present saw the situation and knew that there must be something inside.Under such circumstances, it is not easy to regain their strength.

At this time, Zi Wushang, the lord of Tianyi City, coughed lightly and drew everyone's attention, and he said, "Brother Tiancheng, this time you and I spent a lot of spirit stones just to destroy this flying female corpse. Did you abandon the plan like this?"

As soon as Jiang Tiancheng said this, he just replied indifferently: "Brother Zi Mingjian, according to the investigation below, I know that the Royal Corpse Sect has not done anything very excessive. I am afraid that it was used by someone with a heart to stir up our three families. Just to profit from it."

It is rare to say these words from his mouth, but it makes Yi Tian's eyes light up. It seems that this person is also an old monster who has become alive. He has long been suspicious of this matter, if it is not to find the whereabouts of his disciples I will not go out of the mountain to wade in this muddy water.

Then he turned his head and looked at Cui Zhenzhen, this old monster that has lived for 3000 years is really powerful, he even hit and eliminated the other party's alliance in two or three times, but it is really time for him to appear, I am afraid that Jiang Tiancheng will be at this time In my heart, I have long listed myself as the second on the must-kill list, as for the first, it should be clear.

He Tianxiong on the side also hastily echoed: "Brother, if our Blood Fiend Cave retreats just like this and word spreads, how can we gain a foothold in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands in the future?"

Jiang Tiancheng snorted coldly and said: "Junior brother is worrying too much about the sect. This joint operation was originally your idea. I have found what I am looking for, so I can't stay any longer." After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Seeing that Cui Zhenzhen, the most powerful fighter, was obviously relieved, he turned around and said to everyone: "Since Fellow Daoist Jiang is gone, are you guys going to continue?"

He Tianxiong's face darkened, he was also hesitant at the moment, turned his head to look at Zi Wushang, only to see him say: "The arrow is on the string and has to be fired, since it has reached such a point, how can we stop."

It can be said that Guan Shuo's spiritual consciousness has long been separated to lock Yi Tian, ​​and now there is a sudden change, and he doesn't know how to deal with it next.

Cui Zhenzhen curled his lips and asked Yi Tian: "Why are you here this time, kid? If you want to help the slave's family out of trouble, it doesn't matter."

Yi Tian sneered and then moved his lips a few times. The private sound transmission on this occasion made the rest of the people feel jealous, and then saw Cui Zhenzhen nodded incessantly, and then showed a satisfied smile.

Anyone can see that Yi Tian and Cui Zhenzhen seem to have reached some kind of agreement, and then they see Cui Zhenzhen's hands forming a magic seal quickly on his chest, and after three breaths, a spiritual light directly hits the prohibition of the magic circle.

In an instant, a dazzling golden light directly swallowed all the people present, and after three breaths, when the golden light faded, only Zi Wushang and Yi Tian were missing from the forbidden area.

In the depths of the Wandao sea area, the originally calm water above the sea surface was calm. Suddenly, a golden light flew from a distance and landed on the sea surface. After the golden light dissipated, only two monks were seen scattered on the sea surface. Face to face confrontation.

The two were Yi Tian and Zi Wushang who were sent directly by Cui Zhenzhen from the forbidden area of ​​the Royal Corpse Sect.After Zi Wushang gained a firm foothold in the air when he was young, he looked at the young monk in front of him with a puzzled expression. He was also in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and knew Cui Zhenzhen. It is not an easy character to think about. The fact that Yuan was teleported here is very suspicious.

After a while, Zi Wushang asked sharply: "Fellow Daoist sent me here for no reason. I don't know what's the plan. Have we ever had any troubles?"

After Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, he scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and found that there was no one in a radius of three or four hundred miles.Just now I reached an agreement with Cui Zhenzhen that I only need to deal with Zi Wushang alone, the latter is also happy to see it, anyway, the more people leave, the better for her.

After curling his lips, Yi Tian said indifferently: "I have no grievances or enmities with City Lord Zi, let alone a knot."

"Then what do you mean?" Zi Wushang asked angrily.

"I'm just looking for Yunxiao's rebellious disciple, and I promise Qi Shanyun to help him clean up his family."

Zi Wushang opened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "You are also the descendant of Yunxiao Pavilion, tell me how you found Zongmen Xinmi?" the opponent in front of him.

There is no need to ask any more questions like this, Yi Tian saw that Zi Wushang's posture looked like he was about to strike, but he just twitched the corner of his mouth and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, and then directly slashed at the opponent with a shocking sword.

And Zi Wushang in front of him didn't show any weakness at all, he put his hands together in front of his body, and the spirit sword in his hand immediately turned into a white band of light to meet the blue sword light. After a loud bang, the magic attack directly broke the calm of the sea area below, and also stirred up waves tens of feet high.

Under one blow, Yi Tian was startled and said that Zi Wushang, the lord of Tianyi City, is the No. 1 in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, and he really deserves his reputation. Although he is about to give way to Cui Zhenzhen, his strength is still there.

But he didn't know that Zi Wushang on the opposite side was even more surprised. He had few opponents in the sea area of ​​Wandao for many years, even Jiang Tiancheng from the bloody cave was slightly inferior to him, but it was said that this person in front of him was in the Tianyu City of Wandao back then. It's just the initial cultivation base of Yuanying, but now it's actually in the middle stage and its strength is so strong.

I admire Guan Pei, but the two of them didn't stop for a moment. Yi Tian knew that the other party must have cultivated that Yunxiao Aojue to a very high level. The first move just now used the Yunxiao Soft Sword. The seemingly soft sword light is exactly The nemesis of Zhigangzhiyang tricks in his own swordsmanship.

After the initial attempt, Yi Tian hastily put away the Taiyuan Sword and took out the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel, a blue light flashed in his hand, sacrificed the Moon Yaolun, and turned it into a blue whirlwind towards the opponent.

On the opposite side, Zi Wushang's eyelids twitched, seeing the hot move coming, he was not polite The ground moved towards Yi Tian's position.

Fortunately, he had comprehended Yunxiao Aojue, and these moves were all recorded in the secret scriptures as the special skills of Yunxiao Pavilion.Yi Tianguang used his spiritual sense to realize that there are no less than tens of thousands of light bands shrouded in the surrounding area. This is another unique skill in Yunxiao Aojue's "Brightness of Thousands" but only about half of them are real. An auxiliary move for the sword.

It's useless to think too much, so I set up a five-foot-sized painting of the Rihuilun to cover myself. As soon as the Rihuilun closed, I heard the sound of a storm like a piercing sound.That is the effect of tens of thousands of rays of light concentrating on the sunburst wheel at the same time.And Yi Tian in Neizhong also let out a cold snort and increased the output of spiritual power with his hands. Immediately that day, Huilun began to spin rapidly, and nearly half of the soft sword was directly vented.

(End of this chapter)

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