
Chapter 514 Final Repayment

Chapter 514 Final Repayment

In the depths of the Ten Thousand Islands Sea, Zi Wushang is at the end of the road now, but Yi Tian, ​​who has a lean camel that is bigger than a horse, doesn't dare to make him bigger, lest he get violent and die.

Now that he met Mu Yunyan, and he seemed to be waiting here for a long time from what she said, Yi Tian also looked like an adult, and then he sacrificed the sun and moon with both hands to quietly cut off Zi Wushang's retreat.

On the other side, Mu Yunyan also had a tacit understanding, and took out a simple three-inch feather arrow.After the spiritual power was poured in, the slight chill emanating from it also proved that this thing was absolutely extraordinary.

Yi Tian looked at this spiritual weapon from a long distance away, it should be a sixth-level advanced or seventh-level spiritual weapon, and it is very appropriate to use it to deal with Zi Wushang.

And Zi Wushang, who was caught in the middle, also adjusted his breath a little, and then took out a jade ring with his right hand to inject spiritual power into it and put it on his body. Scanned the surrounding situation.

The most difficult thing in front of him now is not Mu Yunyan, but Yi Tian who is scurrying aside.After fighting for a few days, the two have a certain understanding of each other's methods, and Yi Tian seems to be on the sidelines, but he should have prepared a thunderous blow in his hand, and if there is a slight difference, life and death will be decided instantly.

After appraising his situation, Zi Wushang suddenly looked up to the sky and burst into laughter, and then shouted to Mu Yunyan: "Yunyan, how have I treated you in the past hundred years, don't you feel the slightest? If I have any disagreements, you won't May live to this day, do we really want to meet each other like this?"

The expression on Mu Yunyan's face hesitated a little after hearing this, and then she returned to normal and said, "Zi Wushang, I came to the sea area of ​​Ten Thousand Islands to fulfill my ancestor's last wish, unfortunately I have no choice but to catch you. It is difficult to kill you with strength, but I have calculated that you will have such a calamity today, so I am here to wait for you."

Zi Wushang's face changed, and then he said slyly: "In the past hundred years, I have not done anything wrong except to confine your mana and restrict your activities. Can't you be aware of my intentions? And Ziyuan and her I often come to accompany you to relieve boredom, although you are not a mother and daughter, your relationship is extraordinary."

Mu Yunyan's expression froze again, and the spirit weapon she was controlling slowed down by three points, and a not-so-big flaw suddenly appeared.

Seeing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Zi Wushang raised all the spiritual power in his body, and his momentum skyrocketed again and again.Then a golden light flashed across him, and Zi Wushang rushed towards Mu Yunyan's direction by relying on the defensive spirit weapon he sacrificed.

Mu Yunyan was also taken aback by the scene in front of her, and her immediate instinctive reaction was to teleport away first.Then seeing Zi Wushang running away, he raised his right hand and shot the simple feather arrow directly at Zi Wushang.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky one after another in the air, and the feathered arrow was replaced by a meteor-like light that directly hit the halo around Zi Wushang's body.A crisp 'click' sounded afterwards, and the jade ring spirit weapon that was originally wrapped in the outer layer was shaken to pieces under the violent impact.

After losing the protection of the defensive spirit weapon, Zi Wushang still has a white protective cover light film all over his body to resist it for a while.But this time, Mu Yunyan seemed determined to keep her here, she stretched out her hands and made seals quickly on her chest.All the spiritual power in the whole body was mobilized as if it was blessing the feathered arrow, and after chanting something in his mouth, he said to the feathered arrow: "Go".

Originally, after the feather arrow hit Zi Wushang's jade ring, it was only slightly blocked from the momentum of the attack. After Mu Yunyan's action, it suddenly doubled in thickness, and then pierced straight in.

The protective cover on Zi Wushang's body was pierced by the feather arrow in an instant like paper paste, and after staying on the body for a while, a three-inch hole was pierced in a flash, which happened to be on the lower dantian.

In this way, the spiritual pressure fluctuations around Zi Wushang's body dropped instantly, but even so, his face showed a bit of unwillingness, and then he slapped his forehead with the last of his spiritual power, and suddenly a fist-sized light ball shot directly from it. It escaped from the forehead.

In the ball of light was the body of Zi Wushang's Nascent Soul. At this moment, the small Nascent Soul looked around in panic and then flashed past in the direction of no one.

Mu Yunyan was shocked when she saw it, and if she didn't die after beating the snake, it would be a bad reaction. If he let his Nascent Soul escape today, there would be endless troubles.Immediately, she cast her escape technique and hurriedly chased after her, but the escape speed of the Nascent Soul was three points faster than that of a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. The distance between Ying and himself gradually widened.

Suddenly Zi Wushang's Nascent Soul in front of him turned around and flew towards Mu Yunyan as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Then I saw that half of the side was suddenly covered by bursts of black clouds, and the black clouds seemed to be transformed into many monsters, which were about to swallow Zi Wushang's Nascent Soul in one gulp.

Mu Yunyan stopped in the air and looked around, it was Yi Tian who was controlling a small black flag not far away, from which billowing black clouds emerged continuously, spreading faster than Zi Wushang Yuanying's escape speed quick.

In an instant, the overwhelming black mist surrounded the Yuanying light ball, and Zi Wushang's howl like killing a pig came out of the billowing black mist, which made Mu Yunyan's face show a little unbearable when he heard it. color to.

Yi Tian couldn't control so much at this time, and nodded a few times at the Ten Thousand Beasts banner with both hands.The black mist trapped Zi Wushang's Nascent Soul and immediately wiped out his spiritual wisdom, and then sacrificed it to become one of the many beast souls in the Ten Thousand Beast Banner.

The whole process was just the effort of a cup of tea, but Mu Yunyan felt that it took a long time, and it was only after she realized that she saw a black flag with a size of one foot falling not far in front of her.

Later, Yi Tian said with a hearty smile: "Mu Daoyou don't look good, this Ten Thousand Beast Banner is a thing of Yunxiao Pavilion, I just completed its sacrificial refining, and now it is returned to Zhao together with the spiritual weapon."

Mu Yunyan was stunned for a moment, not knowing, so she asked, "What is the meaning of this, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

"I was entrusted by Senior Qi Shanyun to clean up the house, and now I have fulfilled my promise. Since Fellow Daoist Mu is a descendant of Senior Qi Shanyun, then the spirit weapon of Yunxiao Pavilion should be returned to its original owner," Yi Tian said.

Mu Yunyan asked suspiciously: "Could it be that Fellow Daoist has found another descendant of the traitor?"

It turned out that the other party was puzzled by this, Yi Tian suddenly smiled and then talked about it, and also told about the fact that he found the Golden Light Gate in Mizonghai.

After hearing this, Mu Yunyan sighed and said: "I didn't expect that the descendants of Yunxiao's rebels would be so unbearable. Without the blessing of the ancestors and without the luck to suppress one generation, it is not as good as the previous generation. So there is no need to completely eradicate this Golden Light Sect. It’s better for him to fend for himself. The Ten Thousand Beast Banner should be kept by fellow Taoists, it can be regarded as a little gratitude from Yunxiao Pavilion.”

(End of this chapter)

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