
Chapter 515

Chapter 515

After putting away the Ten Thousand Beasts banner in the air, Mu Yunyan gently stroked the spirit weapon with her hand before saying quietly, "I didn't expect that Zi Wushang would do countless evils in secret all his life, but in the end he still fell into the hands of his most proud spirit weapon .”

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "Zi Wushang has done too many things that hurt the sky and reason, and he should be rewarded for being included in the Ten Thousand Beasts Banner in the end. Since Fellow Daoist Mu is a high-ranking student of the Tianyun Sect, he must have a deeper understanding of the way of heaven. understand."

Mu Yunyan sighed softly and replied: "Fellow Daoist said that although we eradicate traitors for Yunxiao Pavilion, we should not do too much. You must know that killing too much will hurt the peace of heaven."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I also think the same way, and everything should not be pursued too much. This matter has passed for thousands of years, and only the first and the worst will not be blamed."

"That day, there are still two Nascent Soul cultivators, Huang Wanting and Lan Bing, in Yi City. Is Daoist Yi planning to let them go?" Mu Yunyan asked.

"I don't need to take any further action on this matter. After Tianyi City loses Zi Wushang, it is still powerless to go to the Blood Fiend Cave. I see that although Huang Wanting has a private relationship with He Tianxiong, since then, if she wants to come to Tianyi City, she will also shrink her forces. The focus is on stabilizing the control of the region. And Jiang Tiancheng of the Blood Fiend Cave will not sit still, and will definitely take this opportunity to eat away at the periphery of Tianyi City."

Mu Yunyan also nodded her head and said in agreement: "Fellow Daoists said that's not bad, and I mean the same thing. Let them control the situation in the Wandao sea area."

Yi Tian continued: "What's more, there is Cui Zhenzhen, a flying female corpse, stirring up the vicissitudes of the Wandao sea area, and it is no longer my turn to make a move."

When Mu Yunyan heard Cui Zhenzhen's name, a strange look flashed in Mu Yunyan's eyes, she turned her head and asked, "Where is that Cui Zhenzhen now?"

Seeing that Mu Yunyan was interested in her, Yi Tian didn't ask any further questions, but replied indifferently: "Cui Zhenzhen has formed an independent force on the territory controlled by the Blood Fiend Cave, and the Corpse Guard faction is located within five hundred miles The radius is all under her control."

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Yi," Mu Yunyan said.

Although I knew in my heart that she would definitely go to find Cui Zhenzhen again, and both of them had inexplicable entanglements with Yunxiao Pavilion, but I didn't want to go into this muddy water again.

A thought flashed through his mind later, and then Yi Tian stopped Mu Yunyan and said, "I don't know if you can tell me how to return to Tianlan Continent. I am very grateful."

Mu Yunyan thought for a while and took out a jade slip and a token and threw them directly to Yi Tiandao: "Fellow Daoist can use this to find the long-distance teleportation array and return directly to Tianlan Continent."

"I don't know if this long-distance teleportation array has a teleportation point in the Dong'ao area. It should be known that if I go to Zhongzhou and then return to Dong'ao, it will be a big circle. And there are some individual reasons that I am not ready to directly set foot in the Zhongzhou area."

Mu Yunyan frowned, then took out a piece of jade slip and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "There is also a long-distance teleportation array here to know the hinterland of Dong Ao, fellow Taoists can look for it. But I don't know if the place opposite is still intact As before, if this place is not activated, fellow Taoists have no choice but to go to Zhongzhou first and return to Dongao."

After getting these two pieces of jade, Jiantian dipped his spiritual consciousness to scan them and sighed helplessly. Fortunately, the distance between these two places is only a thousand miles away, and he simply went to look for them one by one in the depths of the Wandao Sea.

After bidding farewell to Mu Yunyan, Yi Tian cleaned up the battlefield first, and taught Zi Wushang's belongings together.After finishing these, a small cave was dug out on this island to retreat and cultivate.

The chasing battle with Zi Wushang earlier also consumed most of his spiritual power, now that he has a return path, he is no longer in a hurry for the past few days.

Half a day later, he sat in the cave on the island, and after introducing the spirit veins from the seabed to form the spirit gathering array, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in it and took out all the things collected this time to identify them one by one.

He took out the spirit armor on Zi Wushang's body and looked at it, and found that it was not ordinary, but under the feather arrow in Mu Yunyan's hand, it was pierced through like paper.It seems that the encounter must be an ancient treasure, even if you use it like Mu Yunyan, you may not be able to fully arouse its power.

In addition to the spirit armor, there are many good things in the storage ring of the job. In addition to the tens of millions of spirit stones, the most numerous are dozens of volumes of Tianyi City's confidential files.These things are tasteless to me, so there is no need to throw them away, so I just put them in the storage ring.

This time, I directly broke the balance of power in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Territory by myself. I think Tianyi City should be a frying pan at this time, but there is a shit-stirring stick of the Royal Corpse Sect in the Xuesha Cave.

From Zi Wushang's storage ring, Yi Tian also found a jade slip with a seal talisman on it, opened it and read it, and found that the content inside was very interesting.This letter actually tells about the relationship between Huang Wanting, the second city lord of Tianyi City, and Jiang Tiancheng of the Blood Fiend Cave. The two had known each other in the early years and almost became Taoist couples.

No wonder Huang Wanting took such good care of Jiang Shuai at the auction of the Loose Cultivation Alliance back then.

It is unknown what impact this intricate relationship and Zi Wushang's death will have on the development of the Wandao sea area.It's just that my arrival this time can be regarded as directly promoting the changes in the Wandao sea area. In the final analysis, I also want to have an explanation to Senior Qi Shanyun of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Seven days later, Yi Tian saw a ray of light flashing over the island, and then Yi Tian flew straight towards the long-distance teleportation array given by Mu Yunyan.It was originally intended to catch Qibaozhai's HNA fleet, but now that there is a shortcut, you can try it first.

Now in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, even Jiang Tian, ​​who is in the Blood Demon Cave, can't do anything to him, Yi Tian simply no longer hides it, and the spiritual pressure around his body is no longer restrained deliberately, and he gallops in the air.

According to Mu Yunyan's jade slips, it is indicated that these two places are in the caves on those unnamed islands deep in the Wandao sea area.What worries Yi Tian most is that he is afraid that these places will be found and destroyed by people after thousands of years, so that he will have to make a detour to go home again.

After flying in the air for a few days, those low-level monks can hardly detect their whereabouts. Even if they meet some Jindan monks on the way, as long as they gently release their spiritual pressure, they will be able to detour, so the journey is smooth Dangdang found the location of the teleportation array marked on the jade slip.

According to the map, the teleportation array leading to Dong'ao is deep in a small island, but the entrance is deep in the sea. This is deliberately created to protect the secrecy of the teleportation array.

After finding the island, Yi Tian directly took out the mist formation disk to conceal the formation within a hundred miles of this sea area.Then he dived headfirst into the bottom of the island's cliff and found the entrance to the teleportation channel.

(End of this chapter)

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