
Chapter 517 Old Ghost

Chapter 517 Old Ghost
Yi Tian kept walking on the small road outside the gate of the Yin Corpse Sect in the Hundred Ghosts Cave. Although he heard Fu Kecheng's voice transmission just now, he pretended not to hear anything and continued walking.

Suddenly there was another laugh in my ear and said: "So it's you boy, no wonder I think the spiritual pressure fluctuations are so familiar, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come in." After listening, I felt that the other party had used His spiritual consciousness locked on the appearance of being able to do it anytime, anywhere.

At that moment, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched and a blue light flashed all over his body, and then he cast his escape technique and flew straight to the south, while Fu Kecheng, who was behind, also rushed up, and the two of them were in the air one after the other. Two flashes of light disappeared into the sky.

I haven't seen myself for many years, but I have all kinds of reasons to kill him, but if I do it directly at the gate of his sect, if people see it, it will be misunderstood as a door-to-door provocation, so it is better to lure people to a remote place before doing it.

Therefore, it is also possible to maintain the flying speed along the way, neither letting Fu Kecheng pass by nor let him lose track.However, when he arrived like this, it seemed that he directly annoyed the pursuers behind him, only to hear Fu Kecheng yelling: "Don't be afraid, kid, I will catch you up and turn you into ashes."

Yi Tian ignored him, just lured him to fly for a few hours like fishing, and then stopped in the air after passing the boundary of the three factions in the north. Light.

After ten breaths, Fu Kecheng stopped not far away and looked up and down before saying: "You kid, who hasn't seen you for a hundred years, has advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

"It's a surprise, it's thanks to you that I'm living in a hundred thousand mountains, but today is a good day, just to settle all the grievances and grievances together," Yi Tian joked.

"It's just right for you kid to settle the score. Back then you killed my apprentice Lunli Xing and messed up the marriage between the Yin Corpse Sect and the Bone Sect. There is no reason for this old man to let you go," Fu Kecheng said with an angry face. Said.

It's useless to talk more at this time, Yi Tian also knew that in the end, he still had to rely on his hands to solve the problem, so he just sacrificed Taiyuan Sword and directly sacrificed Yao Jianshu, holding it in his hand and ready to go.

After all, the other party is also a faction of ancestors. Immediately, he slapped the corpse belt around his waist with both hands and summoned an old corpse. The armor corpse also failed to dispel his resentment.

Seeing that the coercion of corpse aura exuding from his body can overwhelm his current appearance, then there is a big problem with this person's identity. He couldn't help frowning at the moment, but he could use his spiritual sense to scan the golden armored corpse several times, but he couldn't see it. come up with something.

I just heard Fu Ke Cheng Jie Jie said with a smile: "Are you surprised? This is my master Yin corpse old ghost. Others thought he was dead, but in fact he became my hole card, the golden armor of the late Nascent Soul The power of the corpse should be astonishing enough, I don't know if it is stronger or weaker than the old man with the iron sword."

As soon as he said the words, Yi Tian's face changed several times. Judging by the appearance of this old ghost, he was definitely not voluntarily refined into a golden armored corpse. It seems that this pair of master and apprentice is really a bad relationship, and he shouted immediately: "Fu Kecheng, you deceive the master The world will not tolerate the destruction of the ancestors."

Unexpectedly, the other party replied without any shame: "I am like this in the Yin Corpse faction. If I don't strike first, I will be the one who is turned into a golden armored corpse. Do you think the Yin Corpse Old Ghost is a good thing?" .”

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian consciously had nothing to say, and raised the Taiyuan Sword into thousands of sword lights, and greeted Fu Kecheng.

The other party did not show any fear, and squeezed out a few drops of blood from the tip of the index finger after making a mudra with one hand, and directly threw it into the mouth of the refining corpse.I saw a red blood light sweeping across the corpse of the old ghost, and then took a defensive posture to catch all the incoming sword lights, and then made a tiger pounce and flashed in the air.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that the spiritual pressure not far away fluctuated violently, and the figure of the ghost and old ghost appeared in an instant, and then rushed forward.

Three consecutive wooden stakes were shot from the hand, aiming at the eyebrows, chest and abdomen of the ghost of the ghost.Unexpectedly, the bucket-like wooden stake was supported by his living hands, and then it burst with ten fingers, and the only wooden stake that hit his chest was also directly bounced away by his chest and abdomen.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the golden armored corpse is so powerful, which is beyond Yi Tian's expectation, but dead things are dead things after all, and after all, being controlled by people is not as flexible as him.

Fu Kecheng manipulated the corpse of the old ghost of the Yin Corpse towards the position where Yi Tian was standing, crossed his fingers and crossed his fingers, and only heard a 'click' sound, the hands of the golden armored corpse were directly grasped by a fire shield. Then it was directly bounced off.

At the same time, Yi Tian controlled the spiral fire shield with his left hand and quickly dodged it, and once again sacrificed a shocking sword with his right hand. After forming a three-foot light peak, it hit the old ghost with incomparable accuracy.

A blue light and a red light struck violently in the air, and then a sharp wind blew out, blowing all the rocks and trees on the ground tottering.

Yi Tian was also shocked. He didn't expect that Fu Kecheng's hole card, Jin Jia Zang, was so difficult to deliver.

Fu Kecheng, who was on the opposite side, also stirred up waves in his heart. He thought that taking out the golden armored corpse would definitely break the opponent, but he didn't expect such a result.

Those two sword techniques are not simple skills, but they can leave deep and visible bone marks on the golden armored corpse that has been tempered thousands of times. Years can be as good as ever.

Fu Kecheng didn't have time to feel sorry for her refining corpse and hurriedly manipulated it again, but Yi Tian also learned to not fight the golden armored corpse head-on this time.

Relying solely on the advantage of the escape technique, he kept dodging and then flew towards Fu Kecheng's body. This shoots people first and shoots horses. To deal with the corpse control technique, just put the performer on it.
Fu Kecheng also noticed Yi Tian's attempt and hastily summoned the old ghost to give up tracking and come back directly to protect him.

Seeing that the other party accepted the move, Bao Yitian was overjoyed, took out several ghost cotton seeds, poured them with spiritual power, and shot them towards the wound on the golden armored corpse.

The seeds that shot past were all bounced away after being blocked by the old ghost, only one was deeply pierced into the flesh and blood. Seeing the flesh take root, this thing quickly absorbed the golden armored corpse. The corpse blood nourishes itself.

Seeing that, Fu Kecheng couldn't help but hastily manipulated the corpse of the old ghost to peel off the parasitic flesh and blood.But before he had time to be happy, he saw a mass of purple flames in Yi Tian's hands in the distance, and there was a thunderbolt near the flames.

After the purple light flashed, Yi Tian flicked the spell with both hands, mixed with the sound of the wind, he saw it attacking behind Fu Kecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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