
Chapter 518 Locking the Soul

Chapter 518 Locking the Soul
Fu Ke cost thought that he could take out the killer card Yuanying-level golden armored corpse and he could grab the opponent directly, but it backfired. After the fight, he found that the strength of the person in front of him had definitely skyrocketed several times compared to back then.

Yi Tian manipulated the purple magic spell mixed with the sound of thunder and lightning to attack the opponent. This move was originally prepared to deal with Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, because the power of thunder and lightning was the nemesis of the evil corpse energy.

It's just right to use it here now. Originally, Fu Kecheng hid behind the corpse of the old ghost, and he couldn't do anything about him, but the power of thunder mixed with the thunder flame and purple flame instantly split the cloud of evil air and burst from the corpse of the old ghost. The left flank pierced through, leaving a dark mark, and later directly hit the opponent's defensive cover.

There was a sound of '呲味', and the thunder and lightning around the fire ball directly tore a hole in the gray protective cover like cutting tofu, and then the purple flame directly blasted on Fu Kecheng's body, instantly igniting the mouth of the bowl on his body large area.

After playing with refining corpses all day, Fu Kecheng was more or less stained with a lot of corpse aura, but now these corpse auras ignited all the purple fire from point to surface like oil on fire.After a while, the scorching smell of rotting corpses dissipated immediately, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't extinguish the flames on his body.

Suddenly an extremely powerful spiritual pressure came out from Fu Kecheng's body, and then a golden light flashed from his forehead. Yi Tian saw something bad and knew that the other party wanted to escape the Nascent Soul, but he couldn't do it for a while with the golden armored corpse guarding him. There are better ways to deal with him.

The Nascent Soul in the golden light did not escape under the cover of the golden armored corpse, but flew directly to the top of the golden armored corpse and sank into its forehead.Afterwards, the blood spilled from the surrounding area of ​​the golden-armored corpse, and the spiritual pressure of the whole body soared again under the rapid backflow. At the same time, it moved away from the ignited body and formed a ten-foot-sized protective shield around it.

Yi Tian saw something bad at first sight, as if Fu Kecheng actually used the corpse of the golden armored corpse as the temporary residence of the Yuanying, so that after he merged with the golden armored corpse, he became extremely difficult to deal with.

Since Leiyan Ziyan has a restraining effect on the evil spirit of the corpse, there is only one way to go to the dark, and then he flipped his hands and sacrificed the real fire of life again to split into two groups to form two fist-sized fireballs waiting for an opportunity.

After a flash of spiritual light around the golden-armored corpse, the entire defensive cover was put away, revealing the true nature of the corpse. At this time, all the traces of the Taiyuan sword stabbing on the body had been restored.

The golden-armored corpse's eyes turned red, then he moved his mouth up and down a few times and said in a stiff voice: "You forced me, boy, even if I turn to the corpse cultivator in the future, I will understand you today."

Yi Tian relentlessly spat and said: "Fu Kecheng, even if you have a tortoise shell, so what, the situation between you and me is endless, and today only one person can leave alive." After speaking, he threw his hands and sacrificed Lei Yan The fireball hit the golden armor corpse.

Two bangs of 'bang bang' exploded a bright purple firework in the air, and those two moves directly hit the golden armored corpse head-on, but Yi Tian didn't see any joy on his face.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed out of the thick smoke, and it was grabbing twice in the direction of Yi Tian.Two red blood lights penetrated Yi Tian's body in an instant, and the aftermath of the attack directly left ten zhang-deep gullies on the mountain below.

Thirty feet away, a red halo flickered, and Yi Tian's figure appeared again, but at this time, ten interlaced scars were left on the clothes on his body.Fortunately, I was still wearing a piece of armor, and I had previously cultivated the Buddhist sect's physical training technique, the Golden Sun Avatar, to a certain level, otherwise I would really have to explain it here after being hit by this golden armored corpse.

Although he still has a lot of backhands to deal with, but at this time Yi Tian has already boosted his energy by 12, and the blow just now was indeed his own carelessness.Glancing at the golden-armored corpse's chest, two pitch-black depressions appeared. It should be that the other party resisted Ziyan's attack by relying on the strength of the corpse's body.

Seeing the golden-armored corpse Yi Tian who came rushing again, his figure flashed in the air and started to fight with the opponent directly.He took out another handful of seeds in his hand and prepared to repeat the trick, wanting to plant the blood seed directly on the body of the golden armored corpse.

Fu Kecheng also suffered a lot and gained a lot of wisdom. He kept manipulating the stiff body and chased after Yi Tian. Although the incoming seeds were extremely small, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, he could still find out all kinds of tricky angles early by relying on his spiritual sense. The flying blood species tried to dodge the attack as much as possible, and if it was impossible, they stretched out their iron claws to catch it directly.

The two chased in the air for half an hour, unable to do anything to each other. After thinking for a while, Yi Tian stretched out his right index finger and sacrificed a wisp of Nanming Lihuo to condense on the fingertips, and then mixed it with many blood species quietly It bounced towards the golden armored corpse.

Fu Kecheng, who was behind, was chasing in a hurry and suddenly found a ray of light of a different color among the many blood species that were attacking. He couldn't dodge it immediately, so he had to stretch out his palms to block it.

With a sound of '呲呵', a white-purple light directly pierced through the palms of the golden armored corpse, leaving a hole the size of a bullet on the back of the hand, and the corpse blood inside was roasted and solidified instantly.

After being hit by one blow, Fu Kecheng also temporarily stopped chasing and suddenly stopped in mid-air. Yi Tian looked back and felt puzzled, but there was a deceit in his heart, so he had to recall his natal real fire first, and then Watch from afar.

I saw that the face of the golden armored corpse twisted violently at this time, and then there were two spiritual lights flashing at the same time at the Niwan Palace on the forehead.

This is the first time I have seen it like this, and Yi Tian didn't dare to get too close, for fear that the other party would get violent and he would not be able to dodge in time, and then he left a mile away and directly cast the pupil technique to scan the golden armored corpse from top to bottom.

There seemed to be two halos on the forehead of the golden armored corpse eroding each other, one of which should be Fu Kecheng's Nascent Soul, but whose is the other?
At that moment, Yi Tian was stunned. Since this body is the old ghost's corpse, the other group must be his remnant soul, but somehow it remained in the body of the golden armored corpse without being discovered by Fu Kecheng.The current situation seems to be taking advantage of the weakening power of the host Nascent Soul to suddenly appear and swallow it forcibly.

No matter who wins or loses between these two people, it is not good for him, why not take this opportunity to clean them up together.Then Yi Tian flipped his hands and sacrificed his life Nanming Lihuo again to turn it into a bullet-sized fireball, and then controlled it to hit the golden armored corpse directly on the forehead.

The two Nascent Soul spirits who had been arguing in Jinjia's corpse felt the crisis was coming at the same time, and then each manipulated their bodies to avoid the attack.Under the control of one Nascent Soul, the golden-armored corpse can still move freely, but now the whole corpse is under the control of two Nascent Souls at the same time.

The left half of the body tried to dodge, while the right half of the body put up a defensive posture. With a 'swish', a white fire light hit the golden armored corpse's forehead accurately, and the two beams of light escaped from it and were about to go east and west. He ran away, but he didn't know when the surrounding sky became pitch black, and then many monster souls appeared in the void, surrounding the two Nascent Souls and dragging them into the black mist to leave.

Half a moment later, seeing that the beast soul in the Ten Thousand Beast Banner had completely swallowed Fu Kecheng and the Nascent Soul of the old ghost, Yi Tian put it away contentedly.

(End of this chapter)

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