
Chapter 519 Beast Transformation

Chapter 519 Beast Transformation
Yi Tian was soaring alone and freely over Dong'ao Continent. After returning to his long-lost homeland, his mood changed a bit.When I returned a hundred years ago, I didn't visit Dongao's mountains and rivers like this.

From north to south, it flew more than [-] miles from the territory of the Yin Corpse Sect, passing through the area jointly managed by the six factions along the way, and finally came to Fanxing City.But Yi Tian didn't want to go in and disturb others this time, after all, there is still an important thing to do this time, so there is no need to be so high-profile for the time being.

Passing through Fanxing City and then flying south, he was close to the sphere of influence of the three southern factions. Before flying for a long time, he found that there was something strange in his beast control bag.This was the first time I encountered such a situation, and then I stopped in the air for a while to check directly, and it turned out that there was some movement in the beast sacs where the two beasts 'Fat Dog' and Qingyu were staying.

After a light slap, two auras, one blue and one red, came out of it, and after a few laps in the air, the red aura went straight back into the beast-controlling sac.Yi Tian looked at the appearance of a 'fat dog' in the blue aura in a blink of an eye, and then it stared blankly at a certain place below, and refused to go back no matter how he called.

Following the gaze of 'Fat Dog', Yi Tian glanced down, only to realize that he was actually in the sky above the Black Pool Swamp.Fat Dog has followed him for more than 300 years and now he has evolved into a level five monster, but if he hadn't met him back then, he would have evolved to around level four at most.

Seeing its dull eyes, Yi Tian asked with a smile, "Are you homesick, why don't we go down for a walk?"

'Fat Dog' turned his head and replied with a big stiff tongue: "It's hard to leave the homeland, don't you too?"

After nodding his head, Yi Tian took the fat dog and quietly lowered the cloud head to the edge of the Black Pool Swamp. One man and one beast slowly found a path to the depths of the swamp.

Not long after, he came to the edge of the pond where he was ambushed back then, and Yi Tian stretched down with his spiritual sense to find out that Zhu Ha was still there, and it seemed that he had advanced to the fourth level, and now he was hiding in the underwater cave. I was trembling.

Turn around and look at the spirit pressure of the fifth-level monsters on the 'Fat Dog' who walked leisurely all the way, unfolding without restraint, no wonder these low-level monsters are so scared.

After expanding his consciousness to cover a radius of nearly a hundred miles, Yi Tiancai found that almost all the monsters here had disappeared, and those who dared to stay crawled and huddled in their holes and dared not come out.

I only heard 'Fat Dog' open his mouth and say with his big vague tongue: "Come with me to see my cave," and then ignored Yi Tian and ran away on four legs in the swamp jungle .The current Fat Dog is about three feet long and one foot tall, and with the spiritual pressure of a fifth-level spirit beast, its strength can be compared to that of a Golden Core cultivator.

After hearing this, Yi Tian just twitched the corners of his mouth, then turned around and followed him. After running for half a quarter of an hour in the jungle, he came to the door of a stone cave.

Looking at it like this, it should be the home of 'Fat Dog' back then, but he just stared at it blankly for a long time but didn't go in.

Yi Tian extended his divine sense into it and found out that there was already a nest of second-level spirit foxes crawling on the ground fighting cold wars, and seeing the Bingli fox's innate supernatural power emanating from the 'Fat Dog' made the four The temperature within half a mile around suddenly dropped, and even a thin layer of frost appeared on the leaves and weeds passing by along the way.

It is estimated that there should be a nest of fox spirit beasts in this cave, but the difference in level is so great that even if the other party feels the evil spirit, they dare not make any overstepping actions.

Later, 'Fat Dog' turned around and smiled at Yi Tian: "This used to be my house, so I won't go in now," and then slowly set up the clouds and flew into the air with a lonely face.

Yi Tian couldn't help but smile knowingly. It seems that the "fat dog" has been greatly influenced by his own personality in the past 300 years, and often imitates himself.Later, he also flew directly into the air, and then looked at the direction of Hewan Village back then, and his mind was full of thoughts.

Unexpectedly, this distraction suddenly heard bursts of thunder in his ears, and he wondered in his heart that his cultivation base was far from the stage of going through the catastrophe.Surprised in his heart, he hurriedly turned to look at the 'Fat Dog' not far away, only to see that his body was full of aura, and a spiritual pressure comparable to the late stage of Jindan came out from his body.

At present, Yi Tianxin has raised spiritual pets for many years and fed a sufficient amount of fat dog with fat black jade paste unique to Wandao sea area before, and he should be able to advance to level [-] early.After returning to his hometown this time, he was touched by the scene and gave him an opportunity to advance for no reason. I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

After the accumulation of black thunderclouds above the head, it enveloped the surrounding area for a hundred miles, and the 'Fat Dog' also raised his head at this time, and the spiritual energy on his body was mobilized rapidly, condensing the air within three feet around him into water droplets, and then It turned into pieces of snowflakes again, and slowly those snowflakes accumulated more and more, and finally shrank into a three-foot-sized transparent ice ball, directly wrapping the 'fat dog' inside.

When Yi Tian saw this, he knew that it was 'Fat Dog' who activated the talent skill Ice Halo, but that alone still couldn't resist the next thunder.

Just as he was about to ask for a reminder, he suddenly saw 'Fat Dog' shaking his body in the air, and then a blue flame came out from his armpit and directly attached to the surrounding ice pucks.

In an instant, the entire hockey puck turned into a blue ball of ice and fire. Yi Tian knew that this was a mutation that only appeared after absorbing his Kuiyin True Fire back then. The effect is also gradually revealed.

A sudden thunder fell from the sky and hit the ice puck on Fat Dog's body exactly, and knocked it down about ten feet.The blue lightning did not break through the defensive ice ball at all, and was completely absorbed by the Kuiyin True Fire above it.

At this time, I saw that 'Fat Dog' flew up slowly and returned to the original height, and then a sharp fox whistling came out of his mouth, and the surrounding ice balls suddenly cracked and turned into little ice crystals directly attached to it. over its fur.

What surprised Yi Tian was that when the second tribulation thunder struck, he saw the 'Fat Dog' leaping high to meet the tribulation thunder and go straight to the sky.

Immediately after the third tribulation thunder struck down, a dazzling blue light burst out in the air, illuminating the ground that was originally covered by black clouds.Suddenly, the robbery clouds in the sky quickly dissipated to reveal the original blue sky, and the falling robbery thunder also dissipated in the air.

Yi Tian waited for a while, then used his spiritual sense to explore for a while, and then his dignified face showed a little joy. The "fat dog" in the air survived the disaster safely, and now the power of thunder is strengthening its body, I believe the next transformation The power of Xingjie should not be much different from this time.

In this way, the things promised to Qingtian Demon King can be fulfilled slowly. At least 'Fat Dog' is two levels higher than Miss Qingyu, and the speed of advancement is also much faster.

(End of this chapter)

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