
Chapter 521

Chapter 521
As the largest sect in Dongao, Iron Sword Sect is mainly due to the existence of Tiejian Old Man Mo Wentian, a great monk in the late Yuanying period, in the gate.And Mo Wentian, as the spiritual pillar of Tiejianmen, has been overwhelming the other five factions in Dongao for nearly 800 years.

Now Tiejianmen is full of jubilation up and down, it is Ritiejianmen who opened the mountain gate and invited Dong Ao Wupai Paizu and Fanxing City's casual cultivators to come and celebrate Mo Wentian's birthday.

The entire foot of the mountain was greeted by a team, and the visitors walked into their respective passages according to their sects, and then they walked into the square in front of the main hall in the hinterland of Iron Sword Gate under the leadership of the welcoming envoy.Jindan monks with a little background can be invited into the main hall once they have the demeanor of a late Nascent Soul cultivator. As for the ancestors of various sects and a group of Nascent Soul casual cultivators, they were led to the main hall early.

At this time, the left column in the entire Iron Sword Gate hall is headed by Nangongba of the Xuanling School and Chiyangzi of the Chiyang School.The one on the right is the Bone Demon of the Bone Gate
, Ke Manzi of Yin Corpse School and Yao Lao of Medicine Valley.

Standing behind them are the mainstays of the six sects of Dong'ao, the main Jindan monks and suzerains of each sect.The representatives of the scattered cultivators in Fanxing City and others were arranged in the back position.

In the second half of the venue were representatives of Jindan casual cultivators or aristocratic families who were more famous in Dongao.

It's just that in a corner that no one pays attention to, an inconspicuous middle-stage golden core monk is drinking and pouring himself. He looks ordinary, but no one around knows him.

It was Yi Tian who cleverly used thousands of illusions to hide his original appearance, and then took out some special products in the sea and lied that he was a loose cultivator from Waihai to celebrate his birthday.

It was the first time for the disciple of Iron Sword Sect who received the gift to see such a big sixth-level Overlord Crab Claw. After being tasted by the Zongmen Jindan monk, he gave Yi Tian a place to enter the main hall, which was regarded as extra care.

After being brought into the main hall, the welcoming envoy arranged a seat at the end for Yi Tian, ​​instructed a few precautions, and left in a hurry.Yi Tian didn't hesitate to sit down, picked up the spirit wine and food on the stage and ate it, regardless of other people's eyes.

Moreover, he restrained the spiritual pressure early along the way, so that the Yuanying ancestors of the six factions didn't even notice his whereabouts when they took the seat just now.

Not long after, there were bursts of gongs and drums outside the main hall, followed by a flurry of music, and then the door of the hall was opened, and the current suzerain Xuan Jianxin of the Iron Sword Sect led two disciples with golden swords and broad swords into the hall slowly.

For a while, the visitors from the seats on both sides stood up and bowed their hands to salute, but Yi Tian couldn't do a full set of tricks, so he stood up with a wine glass in his hand, and then symbolically imitated the monks around him and saluted Xuan Jianxin.

Cultivator Nascent Soul looked at the audience and saw everyone's actions. Xuan Jianxin just roughly glanced at Yi Tian's figure and frowned before returning to normal. Then he led the disciples to continue walking .

On the contrary, Enemy Jiu had a rebellious look on his face. After seeing the corner where Yi Tian was standing, he silently communicated a few words with Wu Min, and the latter just glanced at it and then stopped making a sound.

Since it is the ancestor Heshou, it is inevitable that some rude people sneaked into the hall, and there are so many monks with multiple infants in the field, what kind of tricks can a monk at the early stage of Golden Core do.

When Xuan Jianxin came to the right position, he said with a sinking dantian: "All fellow Taoists are able to come to participate in the ancestor's birthday ceremony this time, so that the despicable faction will flourish. Now please invite the despicable sect Mo Shizu."

As soon as the words fell, the rolling curtain at the back of the main hall was opened by the welcoming envoy, and a middle-aged Taoist priest walked out of it, with three long beards and a face like a crown jade. This person was the ancestor of Iron Sword, Mo Wentian.

Yi Tian stood up with the people in front of him in the last row, and then bowed his hands, and what he did was just right.

I don't need to give Xuan Jianxin face, but I still take it easy in front of Mo Wentian. I was not even born when he became famous.

And this time I came here to seek connections with Mo Wentian, so I dare not neglect in terms of etiquette.

All the people in front, including the Yuanying Patriarch of the Six Sects, also stood up and saluted Mo Wentian who was seated above.

The old man Tie Jian, Mo Wentian walked over to his seat with a pleasing expression on his face, and then returned the salute with everyone in the front row.Then he glanced back and saw all the movements of the Golden Core cultivators behind him.

When his eyes fell on Yi Tian, ​​the old man Iron Sword suddenly stared at him for three breaths before turning his eyes away, and then waved his hand to signal all the monks to sit down together.

Unexpectedly, the old man Tie Jian walked down the front desk slowly, and under the eyes of everyone, he came to the last seat of the hall and said: "The Taoist is friendly and elegant, I wonder if I can pay the old man to take a seat."

Seeing that the other party came to invite Yi Tian in person, it was hard to put it down any longer, and then he put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up slowly, cupped his hands towards the old man Tie Jian and said in a voice transmission: "Brother Tie Jian is celebrating his birthday, Yi Tian came here uninvited Please excuse me."

Only the two of them knew about the voice transmission of a light sentence, and the old man Tie Jian couldn't help shaking when he heard it, then he looked at Yi Tianlai carefully, and later transmitted the voice transmission: "Since you are the elder of the Chiyang Sect, please follow me to the seat," said After that, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of asking.

At this time, everyone present also had different complexions, until the spiritual pressure on Yi Tian's body gradually rose from the golden core stage directly to the early Yuanying stage and even the middle Yuanying stage.

The Jindan cultivators on the seats next to them are all terrified now. Who would have thought that a mid-Yuanying cultivator would eat there just now and be despised by everyone.

The Yuanying patriarchs of the five sects sitting in front also showed doubts on their faces. The person who can make this Tiejianmen Taishang Mo Wentian treat him with such courtesy must not be underestimated, and seeing that this person's cultivation has reached the middle stage of Yuanying is definitely not The unknown people.

After the Iron Sword Sect was able to make friends with this person, what would the other five sects do in the Dongao territory? Could it be that they would be suppressed for another thousand years?

Only Chiyangzi of the Chiyang faction remembered something, and then stood up and bowed to Yi Tianyi.Enemy Jiu, who was standing behind Xuan Jianxin, was gasping for breath at this moment, not knowing what to say to Wu Min.

The words he muttered just now are likely to be heard by the other party early in the morning, but the voice is a bit familiar, like a guy who once cheated.

Immediately, Yi Tian's face became blurred for ten breaths before gradually revealing his true face, then Jishou and Chi Yangzi nodded, and then said to Mo Wentian: "Brother Dao, please, I am still a junior. Dare to go beyond."

After hearing this, Mo Wentian patted his beard, and then walked slowly towards the central seat with Yi Tian, ​​and Yi Tian also deliberately gave way and followed behind.

There are not a few people present who know Yi Tian, ​​but when they reconfirm the person in front of them, they are all dumbfounded, and the enemy Jiu whispered: "When did this kid become like the ancestor, isn't he better than me?" The senior generation still has to call him senior."

(End of this chapter)

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