
Chapter 524 Decision Making

Chapter 524 Decision Making
In the past few years, the news of Chiyang Sect Yuanying cultivator Yi Tian's return has gradually spread in Dongao. The source of the news is from the birthday banquet of the ancestor Mo Wentian of the Iron Sword.In addition to the ancestors of the Six Sects, the participants of the meeting that day also included some respectable Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators from Dong Ao, the City Lord of Fanxing City, and others.

All the people present have witnessed the strong rise of Yi Tian of the Chiyang faction. Although everyone is tacitly aware of it, they are secretly strengthening their defenses. The sudden appearance of such an ordinary person in Dongao is considered a big deal for everyone else. Not being good is a good thing.

Coupled with the deliberate retreat of the Iron Sword Patriarch, everyone began to re-examine the overall strength of the Chiyang Sect, and even if they did not fight against him, they had to maintain a close relationship.

Unexpectedly, since Yi Tian returned to the Chiyang faction after the birthday banquet ended that day, there was no expansion of power with great fanfare. Generally speaking, the Dongao territory still maintains a balanced state of six factions co-managing, at least on the surface.

Seven years later, two Nascent Soul cultivators sat facing each other in the White Bone Cave, a forbidden area behind the White Bone Gate, with a gilded letter of worship in front of them.Judging from the neat and graceful handwriting on it, but with a superb charm, it should be written by a lady.

The meaning expressed between the lines is also very simple. It is nothing more than a daughter-in-law who is married far away and wants to return to her natal family to visit relatives.The Bone Demon scanned the greeting post and saw that the names of the two people at the end said that the unfilial daughter Liu Piaopiao and her husband Yi Tian worshiped.It is well known that the marriage between the Yin Corpse Sect and the Bone Sect was destroyed by Yi Tian a hundred years ago. At that time, the two factions were really slapped in the face.For this reason, the lunar calendar of the Yin Corpse Sect died, while Nan Cangtian of the Baigumen fled back to the sect in a panic after suffering some dark losses.

Later, even when the Chiyang faction sent people to send wedding invitations again, only Liu Yue went to watch the ceremony in her personal capacity, and the two families had no contact for more than a hundred years.

Now that Nan Cangtian received the greeting card from the Chiyang faction, he immediately called his brother Bone Demon to discuss the matter. You must know that since Liu Piaopiao married the Chiyang faction, the entire Bone Sect was ashamed.Everyone in the sect kept silent about this matter, and Liu Yue, who was directly involved, had no choice but to resign from all affairs in the sect and began to practice in seclusion without caring about worldly affairs.

For this reason, Baigumen also took back all the preferential treatment policies for the disciples of the Liu family, and treated them as ordinary disciples.

Now Yi Tian is back in a strong way, and he will bring his wife Liu Piaopiao back to the Bone Demon to visit. I believe that if they know the situation of the Liu family for nearly a hundred years, everyone will definitely have a hard time.

The Bone Demon was also present on the day of Iron Sword Elder's birthday banquet, and he witnessed with his own eyes that Yi Tian was able to handle Mo Wentian's three moves above the Iron Sword Gate Hall with ease.

Let me ask, if he had reversed his position at that time, he believed that he would never be able to do that, and Mo Wentian also intended to test Yi Tian's strength, and those three moves were all solid and unreliable.

Seeing that the Bone Demon frowned and stared at the invitation, Nan Cangtian had no choice but to break the silence and said: "Brother, how should we deal with it at this time according to your wishes?"

The Bone Demon replied blankly: "You can deal with it as you like. If she wants to come to visit her relatives, let her come. Let Liu Yue tell him to leave the customs and go back to Liujiazhuang to wait."

Nan Cangtian shook his head and said: "Senior brother, why do you have to be arrogant? In my opinion, it is better to do it with great fanfare."

"Why?" The Bone Demon asked in confusion.

"The Anzi of the Zongmen in the Chiyang Sect has long been uprooted, but they still have eyes and ears in the Xuanling Sect. According to the news from them, the three southern sects were originally a family. Brother, do you know who the suzerain is? ?” Nan Cangtian explained meaningfully.

Bone Demon blurted out without even thinking about it: "Could it be that Chiyang faction?"

"Exactly. It is said that Yang Yanzi, the current suzerain of the Chiyang faction, has been in frequent contact with the Tiejian and Xuanling factions in recent years, presumably for the purpose of connecting feelings. According to my estimation, the Chiyang faction's plan is not small. If it really makes this easy It's a matter of heaven, then he will have the final say on how to succeed in the south of Dongao's territory in the future," Nan Cangtian replied.

The Bone Demon savored these words carefully before he sighed and said: "The rise of the Chiyang faction is the general trend now, as long as we don't interfere with my Bone Demon, we don't have to flatter him."

Nan Cangtian saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. His senior brother has a high level of cultivation, and he can fight and kill, but he just doesn't have enough scheming.

From the feedback from all parties, it is not difficult to find that the Chiyang faction is clearly prepared this time, and it is very appropriate for them to do the courtesy first and then the soldiers.If you give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity according to Bone Demon's wishes, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Immediately said bluntly: "Brother, I think this matter has a lot to do. The three southern factions are united and unified is the general trend. There are only two ways in front of us. Yue, a key connecting figure, has a relationship with the Chiyang faction, and then binds their interests together so that they can advance and retreat together."

The Bone Demon frowned and said, "What about the Yin Corpse Sect, we still have an alliance, and can you guarantee that the Chiyang Sect boy will form an alliance with us to share the benefits equally?"

"Fu Kecheng of the Yin Corpse Sect has been missing for the past few years. It is said that even his natal oil lamp has been extinguished. This is unknown to the outside world. But when he passed away, he signed a contract to coincide with the time when Yi Tian returned to Dongao. Brother, don't you think it's a coincidence?" Nan Cang asked.

"Maybe Fu Kecheng encountered something unexpected during his travels abroad," Bone Demon continued with a look of doubt: "Do you have conclusive evidence to prove that it was that kid who did it?"

Nan Cangtian nodded and replied: "There is no conclusive evidence, but there is news from the Yin Corpse Sect that Fu Kecheng was in the sect at that time, and some Jindan disciples chased him after seeing him flying out of the gate. , A few days later, his natal oil lamp suddenly went out. I guess the person he is following is probably that Chiyang boy."

After hearing this, Bone Demon's face changed several times. Nan Cangtian knew that his senior brother was very entangled in his heart and didn't know how to choose.

Just when he was about to add some serious news, he suddenly saw the bone demon suddenly raised his head and laughed a few times, then said: "Send a message to Liu Yue to let him go out of the seclusion, resume his position as an elder in the clan, and raise [-]% of the offering every year. All the Liu family The Foundation Establishment disciples are all recalled, and the corresponding caves and blessed places in the sect are arranged for them to choose, and they must not be allowed to have any suspicions against the sect."

Nan Cangtian replied with satisfaction: "Senior brother is wise, I have met that Chiyang boy before, and I can see that although he is strong in cultivation, he is also a man of love. We just need to hold the Liu family in our hands, and through Liu Yue and Liu Piao Floating to pass the news, this pillow blows, I believe that the Bone Bone Gate can remain standing in Dongao for a thousand years."

(End of this chapter)

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