
Chapter 525 Disposal

Chapter 525 Disposal
Since returning to Dongao, Yi Tian only showed his face at the old man Tiejian's birthday banquet and when Liu Piaopiao went back to Baigumen to visit relatives, and the rest of the time he lived in seclusion and stayed quietly in his own Chuyingfeng cave in the Chiyang Sect. build.

In fact, I also want to spend more time with my wife. The two haven't seen each other for nearly a hundred years. Now Liu Piaopiao's cultivation has reached the stage of Dzogchen in the late Jindan stage, and he has almost touched the threshold of advanced Yuanying.

However, Yi Tian himself still has a copy of the material of the baby-forming pill in his hand, which is specially reserved for her to use it to break the pill and become a baby.You must know that most of the Jindan cultivators today need to use Danshi to assist them when they conceive a baby. Even if they conceived a baby like myself back then, it was only by chance and coincidence that they were in the Western Wilderness Spirit Gathering Formation set up by Qian Lingzi. successful.

At best, I would like to share my successful experience with Liu Piaopiao, but the key points still have to be experienced by the monks themselves.

Going back to the Bone Gate with Liu Piaopiao a year ago was also to let her mind completely let go of the shackles. You must know that she was also questioned when she followed her into the Chiyang Sect.Although the matters within the Chiyang faction are easy to resolve, she still has a trace of guilt in her heart.

Not to the Bone Gate, but to grandfather Liu Yue and the Liu family. I believe their situation in the Bone Gate will not be any better in the past hundred years.

Originally, Yi Tiandao wanted to make use of the topic, but he didn't expect to find that Liu Yue and all the disciples of Liu's family were all red-faced when he brought Liu Piaopiao back to the Baigumen.

Now Liu Piaopiao's cultivation has surpassed that of his grandfather, becoming the strongest of the Liu family.At the same time, Nan Cangtian, the representative of Baigumen, came forward and chatted with him about many topics.

The key point is that Baigumen believes that Cash and Chiyang faction should maintain a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship, and it is agreed that whenever there is any major event in the future, they will advance and retreat together.

After some words, he didn't have a chance to make use of it. In the end, Yi Tian had to find a far-fetched reason to ask about the covenant between the Bone Gate and the Infernal Corpse Sect.

Who knew that Nan Cangtian had stated at the beginning that the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect would definitely keep a distance in the future, and would prefer to conclude an alliance with the current Xuanyang Sect.

Yi Tian is very clear about this, it seems that those things he did after returning to Dongao have been noticed by those who are interested.It's like the Yin Corpse Sect gave up many resources in the middle of Dong'ao one after another a few years ago, and controlled the sphere of influence within a radius of three hundred miles near the Zongmen.

Moreover, the disciples were strongly restrained not to leave the hinterland of the sect as much as possible, and even withdrew most of the forces in Fanxing City, only keeping some necessary profit points, and most of the resources they gave up were half-sold and half-given to the Xuanyang faction in various ways .

After quickly solving the hidden dangers in the north, Yi Tian can now focus on the Xuanling and Iron Sword sects.I believe that after the sect's name was changed, the Nascent Soul monks of the two sects have already understood their plans, and keeping silent now is waiting for their next statement.

But Yi Tian knew that he was not in a hurry at all, this matter had to be simmered slowly, whoever couldn't stand it first would be at a disadvantage in the negotiation.As for these two branches, Yi Tian is not prepared to forcefully suppress them. After all, after the merger of the three branches in the future, it will be useless for him to just leave an empty shell.

Moreover, the Iron Sword Sect is fortunately only the orthodox lineage handed down by Xuanyang Guardian, and its skills are still very different from those of the main lineage. The relationship between them is deeper, and it will definitely not be worth the candle if they don't handle it well and arouse their disgust.

For this reason, Yi Tian also consulted Chi Yangzi many times, and the final answer he got was, "Know it with reason, move it with emotion, give it both kindness and power, and convince people with virtue." '

It wasn't until this time that Yi Tian felt that the difficulty of uniting the three channels of Xuanyang was no less than that of cultivating to break the alchemy and become a baby.

Or just look at how Lu Jinyuan, the Lihuo sect of Zhongzhou, used force to suppress the Qiankun Yuhuo faction and the Day Yaoyang sect, so that they finally let the direct disciples wander everywhere, and his Lihuo sect's joint sect had a big plan. It has not been completed for hundreds of years.

For more than ten years, Yi Tian accompanied Liu Piaopiao to live a life like an ordinary couple, talking about the pain of lovesickness for a hundred years and leaving behind all the burdens in his heart.

Unknowingly, the state of mind of the two of them has been greatly improved, and with it, their respective cultivation bases have also been significantly improved.In particular, Liu Piaopiao seemed to have felt a glimmer of inspiration after visiting her relatives, and that illusory opportunity seemed to come anytime, anywhere.

During this period of time, Yi Tian also told her all his experience, and handed over the successful refining of Jieying Pill to Liu Piaopiao.

On that day, Yi Tianzheng and Liu Piaopiao were sitting and chatting opposite each other in the cave of Chuying Peak. Suddenly, there was a sound from a gate. Fly into the cave.

Normally, Yang Yanzi would do all the trivial matters of the sect, even if there was something to be determined, he could just send a message with the jade tablet of the sect, and this was the first time in many years that such a jade slip was passed on.

At that moment, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and directly took the jade slip, opened it, looked at it, and then smiled happily.Liu Piaopiao, who was at the side, didn't know, so he asked directly: "What is your husband's happy event, why don't you share it with my concubine."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and handed over the jade slip, and then thought silently.Liu Piaopiao took the jade slip and opened it, and roughly looked at the content on it, only to see that it said, "This time, the Xuanling sect invited Xuanyang and the iron sword sects to observe and emulate.The quota for entering the Xuanyang Secret Cave this time will be shared equally among the foundation-building juniors of the three factions.

Seeing that Liu Piaopiao was unclear, Yi Tian smiled and explained: "There is actually nothing to see about the Xuanling Great Remuneration, the key is the quota in the Xuanyang Secret Cave."

"Could it be that there is some particularity in this?" Liu Piaopiao said.

Yi Tian nodded and said: "This Xuanyang Secret Cave is originally the trial place set up by the patriarch Yun Zhongzheng to encourage the disciples of the younger generation. There is a Xuanyang fruit tree in the deepest part of it, with Xuanyang fruit on it. The foundation-building monks eat it. In order to cleanse one's own spiritual power, increase the chance of forming a pill by [-]%."

Now Liu Piaopiao thought for a while before saying: "My husband must have gone through many checkpoints to reach the bottom of Xuanyang Cave and found the fruit."

"Of course," Yi Tian replied, "Actually, the Xuanling faction is also reckless, refining the Xuanyang fruit into Xuanling clear liquid, but they don't know that taking the fruit directly after picking it is the most effective."

"Then the mysterious spirit liquid you gave me back then also came from here, as far as I know, you were absolutely incapable of refining spiritual liquid by yourself at that time," Liu Piaopiao asked suspiciously.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly changed the topic and said: "Now the three factions each have fifteen places to enter, and I will allow you two places in the Liu family. You can handle it yourself."

After hearing this, Liu Piaopiao just nodded slightly, but she still muttered: "It should be Nangong Qianyun who refined it for you, I heard that she is a flower of Xuanling, and there is no Taoist partner now, my husband Have no idea."

Yi Tian was so choked by Liu Piaopiao's words that he didn't answer, so he had to take out a jade slip and pretend to be engraving on it.

(End of this chapter)

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