
Chapter 526

Chapter 526
The Xuanling Sect has been very happy since this time, and the Xuanling Great Remuneration every six days can be regarded as a major event in the sect, not to mention that they have invited fellow Taoists from the Iron Sword and Xuanyang Sects to attend the ceremony , so everyone below the suzerain has played 12 points of energy.

The authority of the Xuanling faction has always been controlled by the descendants or apprentices of the two ancestors of Nangong and Dongfang. Yi Tian remembers that when he came here 300 years ago, it was the time when Nangong Aotian was in the limelight.

Now he has already resigned from the position of suzerain and retreated behind the scenes to retreat to attack Yuanying. It is said that the position of suzerain has been replaced by Dongfang Zhuo, the nephew of the Dongfang family's descendant.

Fortunately, the two Nascent Soul cultivators, Nangong Ba and Dongfang Lingyun, are still there, so Dongfang Zhuo's position as suzerain is still as stable as Mount Tai, but I don't know if his suzerain position will be stable if the ancestor of Yuanying is gone in the future.

Speaking of Dongfang Zhuo, he can be regarded as an old acquaintance of his own. When he was practicing Qi all the way back then, he was much better off, and now it is even worse.

This time the Xuanyang faction is led by Qu Yifeng, the middle-stage elder of Jindan, and his partner Huo Jiawei is also in charge of driving the flying boat.The two of them are Yan Jungang's left and right assistants in the Discipline Hall, and both of them have practiced their own Chiyang True Fire Jue.

This time, the foundation-building juniors who were selected in the sect were summoned and taught before departure, and Qu Yifeng was holding a copy of the Yujiantong written by Yi Tian with his memories of the year. All the selected disciples Introduced the situation in Xuanyang Secret Cave this time.

After hearing about the efficacy of the Xuanyang Spiritual Fruit, these people all showed excitement in their eyes as if they had been injected with chicken blood.You must know that this is the road that your ancestors walked in the past. As long as you walk along this road, the probability of forming an alchemy is still very high. As for whether you can get the Xuanyang fruit, it depends on your own ability.

When the flying boat slowly descended into the airport of the Xuanling Sect, the elders of the Xuanling Sect were in charge of receiving it. After Qu Yifeng and his party of twenty or so people slowly got off the flying boat, they saw Elder Nangong Qianyun of the Xuanling Sect at the airport. Leading a group of foundation-building disciples of the Xuanling Sect to wait on the deck.

After a group of people stepped forward to salute each other, they were led by the disciples to walk to the main hall of Xuanling.After Nangong Qianyun glanced at the next group of people, her face showed a bit of disappointment, but it was normal for a Nascent Soul cultivator to mix among the junior disciples.

While he was in disappointment, a sentence suddenly came to his ears: "The price of six thousand spirit stones in the fourth-level intermediate white tiger alchemy furnace is the same," Nangong Qianyun looked at the voice with a happy face, and a familiar face appeared in the In front of him, he held a white alchemy furnace in his hand, but it seemed to be a level six alchemy furnace.

This sentence is exactly what Yi Tian said when he sold the alchemy furnace on the Jiuxiao Tower in Fanxing City. It has been more than three hundred years since the incident, but Nangong Qianyun has never forgotten the scene at that time.

After seeing this, Qu Yifeng called the rest of the disciples to follow and left some space for the two of them to be alone.

Shaoqing saw Yi Tian coming forward and handing the alchemy furnace in his hand to Nangong Qianyun, saying: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, thank you for your help back then."

Nangong Qianyun looked up and down before saying: "Could it be that the dignified Patriarch Xuanyang likes to mingle among low-level disciples?"

"I just don't want to make a big fanfare. If I fly in alone and startle the Xuanling sect's mountain guard array, it will not look good on your ancestor's face," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Then this alchemy furnace is your ticket, I won't even give you six thousand spirit stones," Nangong Qianyun said playfully.

"It's up to you, this was originally given to you," Yi Tian replied, "I also want to meet Nangongba and Dongfang Lingyun this time, can you recommend them for me?"

Nangong Qianyun pursed her lips and said, "Why are you so anxious to see my ancestor? You should tell me about your experience over the years. I really want to hear it."

Seeing that Yi Tian had no choice but to open his mouth and prepare to briefly talk about his experience, suddenly a hearty laughter came from the air and said, "Young brother, I am far away from welcoming you when I come here."

Hearing this, he seemed to be the old guy Dongfang Lingyun. Yi Tian looked at Nangong Qianyun, but frowned, then took a step back and said, "You have something to talk to the old ancestor," and hurried to catch up with the old man in front of him after speaking. Greeting team.

Although being spoiled by Dongfang Lingyun, Yi Tian could only hold back. This time he came to communicate with the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xuanling Sect about the matter of joining the sect.

Then he just replied indifferently: "I took the liberty to visit and disturb senior brother Qingxiu." After saying that, the blue light flashed, and he flew directly to the back mountain of Xuanling School following the voice of the words.

After Qingguang passed by the previous team, he found that the disciples were all excited. He didn't expect his ancestor to accompany him along the way.Qu Yifeng, who was leading the team at the front, bowed his head and said in a low voice, "What's the matter with one or two of them being quiet?"

Yi Tian used the evasion technique to fly directly over the Xuanyang Great Hall, and not long after, he arrived outside the forbidden area of ​​the Xuanling Sect's back mountain.At this time, I saw that the restriction at the entrance of the forbidden area opened a large gap, and after stepping into it, I found that I was in a quiet path after a flash of light in front of my eyes.

Walking up the path for half an hour, you can see a thatched hut in the middle of the cliff. On the open space in front of the hut, two middle-aged scribes are sitting opposite each other, with an unfinished game of chess in the middle. .I met Nangong Ba twice before, and I saw that his handsome face was somewhat similar to Nangong Qianyun.

And Dongfang Lingyun has a bearded face, and he met him at the Dongao Yuanying party before, but he heard that Chiyangzi mentioned that he was Nangongba's senior brother, and most of the Xuanling Sect's affairs were left to him The final word.

It's just that every time an amazing generation appears in the incompetence of his Dongfang family's descendants, even Dongfang Zhuo, the current suzerain of the Xuanling Sect, is forced to be put on the shelves.

Yi Tian stepped forward and stretched out his hands to appease his head and said: "The two senior brothers are so elegant, and the senior brothers are so polite here."

"Junior Brother, please," Dongfang Lingyun pointed to the vacant stone bench beside him and signaled Yi Tian to sit down.

After slowly walking forward and sitting on the stone bench, I realized that the concentration of spiritual energy here is even stronger than that of the lava cave. It is estimated that Dongao should be regarded as the place with the strongest spiritual veins.

After a while, Dongfang Lingyun said: "This place was originally the place where Xuanyang Patriarch Qingxiu was built, and this hut was also built in that year, and it has stood still after more than a thousand years."

Since the other party made the relationship clear as soon as he came up, Yi Tian felt very happy.I am afraid that they are not willing to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors this time. Even though they are descendants, they cannot claim it as such.

(End of this chapter)

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