
Chapter 527

Chapter 527
The forbidden area of ​​the Xuanling faction was originally the blessed place chosen by the founder of Xuanyang, Yun Zhongzheng, for himself. There must be no other place in Dongao that is more suitable for cultivation.

Sitting in front of the thatched hut, Yi Tian was chatting with Nangongba and Dongfang Lingyun about his ancestor's battle with the son of Ming Wangdao in Southern Xinjiang.During this period, Dongfang Lingyun admired Qin Mingyue, the holy son of the King of Ming. According to him, although the founder Yun Zhongzheng was an enemy of many, he relied on the power of the sect's most precious Liangyi spectroscopic mirror.

And Qin Mingyue was able to spend several days and nights with the Patriarch just because of his sharp skills. Although he also came to help with many helpers from the four tribes of Ming Wangdao during the period, they were not the same enemy of the Patriarch.

Although Yi Tian had heard about these things for a long time, it was a different feeling when Dongfang Lingyun said them, because he also witnessed the fierce battle back then.Although the cultivation base at that time was only in the middle stage of Jindan, but now it is the only few monks who know the inside story.

As for Nangong Ba, he could only listen to it. It is said that he was only a disciple of Foundation Establishment back then, and escaped from the sect early to seek refuge.

And Yi Tian learned about this from Qin Mingyue before. As for why Ming Wangdao traveled thousands of miles to Dongao and Xuanyang faction to fight, Qin Mingyue didn't say the reason directly, but from Elder Wen Xin The news I got was caused by Zhongzhou Qianlingzong's instigation, so it's just a matter of explaining to the two of them right now.

After finishing the call, Dongfang Lingyun turned his head and stared at Yi Tian intently and asked, "It's fine for Junior Brother to be the Sect Master of Xuanyang, but how could he have something to do with Ming Wangdao?"

One sentence really caught Yi Tian's question. It turned out that the nostalgic words just now were just Dongfang Lingyun's probing words. At that moment, Yi Tian was stunned, thinking that Dongfang Lingyun had known about his affairs in Southern Border early in the morning.

The question now needs to be answered carefully, if the two senior brothers in front of them feel bad, the matter of joining the sect will immediately fall through.

Immediately after showing a cautious look on his face, he straightened his sitting posture, and later Yi Tian bowed his head and said: "The two senior brothers are clearly aware, and I dare not hide anything. Now I have integrated the Ming Wang Dao in Southern Border, and I also succeeded the position of Prince Ming’s Holy Son.”

Dongfang Lingyun and Nangongba had a look of astonishment on their faces, they didn't expect the other party to admit the matter openly, and for a while they were at a loss for words.Later, Dongfang Lingyun asked again: "Junior brother holds important positions in both sides, he has a lot of ambition."

Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "Senior brother is too worried, let me explain this matter slowly," and then he said that the Lihuo Sect in the Zhongzhou Continent went from prosperity to decline, and the great power of the upper realm came down to earth to turn this world upside down. Said slowly.

As a member of the Xuanyang Sect, Lihuo Yumai has the full right to know about this. For this reason, Yi Tian took out a jade slip that had been prepared long ago, which recorded the past experience of Lihuozong, and sent the two powerful All the orthodox forces that have been passed down in this world are reproduced.

After Dongfang Lingyun received the jade slips, he read them carefully, and then handed the jade slips to his junior brother Nangongba.After the latter took the jade slips, his face showed a look of resentment under the scrutiny.

Immediately, Nangong Ba reached out and slapped the stone table and said, "I never thought that the sect would be tricked by the Qianlingmen thousands of years ago, but now that they are powerful, how should we deal with them?"

Dongfang Lingyun also turned to look at Yi Tiandao: "The news that the younger brother said is open to discussion. If the Qianlingzong in Zhongzhou still has the intention of destroying me and the fire sect, it will not help us to avoid Dong Ao in time."

"Brother Dongfang is over-concerned. Today, the boundaries of Zhongzhou are no longer what they were a thousand years ago. Although Qianlingzong is the largest sect in Zhongzhou, they are not in the same mind." Yi Tian laughed: "What's more, there is Lu Jinyuan from the Lihuo sect. Zhongzhou consolidates forces, and I believe that Qianlingzong will not let him grow bigger no matter what."

Nangongba frowned and said: "Speaking of this Lu Jinyuan is also a famous person, he sent his junior to Dongao many years ago to contact Xuanyang's main line. The feasibility is not high. I don't know what Junior Brother Yi thinks about this?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his eyebrows at Nangongba and changed his name. It seems that he still agrees with himself as a junior brother.It's just that joining the sect is by no means a trivial matter, and the interests of all the monks of the three sects are involved, so we have to be cautious.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tiancai slowly expressed his thoughts. He had also discussed this matter with Chi Yangzi before. The bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

Right now, the trip to Xuanyang Secret Cave is definitely a good opportunity for the leaders of the foundation establishment disciples of the three factions to get acquainted with each other, and there will be no strangers after the merger in the future.

The position of the main hall of the ancestral lineage after the Hezong is also subject to discussion. If you return to the ancestral hall rashly and take away the blessed land of the Xuanling lineage, I am afraid it will be ugly.

In this regard, Chiyangzi means to go in two steps. First, the Lava Valley of the Xuanyang Sect is the new ancestral land. The ancestors of the three veins Yuanying still keep their own dojos. As for learning the true inheritance of the direct lineage, you must come to Chiyan hills.

Yi Tian can't deny this, he is holding the true biography of the direct lineage in his hand, and he will save all the exercises except the exercises and related secret scriptures that Sect Master Lihuo transferred to the Tibetan scriptures in the pavilion.

Dongfang Lingyun showed admiration after hearing this, and finally said: "Since Junior Brother Yi intends to integrate the Xuanyang Sect, then we are also willing to recognize our ancestors and return to our clan. After all, our ancestors also taught that 'together is a win-win situation. Two defeats', my Xuanling lineage will hand over the whole set of formulas for cultivating spiritual consciousness to my junior brother." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a jade slip and handed it over.

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard it. Back then, he only knew that the Xuanling Sect had a formula for tempering the divine sense called 'Mingyang Refining God'. What is the situation.

When Dongfang Lingyun saw Yi Tian's enlightenment, he explained: "Junior Brother Yi is afraid that he has obtained the Mingyang God Alchemy Art, but unfortunately it can only be cultivated to the golden core stage. The real Mingyang Alchemy Art has only the Yuanying Stage part I have a relationship with Junior Brother Nangong, and now that we want to return to the main vein, these exercises will also be unified again."

Stretching out his hand, it turned out that after this jade slip, Yi Tian stretched his spiritual consciousness in and scanned it roughly, only to find that the part below the Nascent Soul Stage was exactly the same as the one in his hand, and there were still a few divine consciousness spells that needed to be used in the Yuan Dynasty later. You can practice after infancy.

After reading it through, I realized that the skills handed down from the Xuanyang Sect are really sharp. No wonder even a three-point sect can rely on this to establish a sect in Dongao.

Now that Dongfang Lingyun handed over all the exercises, it is enough to prove that he recognizes his identity as the suzerain of his direct lineage. After Yi Tian put away the jade slip, he slowly stood up and saluted Dongfang Lingyun and Nangongba: " With the full support of the two senior brothers, Xuanyang's lineage is expected to rejuvenate, and it will not be difficult to return to the ancestral land of Zhongzhou by then."

Dongfang Lingyun nodded and replied indifferently: "Junior master suzerain has a long way to go, and we are just doing some things. As for returning to the ancestral land of Zhongzhou, I hope junior brother will worry a lot. Junior brother Nangong and I have Shouyuan left. There are not many, and now we can only stay in Dong Ao."

(End of this chapter)

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