
Chapter 528 Chaos

Chapter 528 Chaos
The Xuanling Great Remuneration of the Xuanling Sect is in full swing. This time, for the first time, the three foundation-building monks were divided equally into the Xuanyang Cave, which made outsiders look at the Xuanling Sect with admiration.

What was even more unexpected in the subsequent sacrificial ceremony was that Jindan monks from the three sects participated together.Qu Yifeng, the representative of the Xuanyang faction, actually took the position of the officiant. Dongfang Zhuo, the suzerain of the Xuanling sect, and Dongfang Zhuo, the master of the Iron Sword Sect, helped each other nine times.

For a while, there were some rumors among the low-level disciples, but they were quickly suppressed by the upper-level Golden Core monks.Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, left Xuanling Mountain and returned to Chiyan Hills directly after taking the Jade Slip of the Cultivation Technique.

After returning to the Zongmen, Yi Tian went directly to Lava Valley to discuss with Chiyangzi, and then left him several treasures of heaven and earth for refining longevity pills.According to my estimation, if there is no accident, Chi Yangzi can delay his lifespan by hundreds of years even if he cannot cultivate diligently after obtaining these elixir.

In this way, the time given to myself will be greatly increased. As long as Chiyangzi lasts for another two hundred years, the three Xuanyang veins will be completely integrated. .

After explaining many trivial matters, Yi Tian returned to his cave at Chuying Peak only to find that Liu Piaopiao had already started retreating to attack Yuan Ying.In this way, it was inconvenient for me to bother her, but I just sent a message to Yang Yanzi to explain all the affairs, and then started to practice in the cave.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, a jade slip biography directly broke through the restriction of the Young Eagle Peak, and then fell into the cave behind the water curtain.

Yi Tian, ​​who was originally practicing in the cave, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the jade slip in front of him and sighed.He stretched out his hand to take the jade slip and swept it away with his spiritual sense, but his face showed a dignified look.

According to the report on the Jade Slip, there was another incident in the East China Sea border. This time, it was originally thought that the Hai people would fight like they did in previous years.So the six sects just sent some golden core monks to garrison the two fortresses in Ninghai and Dinghai, but they didn't expect that there would be transformed sea beasts in the sea beast tide triggered this time.

Ninghai City in the north has now been captured, and upon hearing the news, the Nascent Soul masters of the Yin Corpse Sect of the White Bone Gate rushed to take back the fortress.If this barrier is lost, the northern coast of Dong'ao will be directly exposed to the eyes of the Hai Clan.

In the south, Ninghai City survived several invasions, but the monks of the three factions were also damaged, and some Jindan monks were even killed in battle. This situation has never happened before.

And among the Sea Clan attacking Ninghai City, some sixth-level sea beasts appeared one after another. The reinforcements from the Iron Sword Sect and the Xuanling Sect had already set off, and the people from their own sect were the closest, but they were still on their way to reinforce them.

After reading these summons, Yi Tian knew the seriousness of this naval battle. It seems that he had to go to the battle to rise to the Nascent Soul level, and then he directly sent it back after leaving a message in the jade slip.

Standing up to see that the door of Liu Piaopiao's closed room was still closed, Yi Tian had no choice but to leave a message, packed up and left the cave.

This time the Nascent Soul cultivator from Iron Sword Sect is Xuan Jianxin, and the Xuanling Sect is Nangong Ba. The two of them have almost arrived at Dinghai City one step ahead.

Now they can't care about the situation behind them anymore, the three factions have no choice but to stabilize the war situation in the south for the time being.

After leaving the cave in a hurry, Yi Tian jumped up and used the escape technique to fly towards Dinghai City. The straight line distance from Chiyan Hill to Dinghai City was less than a thousand miles away, and it took less than half an hour to fly at full speed. You can see the coastline.

Just as he flew out of the inland and arrived at the inland sea, Yi Tian suddenly found a ten-foot-high wave rushing towards the coastline for no reason.After the three factions set up the barrier of Dinghai City, there will be no major waves in the inner sea with a radius of [-] miles.

The weird waves like the one below are definitely not normal. Yi Tian immediately stopped his figure and checked the waves with his spiritual sense. After three breaths, he found that there seemed to be a level [-] sea beast driving the waves.

At the moment, my heart sinks. Sea beasts like this can smuggle into the inner sea, which means that the front-line battle must have been defeated by the sea clan in many ways, and then these fish that escaped the net took advantage of the loopholes in the defense and directly crossed the defense line of Dinghai City to attack the inland. up.

Xinnian noticed that the monster driving the waves seemed to be a thunder dragon, and Yi Tian suddenly recalled that he had encountered this beast when he first participated in the naval battle.

At that time, I was still in the stage of refining Qi, and this Thunder Dragon was already a fifth-level high-level mutation. After a few hundred years, its cultivation was just beyond the sixth-level category. Now I want to deal with him It was as easy as pie.But it would be best to catch a living, but by the way, you can also interrogate the real reason for the invasion of these sea tribes.

After thinking about it, he directly descended to the height, restrained his breath, and stayed in the midair thirty miles away from the front of the waves, and then shouted: "Where are the monsters who dare to sneak into the inland, and don't stop quickly."

The mutated thunder dragon in the opposite sea wave only paused for a moment after hearing the news, and then directly drove the sea wave towards Yi Tian's position.

However, after reaching a distance of three or four miles, he saw a blue light flickering in the sea waves, and then a thunderball wrapped in a water bomb shot out of it and flew directly towards Yi Tian's position.

Seeing that the spiritual power contained in this bucket-sized thunder ball is comparable to the full blow of a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, Yi Tian just shook his head, then took out the Taiyuan sword with a shake of his left hand, and directly sacrificed a move towards the thunder ball .

A cyan sword light in the sky above the Inner Sea tore through the air, and then hit the thunderball directly with a '呲呵' sound.Immediately, Jian Guang split the thunder ball into two, and after passing through the thunder ball, Jian Guang's remaining power remained undiminished, and he directly slashed towards the thunder dragon in the sea waves.

Seeing that the mutated thunder dragon couldn't dodge in time, he had to ride the waves and bumped into the blue sword light. Suddenly, a huge wave of more than 30 feet high was stirred up on the sea surface, and a sea beast figure with a length of seven to eight feet suddenly appeared in the huge wave. .

There were a lot of red water splashes in the falling waves, obviously the mutated brontosaurus had been injured by Yi Tian's blow.

Later that brontosaurus longed to dive to the bottom of the sea, and his first reaction to such a formidable opponent was to run away first.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in mid-air not far away, just twitched the corner of his mouth and left an afterimage in the air with a flash of blue light, while his real body teleported to the head of the mutated thunder dragon.

Then he looked directly at the Thunder Dragon's eyes, and after frowning, a golden light flashed in his eyes. When the four eyes met, the Thunder Dragon's whole body seemed to twitch for an instant, and then it crawled down feebly, and said loudly. He gasped for breath and closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at Yi Tian again.

This move is the attacking move of the Nascent Soul Stage in the Mingyang Alchemy of God, called 'Shocking God Thorn', and it is an advanced move of the 'Phantom God Thorn' that has been practiced before.It is very effective to deal with these monsters, and even the sixth-level monsters are hit by one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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