
Chapter 529 Calm

Chapter 529 Calm
The hundred-mile sea area near Dinghai City has now regained temporary tranquility. With the arrival of the two Nascent Soul cultivators, the Sea Clan seems to have retreated to the edge of the deep sea more than five hundred miles away in a tacit understanding.

At the same time, in the City Lord's Mansion of Dinghai City, the general Jindan monks stood below with a serious face, and the two Nascent Soul monks from the Iron Sword Sect and the Xuanling Sect sat face to face and listened to the rewards from below.

This time Dinghai City's rotating Golden Core monk is Golden Sword Wu Min from the Iron Sword Sect. At this time, she is pointing to the various defensive points on the chart in front of her with a tired face, reporting to the two Nascent Soul monks.

Suddenly Nangong Ba raised his hand and interrupted Wu Min's words, then stood up and said loudly: "Junior Brother Yi is here, Xuan Jianxin and I have been waiting here for a long time."

Later, a vague figure appeared on the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion, and after less than three breaths, it condensed into a real image showing Yi Tian's appearance.

All the Jindan cultivators present also opened their eyes wide. The person in front of them is a famous figure in recent years.Before that, Shenlong always seemed to see the end but not to see the end, but this time the sea battle actually appeared, which was really surprising.

Seeing this, Nangongba's eyes flashed and he said: "Junior Brother Yi hasn't improved his cultivation so much in a few years, so I think this naval battle depends on your efforts."

Yi Tian hurriedly stepped forward to salute and said: "Senior brother is serious, but junior brother is an underachiever, and he has to rely on senior brother for advice when dealing with the relationship between the two clans." Where is brother now?"

Although Yi Tian came from a junior generation, but now he has reached the mid-Yuanying stage and he is a junior brother recognized by Mo Wentian himself, so Xuan Jianxin also hurriedly stood up and replied: "This time, the two clans of monsters on the coast of the East China Sea When such an incident happened, the ancestor went out to find the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea. I'm afraid that he is negotiating with the Dragon King at this time, and the result is not yet known, and it is not known whether there will be another one."

Yi Tian nodded and signaled that he also thought about it in his heart. According to the reason, it should not be difficult for Mo Wentian to go out in person.However, all three factions of Nascent Soul cultivators were required to be present. It seemed that the Sea Clan was not easy to deal with. Although we don't know the outcome of the negotiations, we still have to make preparations.

After scanning the lower steps, Wu Min and others found that their faces were all exhausted. It is estimated that the fierce battle in the East China Sea before was also very fierce, which made these Jindan monks exhausted.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a three-foot-sized cage, in which the mutated brontosaurus was locked.At this time, its eyes were dull and a golden needle was pierced on the top of its forehead, and its whole body was lying on all fours, unable to lift up. Except for the spiritual pressure of a sixth-level sea beast emanating from its body, it looked like a low-level low-level animal that was harmless. Like sea beasts.

Most of the Golden Core cultivators below recognized this beast, and started whispering immediately.Yi Tian coughed lightly and said, "I found this fang when I was passing through the inner sea, and I have subdued it now. You can find a way to pry some valuable information from its mouth."

Nangong Ba glanced at it and said: "Junior Brother Yi doesn't know that some of these sea beasts broke through the defense line and some of them rushed into the inner sea. This mutant thunder dragon should be the commander of the intruding army. This will save us the next hunt. A lot of time," Then with a wave of his hand, several Jindan disciples stepped forward and moved the cage to the side hall, where there were dedicated torturers in charge of torture.

Afterwards, Nangong Ba presided over the defense of Dinghai City, dispatched every two Golden Core cultivators to lead a number of Foundation Establishment elites to form a patrol guard to maintain the peace of the inner sea, and sent several disciples who were proficient in formations to rush to the formation overnight to take advantage of this temporary truce. The defense system of Dinghai City was rebuilt as soon as possible.

After some instructions, these Jindan disciples were sent out, and then Nangong Ba opened a light and shadow restriction to surround the three of them before sitting down and facing Yi Tian: "I have something to ask you, please Did you reply truthfully?"

Seeing Nangong Ba's serious face, Yi Tian knew that the next conversation probably had a lot to do with him, so he immediately said with a serious face: "Senior Brother Nangong, please, I know everything, and I can say everything."

"Okay, let me ask you if Fu Kecheng, the ghost sect of yours, killed you?" Nangong Ba asked in a deep voice.

When he heard that this was the case, Yi Tian no longer concealed it and directly told the truth about the grudge between Ru contract killing Yin Lixing and Fu Kecheng back then, which made the two people beside him sigh a few words.

Then Nangong Ba shook his head and said: "Junior Brother did this out of helplessness. Although Fu Kecheng has everything wrong, he is still the number one combat power of the Yin Corpse Sect. Originally, the three factions in the north of Dongao are basically weak. In the face of confrontation in naval battles, we must rely on our full strength to attack. Now that the Infernal Corpse faction is greatly weakened, and Ke Manzi is alone, so the fallen juniors in Ninghai City also have an inescapable responsibility."

I remember that the Jade Slip mentioned that Ninghai City was breached by the Chilin Sea Clan. It seems that the Nascent Soul cultivator over there was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the sea beasts of the same level, which led to such a state.

At the moment, Yi Tian also said helplessly: "According to senior brother, what should we do?"

"Ninghai City and Dinghai City have lost their lips and their teeth are cold. For the present plan, we must find a way to take them back first, and then establish a defense system. In this way, based on the two coastal defense cities, the enemies from the outer seas will be completely isolated." Nangong Ba returned. road.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian already understood the meaning of Nangong Ba. He killed Fu Kecheng by himself, which led to the lack of high-end combat power in the north and the fall of Ninghai City. Now this mess needs to be cleaned up by Yi Tian himself.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "If the senior brother thinks that Dinghai City can be defended, I am willing to help the northern front. Please also inform the Yuanying monks of the three northern factions so that they can coordinate and assist in the defense."

"The North Face is now in charge of the Bone Demon. I believe you can handle it after you go, and don't suppress the Yin Corpse Sect too much. Brother Tie Jian said that the six Dong Ao Sects are still in a state of balance. At least we have to wait for the East China Sea. Let's talk about it after the overall situation is stable," Nangong Bayu said earnestly.

Seeing this, Yi Tian felt that it didn't matter. After nodding his head, he got up and said goodbye to the two, and then his figure jumped into the air in a flash and flew towards the direction of the fall of Ninghai City in the north.

After Yi Tian left, Xuan Jianxin asked: "Brother Nangong, do you think the Suzerain Master can handle this matter properly?"

Nangong Ba smiled and said: "Senior Brother Tie Jian has something to say first, although we want to return to the direct lineage, it also depends on whether he is competent as the suzerain. If he only knows how to fight and kill, he is not a wise person, then After our three veins are united, there will definitely be rifts. What the brother means is to listen to his words and see his actions. If we can really bind the six Dongao factions together, then we can really convince us. This time the power should be for him Let's try it out and see if Junior Brother Yi has the ability to control the six sects."

(End of this chapter)

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