
Chapter 530 Erosion

Chapter 530 Erosion
The distance from Dinghai City in the south to Ninghai City in the north is only over a thousand nautical miles, according to Yi Tian's escape speed, it can be reached in just an hour, even if it is flying at full speed, it will not take an hour.

Those formations on the defensive island chain of Dinghai City were set up by himself. When flying along the way, they found that except for a few nodes that were breached, most of the rest were still intact.

I believe that Dinghai City will definitely send more people to repair these damaged nodes one by one during this period of time, so I don't have to worry about these things.

After talking with Nangongba before, I learned that the reason why the old man Iron Sword has not attacked the three northern factions is that he wants to rely on their strength to defend the coastline north of Dongao. As long as the three factions do not step on the bottom line in major events, Iron Sword Old people also turn a blind eye.

Now that I have returned, I have greatly weakened the strength of the Yin Corpse faction in the north, so this time Ninghai City will have insufficient defensive power due to insufficient Nascent Soul monks, and was finally forcibly broken by Chilin Haize.

Having said that, Yi Tian didn't care too much. He had been too entangled with the Yin Corpse Sect back then, and everyone's communication has been uninterrupted since the Qi refining period.Lunli Xing and Fu Kecheng's master and apprentice even regarded themselves as a thorn in their flesh, and they almost fell into their hands several times. Now that Feng Shui has taken turns and they are in a strong position, these accounts must be settled carefully.

No matter how much Mo Wentian complained, if people were killed, they would be killed, there was nothing to say.Moreover, Yi Tian had already contacted the Bone Gate before, and may have further plans for the Yin Corpse Sect in the future.

Flying all the way to the north, the defensive island chain near Dinghai City is the most intact, but the further north the remaining island chain is destroyed, the more severe it is.When entering the defensive island chain area of ​​Ninghai City, the situation here is even worse than that in the south. Looking down, most of the defensive arrays that were originally set up every [-] to [-] miles have been destroyed.

Only a few nodes are still relying on the original facilities for tenacious defense, and there are also some fourth-level sea beasts in the surrounding area leading many low-level subordinates to try to besiege these nodes.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the sky, frowned slightly after seeing the situation below. It seemed that the situation in Ninghai City was worse than he thought.After Ninghai City was breached, it is estimated that the three factions can only retreat to the coastline to reorganize their defenses.

As for the mutated brontosaurus, it should have entered the inland sea from the defense gap of these island chains. If it hadn't met him, it might have caused trouble in the inland sea area.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't dare to delay any longer. In this way, even if Dinghai City is not lost, it will not be able to defend against the Red Scaled Sea Clan in the north. It will only be a matter of time before it becomes an isolated island.

Yi Tian, ​​who squinted his eyes at the low-level sea beasts below, just raised his right hand, and a cyan sword light came out of his hand and stabbed straight down.When approaching the surface of the sea, the sword light was divided into ten parts, and the surrounding sea beasts were directly stirred into a meat paste.

After staying for a little while, Yi Tian strengthened the array on the island node again, and then continued to fly in the direction of Ninghai City.Originally, the northern island chain was shattered by the onslaught of the Sea Clan, but Yi Tian only spent half a day repairing most of the defenses of the island chains he passed along the way.

Although there is no core Ninghai City, these island chain defenses have indeed begun to operate. At least Yi Tian can rest assured that those fifth-level sea beasts can be temporarily blocked from the inner sea in the repaired area.

After slowly approaching the area of ​​Ninghai City, Yi Tian gradually stopped, and most of the time began to observe the movements on the sea below.There are more and more fifth-level sea beasts appearing here, and there are even sixth-level elementary sea beasts stationed near some large node wrecks.

Although they are all hidden under the sea, it is easy to find out their hiding places with their own spiritual sense.Now Yi Tian doesn't need to clean them up one by one. Firstly, it takes time, and secondly, he is afraid of disturbing those high-level sea monsters.

So Yi Tian decisively changed direction above the high altitude and flew towards the coastline in the north.

On the way, I deliberately took a detour to the original site of Ninghai City for a stroll, and looked at the island of Ninghai City from a high altitude. The houses on the island were bombed and crumbled, and the tallest building, the City Lord's Mansion, was also dilapidated.

However, what disturbed Yi Tian the most was that there were six extremely powerful auras in the original value of Ninghai City. It should be those transformed monsters gathered here. No wonder Ninghai City was directly captured.

With sea beasts of this level of strength gathered together, even if Mo Wentian came in person, he would not be able to get any advantage.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian felt that he still had to avoid the edge for the time being, and go to a round with the Bone Demon first, maybe he could find some opportunity to fight from their mouths.

The three northern factions set up a temporary combat readiness point at Bolang Mountain in the middle of the Dongao coastline, which is still seven to eight hundred nautical miles away from Ninghai City, but now without the defense of Ninghai City, the Sea Clan can already come from various places. direction to attack the shoreline.

And the mortals at the local seaside have been forced to relocate to the inland area a hundred miles away, and the coastline within a hundred miles has become a temporary war zone.

When Yi Tian came to Bolang Mountain, he saw that the area extending from north to south for nearly a hundred miles with this mountain as the center was controlled by human monks in sections.The flags erected in these areas are of all kinds. It seems that the three northern factions are also at their best. In addition to recruiting those casual cultivators from the aristocratic families, they were in a hurry on the coastline of more than two hundred miles. Defensive formation laid down.

After slowly flying into the headquarters of the three sects in Bolang Mountain, they found that the place was arranged in an orderly manner. The personnel of Medicine Valley were responsible for the logistics work, and the defense outside was the alliance formed by the Baigumen and the Yin Corpse faction.

Scanning the monks below, there are no less than a few dozen monks, including Jindan monks, and some of them are the heads of aristocratic families.Ke Yitian knew in his heart that this conflict had already risen to the level of Nascent Soul monks, and it would be tantamount to talking in sleep if the following people wanted to regain Ninghai City.

The main thing to deal with now is the six high-level sea beasts living in Ninghai City, and there are not many of them in the transformation stage.

When Yi Tianfei arrived at a distance of more than ten miles near the headquarters of Bolang Mountain, he suddenly saw the large defensive formation on the mountain slapped a few times, and then opened a hole the size of a foot out of thin air.

Inside, the Bone Demon's words came out: "Fellow Daoist galloped all the way to Bolang Mountain, and came at just the right time. Please come to the main hall to discuss matters first."

(End of this chapter)

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