
Chapter 531 The Siege

Chapter 531 The Siege
In the lobby of the headquarters of the three sects in Bolang Mountain, the Bone Demon sits at the top, and Ke Manzi and Yao Lao are two Nascent Soul monks at the bottom on the left.Yi Tian sat on the right with a blank face, quietly listening to the bone demon introduce the current situation of the battle.

From the expressions of the three of them, one could see a trace of helplessness, especially Ke Manzi looked at him with a hint of fear in his eyes.How can I say that Fu Kecheng's sudden demise has a lot to do with me. If Fu Kecheng is here now, I believe that the Hai clan will definitely not capture Ninghai City so easily.

At this time, I heard the white bone demon sitting in the middle introduce the defense of Bolang Mountain, then turned his gaze to Yi Tianzheng and asked: "Friend Yi Dao, do you know how many sea beasts above level [-] or even in form are on the opposite side? They It is our main opponent now, if we want to regain Ninghai City, we must defeat it, otherwise we can only rely on the terrain of Bolang Mountain for defense again."

Yi Tian said indifferently: "There are roughly six sea beasts entrenched in the ruins of Ninghai City. I don't know the details at the beginning of my visit. I hope fellow Taoists can explain it to me." After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at I looked at the three of them.

After the Bone Demon nodded, he said to Ke Manzi: "Friend Daoist Ke, you have fought against them several times, so let you tell the opponent's overall strength."

After the sound transmission from the Bone Gate, Yi Tiancai knew that the fall of Ninghai City was presided over by Ke Manzi and retreated. At that time, he had more or less understood it after several fights with the opponent's high-level sea beasts.

Then Ke Manzi told the situation of the high-level sea beasts he had seen during this period. The three Naga elders from the Red Scale Sea Clan were attacking.

The inherent advantage of the Naga clan is that they don't need to cross the catastrophe of transformation. The three monsters can also attack the formation together. When attacking Ninghai City, they directly hold back Ke Manzi and Yao Lao, which makes the remaining monsters have a chance. take.

As for the other three are deep sea monsters, their strength is slightly lower than the upper half. Probably Ke Manzi can definitely suppress the opponent strongly if he faces alone, and even if he faces two, he can retreat completely.

After hearing what he said, Yi Tian was expressionless, but he couldn't help but make some calculations in his heart.According to the current comparison of high-level combat power, it seems that the human race is at a disadvantage, but according to a comprehensive assessment, once the opponent leaves the geographical environment of the sea and goes ashore, its strength will be greatly reduced.

So now the battle situation in the north has been dragged to a stalemate for a while, and the opponent is unable to attack and refuses to give up the existing fruits of victory.As for the human race here, it is difficult to organize an effective counterattack to regain Ninghai City because of their slightly weaker strength.

The Bone Demon waited for Ke Manzi to finish speaking, and asked directly: "I heard that the old man Iron Sword made a special trip to negotiate with the Dragon King of the East China Sea. I wonder how this matter is going? We are all waiting for the news Whether it is war or reconciliation is only between the two of them."

Speaking of this matter, Yi Tian took out a communication jade card and handed it to Bone Demon, "This jade card was entrusted by Nangong Ba to me to hand over to a fellow Taoist. I believe the old man Iron Sword is still negotiating with the Flood Dragon King. If there is a result, I believe we will be notified as soon as possible, everyone should wait for the change," said without speaking and rested on his own.

After the Bone Demon took the jade card, he also showed a helpless look on his face, and then he gave a few instructions to Ke Manzi and Yao Lao, and the latter went directly back to the territory of the sect after listening.

The situation in Bolang Mountain passed quietly for two days. During this period, Yi Tian just sat in the guardian hall and waited silently for the news, while the Bone Demon did not leave.Although both of them were sitting and resting, they were both thinking about how the next battle would develop.

Not long after, the jade pendant in the hand of the bone demon suddenly flickered, awakening the two of them.Mo Wentian's projection slowly appeared in the jade tablet, and then an old voice came out from it: "Are you all here?"

Bone Demon and Yi Tian hurriedly stepped forward to salute the old man Tie Jian, and then gave instructions to listen quietly.In less than ten breaths, there were two winds from outside the door, and then the figures of Ke Manzi and Yao Lao appeared under the left hand of the bone demon.The two also saluted the old man Jishou with the iron sword in the jade tablet, and then sat down one after another.

Later I heard Mo Wentian speak again: "I discussed with the old Jiaolong and the other party agreed to use the existing high-level combat power to fight a gamble. As long as we can win the other party, we will directly withdraw from Ninghai City, and guarantee that within a hundred years It will not invade the Dongao sea area again. So this time it is up to you to take back Ninghai City."

After hearing this, the Bone Demon replied directly: "Listen quietly to the instructions of Fellow Daoist."

Three days later, a sky-scanning battleship was slowly launched in the airport of Bolang Mountain. The man who controlled the battleship was Ke Zhihao, the suzerain of the Infernal Corpse Sect, accompanied by more than a dozen Jindan monks from the three sects.At this time, the four Nascent Soul monks were sitting around in the cabin discussing something.

Later, a vanguard investigation team sent back a message that there was movement in Ninghai City, [-] miles away.In the city lord's mansion, there were six golden lights escaping on the waves, and then stayed on the sea surface more than a hundred miles north of Ninghai City.

This time, after Mo Wentian discussed with the Dragon King, the result was to let his subordinates solve it by themselves, and everyone will decide the outcome based on their existing high-level combat power.

This time it became a four-on-six battle, but Yi Tian definitely didn't think so. The other party had three elders of the Red Scale Clan teaming up to form a formation, clearly to take down the human monks.

One-on-one with the Bone Demon is no problem, but at best it can suppress one of them, but it is still very difficult to break the formation.As for Ke Manzi and Yao Lao, both of them were monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, they were powerless to break through the formation.

The four of them discussed this on the way here, and after everyone discussed it, the Bone Demon, Ke Manzi, and Yao Lao dealt with the other three sea beasts respectively, while Yi Tian had to break into the battle for the time being and confront the three Naga elders After a while, wait for the other three to free up their helping hands before breaking the formation together.

Yi Tian just twitched his lips about this, and it seems that it is three-on-one at the moment, and it seems that if he does not agree, it will not work.

About half an hour later, the sky surveying warship flew thirty or forty miles away from the predetermined location, and then the four spiritual lights on the ship flashed away, and they came to the sky above the sea area in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, six blue and red lights also flew out from the sea, confronting the four of them five miles away.

Yi Tian scanned the opponent with his spiritual sense and found that there were three identical sixth-level top Naga elders in the middle, which should be his main opponent this time.In addition, there is a fish-headed monster on the side, which seems to be a low-level sea monster. People should still be able to handle them with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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