
Chapter 532 Procrastination

Chapter 532 Procrastination
A hundred miles to the north of Ninghai City, three jets of water suddenly rose from the sea and covered the sea area in mid-air.

Six auras suddenly flashed out of it, and then two pairs began to fight each other in the nearby sea area.Among the three water pillars, Yi Tian didn't dare to be too big. He saw that the three red-scaled Naga elders were holding tridents and conchs and casting spells together to summon the sea water from the sea level to form three dragons to absorb water. .

These three dragons absorbed water and passed each other in the sky and then converged into one point. In an instant, the water flowed down from the gap between the water columns, forming a water prison with a diameter of about three miles.

At this time, Yi Tian's face also showed a little strange color. In this water prison, because of the restraint of spell attributes, even if he used the best tricks, the effect was not great.What's more, these three people were instantly hidden in the water column absorbed by the dragon, and for a while, it would be no problem to lock their exact positions by relying on their spiritual sense alone.

Being in a disadvantageous position, Yi Tian didn't show any fear, he just took out a handful of nanmuzi, cast a spell on his hand, and turned them into thumb-thick rattan branches, weaving them into a sealed rattan ball three feet around him.

After the blue light flashed, the whole person fell into it directly, and began to defend.Prepare yourself according to the previous tactics, as long as you hold back the three of them, you can drag the war into a deadlock with dry consumption.

When the three Naga elders saw this situation, they knew that they were being targeted by the human race, and there was a fierce laugh in the water column: "I want to fight with us for consumption. What we like most in this sea is consumption." It's a fight."

A few water arrows suddenly sprayed out from the water column and shot straight at Yi Tian's defense vine wood ball.The water arrow composed of white spray mixed with the sound of howling wind hit the takraw ball violently and shook it.

Then I saw a green halo attached to the defensive spell and stabilized the takraw ball again.

Then several whistles sounded from the three water jets at the same time, and water arrows were shot from all directions and angles towards the rattan ball set up in Yi Tian.Later, some water arrows condensed into ice cones in the air and pierced directly on the takraw ball, immediately piercing the takraw ball into a hedgehog shape, but even so, they couldn't break through the defense at all.

The three White Bone Demons outside the water formation were also unable to detect the situation inside, but their opponents seemed to have become extremely slick, and they did not fight head-on every time, just thinking of delaying time.

People with a discerning eye can see that the opponent also used tactics to make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, which made the Terran side also start to feel overwhelmed.

During the defensive spells, Yi Tian also felt that the surrounding temperature began to drop sharply, either because of the power of the formation or one of the Naga elders was casting ice spells.

The surrounding area of ​​the takraw ball was also riddled with holes from being pierced by a burst of icicles. If it wasn't for his mana to maintain it, it might have been broken by now.But the current situation is not much better, these infiltrated ice cones seem to be still being manipulated to break through their own defenses.The takraw ball also loses its toughness at low temperatures.

Sure enough, under the bombardment, the defensive spells supported for two hours and became precarious.Just as the dragon sucked water and pierced several ice picks at the same time, suddenly the whole sepak takraw ball shook, and then a blue halo spread out from the hole, covering the surrounding three-foot range.

These problems caused the ice spells to become extremely slow as soon as they came into contact with the halo, and the spiritual power of the spells began to flow continuously.

Suddenly there was another roar in the water column: "Let's work together to break this turtle's shell." After saying that, the color of the surrounding water column became crystal clear, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot instantly, and at the same time, the water vapor in the air condensed into little white ice crystals.

The three water jets rotated around the center at the same time, and then the water jets gathered more and more together to gradually squeeze the inner space, and at the same time blocked all the escape routes for Yi Tian.

After the three sounds of "嗖嗖嗖", three figures of the Naga Sea tribe suddenly appeared outside the formation, and the three of them were holding a steel fork, a magic conch, and a water drop the size of a fist to control three huge dragons Absorbent swirls together.

A little later, a green sepak takraw ball appeared in the formation, and was held up by three water jets at the same time, and was directly smashed to pieces by the torrent.The water droplets cooled in the air turned into a rotating chain of ice crystals and then gathered towards the middle of the water dragon. For a while, the temperature in this space reached freezing point.

From the position where the sepak takraw ball burst, a white mist rose and froze the spray in the air, and then the sea water below also condensed from top to bottom. From a distance, it seemed to rise above the sea surface. There is a white ice crystal flower.

At this time, the three Nascent Soul monks who were fighting around were also shocked. They didn't expect that the formation set up by the three Naga elders was so powerful that even Yi Tian was trapped in the formation after only two or three hours of support. up.

The Bone Demon's face is also very exciting now. He wanted to rely on tactics to defeat each of them, but he didn't expect that the opponent would also attack selectively.I don't know if Yi Tian is alive or dead now, and for a while, his spiritual sense is completely unable to detect his exact position.

After the three Naga elders glanced at each other, joyful expressions appeared on their faces. Although the human monk in front of him had a good plan, it was a pity that he still underestimated his opponent.

I saw that the three of them raised the magic weapon in their hands at the same time, and after doing it frequently, they sacrificed three blue halos and directly irradiated the middle of the icicle in no particular order.

Three crisp sounds resounded on the sea level at once, and the soaring icicles that had been sealed instantly began to disintegrate from the inside, and large chunks of icicles slowly peeled off from the air and fell directly into the sea below. among.

At this time, a thick fog rose above the sea, covering the entire area. Just as the three Naga elders were about to leave together, an incomparably sharp spiritual pressure suddenly emerged from the thick fog.

The three of them were shocked and hurriedly gathered together to stand in the air in the form of finished characters, all of them looked at the mist in front of them with incredulous expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, two bright spots appeared in the mist, and after a while, the spiritual pressure increased by one level again, and six rays of light flashed in the mist one after another.Then a human-shaped shadow emerged from it, but at this moment, there seemed to be something extra on the shadow.

After seeing the figure clearly, Elder Naga in the head twitched his whole face a few times and then shouted: "It's the real body of Asura, this person is the Holy Son of King Ming," and ignored the reactions of the other two people directly With both hands out, the water drop in his hand turned into a blue light and hit Yi Tian.

The other two also frowned, and then started to attack one after another with their spirit weapons in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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