
Chapter 533 Disintegration

Chapter 533 Disintegration
Although Dongao and Nanjiang on the Tianlan Continent are far away, the news is not completely blocked. As for the news that in the past few years, after the return of the Ming King and Dao Shengzi in Nanjiang, the news of reunifying its large and small forces is also unavoidable. fly.

As a giant in Dong'ao, the Bone Demon knew something about this, but it was just hearsay. To be honest, he had never actually met the Holy Son of King Ming, and he didn't know his strength.

However, hearing the news of King Ming's Son from the mouth of Elder Naga on the East China Sea at this time, immediately cheered up everyone present.Everyone slowed down the spells in their hands, and then branched out into the mist with a sense of consciousness.

I saw a faint purple flame in the white mist, and then directly shook the mist away.The three spells attacked directly from the left, middle and right, and then they were blocked by a purple shield defense one foot away from Yi Tian.

After putting away the spell, Yi Tian slowly opened his mouth and said: "I didn't expect that there are still people in Dongao who recognize my real body. It seems that you, the Red Phosphorus Naga clan, know a lot." After speaking, the six eyes Three eyes swept over the Elder Naga, and immediately the spiritual pressure in the air collided with each other, and several waves of ten feet high were stirred up on the sea below.

Then Elder Naga, who was the leader, moved his lips to transmit a sound transmission to the other two: "This person is the Holy Son of King Ming. His cultivation base has reached the stage of six eyes open, and we can no longer hold back the Trinity to attack together." After speaking, he stretched out his hands and directly Form a seal on the chest.

The other two people behind him also followed suit and cast spells together. After receiving the printout at the same time, the three of them said in unison: "Let's go together." In an instant, the three of them turned into three white halos, circling and interlacing together, and then a wave The spiritual pressure comparable to the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul emerges from it.

In less than ten breaths, I saw that the three halos directly merged together, and then became bigger and bigger to form a giant Naga sea beast, and the lower half of the fish body directly erected water splashes as if standing on the sea surface. A giant trident is tightly held in both hands.

This sudden situation directly caused the six people around to retreat, and the two sides stopped fighting each other, and they all retreated to the side to see how the next situation in this battle would evolve.

Yi Tian looked at Liulu with his eyes and listened to Bafang lightly sweeping around for four weeks, and then he just sighed softly in his mouth, and then took out the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel, Taiyuan Sword and a one-foot-sized mirror respectively.

My main hand holds the mirror with both hands and mutters words, while the other two hands and four hands are also directly done in pairs, instantly raising the fluctuation of spiritual pressure to a stage comparable to that of the opponent's giant Naga.

I have tried to make my Asura's real body open all six eyes before, but after more than a hundred years of precipitation, I have not been able to cultivate successfully even in the ten thousand island sea area.

This time, when I joined forces with the three Naga elders to fight against the enemy, I suddenly realized a little bit of enlightenment. The situation where the three of the opponents worked together to drive the formation gave me quite a lot of inspiration, so after trying it, I was originally right. The tightly closed eyes on the side of the head can be fully opened.

At this time, the six hands cast three spells at the same time. Although the spiritual power in the body was consumed, it was not as troublesome as expected.On the contrary, after the six eyes are opened, the whole person obviously circulates mana faster by three points. In this way, it is like three people shooting at the same time, and the power is definitely not as simple as adding up.

The giant Naga obviously wanted to take advantage of Yi Tian's momentum to attack for a while, and waved the trident in his hand to directly mobilize the sea water below and turn it into a giant water dragon before rushing out.

The water dragon was about one foot thick, and it directly sucked up half of the sea water below, and its power was even stronger than the dragon's water absorption just now.For a while, only the sound of rumbling water was heard, and the blue water column directly covered Yi Tian's head.

But before reaching the distance of ten feet above the head, it was directly divided into two by the sudden blue sword light from below, and the strength was relieved respectively.Seeing that, Naga slashed fiercely at Yi Tian's position with both forks in his hands.

There was a loud bang of '铛', shaking the surrounding sea. Those Jindan cultivators on the sky survey boat hundreds of miles away were staggered by the violent sound waves. The shallow man hastily covered his ears to stabilize his mind.

Yi Tian manipulated the Holy Son Spirit Artifact and displayed the same brilliance of the sun and the moon, and went straight to meet the falling trident. After the two sides competed for a while, he still had the upper hand.

After a successful blow, there was a flash of purple light in the air, and Yi Tian came not far from the head of the giant Naga, and then took out the Haotian Mirror to take a picture of Naga's forehead, and instantly saw the appearance of the Niwan Palace. There were three figures, which were the collections of the three Naga elders Yuanying.

For a moment, the world seemed to freeze in an instant, and the giant Naga's body remained motionless as if it had been petrified.Yi Tian took advantage of this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity to sacrifice the Taiyuan sword again, turning into a small white light and piercing towards the opponent's forehead.

Immediately, the surrounding onlookers saw the white light on the head of the giant Naga flash into it, and then the real body shook violently.Less than three breaths later, a 'bang' was heard, and Naga's body fell down into the sea below.

The huge body was disintegrated into three blue lights in the air, and then the figures of three Naga elders were revealed, but two of them had dull eyes and bleeding from seven orifices, completely unconscious.

Only the one who was at the head before remained a little awake, circling in the air and was about to accelerate into the sea.Unexpectedly, Yi Tian flashed again in the air and flew directly to the bottom to block the sea surface, and then the sun and moon in his hand separated from the Huilun and flew upwards.

Elder Naga showed a ruthless look in his naked eyes when he saw that he was about to let the mermaid go. He glanced at the two brothers next to him, as if they were all fixed in the Nascent Soul and became dumbfounded. He didn't dare to stay any longer and escaped directly from the golden body. Nascent Soul came and shot away into the distance.

This scene was unexpected by everyone, and the next thing that is even more incomprehensible is that Yi Tian just shook the Haotian Mirror in his hand towards the golden Nascent Soul, and then saw the original Ru Lixuan. The spirit body that sprang out suddenly stayed in the air without moving.

Then let Yi Tianfei go forward and grab it in his hands, and then took out a jade bottle to seal it.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, then put away the spiritual weapon and the statue and snorted coldly at the Bone Demon in the air: "How long are you going to wait here, do you want me to help you clean up the mess?" ?"

The Bone Demon was shocked when he heard this, and then looked at Yi Tian with a look of dread, then turned to Ke Manzi and Yao Lao and said: "Reviving Ninghai City is here, we can't fall behind, let others see me too The strength of the three factions in Dong'ao and the north." After saying that, he took out a piece of bone spiritual weapon and rushed towards the fish-headed sea beast.

(End of this chapter)

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