
Chapter 534 The Secret

Chapter 534 The Secret
Three days have passed since the battle of Ninghai City's recovery. Since Yi Tian killed two Naga elders and captured a Nascent Soul alive on the spot in the Nascent Soul siege that day, the remaining three human Nascent Soul monks showed their power on the spot, and then The situation has become one-sided.

The Bone Demon also beheaded the fish head monster on the spot, and now the high-level strength of the two sides suddenly became very different.In the rear, the Golden Core cultivators swarmed out under the order of the ancestors on the sky surveying battleship. Those monks stationed at Bolang Mountain also received the message from the front immediately, and they immediately dispatched all their nests and vowed to regain the lost ground.

The Red Scaled Sea Clan on the opposite side began to retreat all the way after losing the support of high-level combat power, and the remaining sea beasts slowly faded towards the deep sea under the cover of two sixth-level sea beasts.Before leaving, the original infrastructure of Ninghai City was completely destroyed, and all the materials that could be taken away were taken away.

But this is already the best result. The three factions in the north worked together to severely damage the Red Scale Sea Clan and push the direction back to the front line of Ninghai City.Next, after the Bone Demon settled in Ninghai City, he directly contacted Dinghai City in the south. After the two parties negotiated, they were still planning to rebuild the original defensive island chain.

And sent their respective elite Jindan monks to lead the team to the waters near the island chain to start clearing the remaining sea tribe troops. This time Ninghai City is going to be completely rebuilt, so the bone demon discussed with the other two Nascent Soul monks. Materials that can be collected will be dealt with together.

At the same time, Yi Tian first summoned Nangong Ba to briefly explain the situation in the northern war, and then bid farewell to the three Bone Demons and returned to Dinghai City alone.

At the time of parting, Yi Tian found that the fear in the eyes of the three people was even more serious than before, maybe this battle completely frightened them.And for the first time in Dongao, he showed the real body of King Ming Shengzi, and he was able to fight against three in an instant, which really surprised Bone Demon and others.

Although I have already told Chi Yangzi, Dongfang Lingyun, Nangong Ba and Old Man Tie Jian about the physical body, but doing this this time is tantamount to letting the world know about my physical image.It is estimated that the news of his massacre in the East China Sea will spread throughout the entire Dong'ao continent in ten months.

But now Yi Tian doesn't need to pay attention to these things anymore, after saying goodbye to Bone Demon and others, he galloped towards the south of the East China Sea alone.

After flying three or four hundred nautical miles away from Dinghai City, Yi Tian directly found an uninhabited island, then manipulated the Taiyuan Sword to dig a temporary cave on the mountain, and then slipped in and sealed the cave door with restrictions.

After sitting in the cave, he slowly took out the jade bottle that sealed the Naga Elder Yuanying, gently lifted the sealing talisman on the bottle mouth, and then used his spiritual sense to reach in to have a look, only to see the body of the Naga Naga spirit body A purple spirit pattern lock completely sealed it, and the entire Nascent Soul was in a state of fainting.

After gently stretching out his hand and pointing at it, he saw the spirit body of the Nascent Soul slowly floating out of the jade bottle and floating in front of him, and then a light flashed between Yi Tian's eyebrows, and he directly began to search for his soul.

This time the red-scaled and blue-scaled tribes have dispatched such a large force, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no trick in it.If you want to understand the reason, you have to start with these Nascent Soul-level monsters who take the lead.

After half an hour, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave and slowly opened his eyes, then stared at the unconscious Nascent Soul in front of him and thought for a while.Then he took out the messenger jade token and left messages to Chiyangzi, Nangongba and others, saying that he wanted to go to the deep sea.

As for the reason for his trip, he gave it vaguely. Anyway, Dinghai City has been restored at this time, and there is no need for him to do anything about it. The sect masters of the three sects have to worry about it.

The search for the soul just now made Yi Tian's heart startled. This time the sea clan's invasion was not without reason. Although he made a lot of profit from it at the beginning, in the end, he still lost four high-level avatars sea ​​beast.

There is some news in the Nascent Soul that makes Yi Tian's eyes light up. The East China Sea is not so peaceful. Although the Jiaolong clan is the ruler of the sea area, after all, the number is too small, and after controlling most of the sea area, it is not good. take care of.

On the contrary, the Naga clan is thriving, and the new high-ranking sea beasts in the clan are emerging one after another. That's why the Dragon King used a trick to drive away the tigers and wolves so that the Naga clan would fight with the human race regularly, so as to reduce the number of high-ranking Naga.

Yi Tian can't deny this, if he thinks about himself in the position of Dragon King, he will only go too far.

However, this Naga Elder Yuanying revealed a message. Hundreds of years ago, he once saw a portrait of Asura in a palace on a small island in the depths of the East China Sea, and there were some words beside it. The record is just something he didn't know.

Yi Tian became interested in this at that time, and he traveled all over Tianlan Continent to find the clues left by several powerful people, so as to infer all kinds of secrets that happened on this continent back then.

Now that I have this opportunity, I want to take a good look at it. Considering that this relic should be in the depths of the East China Sea, Yi Tian does not dare to go there with too much fanfare for the time being.

Also, Naga Elder Yuanying mentioned in his memory that inexplicable intrusion is the most taboo above the waters of the Dragon King, and even the great monks of the human race must notify in advance if they want to enter.

On the contrary, as long as these original Donghai aquariums don't get close to the dragon's nest within a radius of [-] miles, they won't have any problems.The same is true for his Naga clan. The specific location of the small island in the sea area is thousands of nautical miles away from the Dragon Nest in the south of the East China Sea. However, if you want to go here, you must pass through the territory of the Dragon King. Handle it carefully.

After taking out the chart of the East China Sea, Yi Tian carefully surveyed the route he wanted to travel on it, and found that if he flew in a straight line, he would have to cross the territory of the Jiaolong King for about four to five hundred miles.

In order to avoid trouble, this route was rejected, so Yi Tian had to choose a detour. Although it would take twice as long, the sea areas along the way were controlled by the red-scaled and blue-scaled tribes. Come for enough to cope with.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian immediately decided on a route, and then directly sacrificed Lei Yan Ziyan to refine the spirit body of the Nascent Soul.I have brought a lot of auxiliary materials for the Yingying Pill with me, and now that I have this main material, I don't want to waste it.

Moreover, if the Nascent Soul Pellet was used as the main medicine, the effect of the Infant Formation Pill would be three points stronger than that of ordinary ones. Originally, Yi Tian didn't bother to do so, but after thinking about it, there are still monks in his sect who are waiting for the Infant Formation. There are a lot of them, and it is helpless to have too many monks and too little porridge.

It is still very useful to take this thing back to the sect, and it is always like wasting this Nascent Soul.

(End of this chapter)

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