
Chapter 535 Clues

Chapter 535 Clues
Yi Tian restrained his aura fluctuations in the sky above the East China Sea, and then galloped across the sky.Along the way, he passed several gathering places of the Sea Clan. Looking down, he could see the army of the Sea Clan retreating slowly and orderly.

Most of the leaders of these sea beasts are the leaders of the Naga tribe. Presumably, they were also defeated at the front line, but the army was not defeated like a mass of scattered sand.

However, when Yi Tian roughly scanned the number of Sea Clans below, he frowned. No wonder even the Flood Dragon King became wary of them. For the Jiaolong clan, it was several times faster.

In the long run, the speed of the replacement of the old and the new is not proportional. If there are no more restrictions, the East China Sea will be dominated by the Naga people in a few decades.

The more powerful species also have their own flaws. The biggest disadvantage of the Flood Dragon King clan is that there are not enough members. It usually takes two to three thousand years for a Flood Dragon to go from infancy to transformation. The reason for the pressure.

Unexpectedly, these Yi Tian immediately disappeared in the air and flew past the heads of the sea clan army below.

The specific location of the island on that side was not difficult to find, but it took twice as long to find it in order to avoid suspicion.When Yi Tian locked onto the small island hundreds of miles away, he was overjoyed and was about to speed up, when he suddenly let go of his consciousness, he clearly detected that someone was also approaching the small island, and there were at least four of them.

Facing the sudden situation, Yi Tian frowned, thinking in his heart that something was wrong, and those who were able to take aim at this place were also people with ulterior motives.According to the information obtained from the previous soul search, this place is considered to be a relatively desolate area, and generally no sea tribe will deliberately go ashore to investigate.

The purpose of this group of people was very clear and flew straight towards the island, but what puzzled Yi Tian the most was that there was a human monk among them.

When will the human race be able to advance and retreat with the sea race, even if I say that there is nothing tricky about it, I won't even believe it.

However, there is only one transformed sea beast in this group of people. In terms of strength, it is estimated that it is at most suitable for him.The other three are around the Jindan stage, and the human monk is probably a late Jindan monk.

However, Yi Tian didn't want to reveal his whereabouts for the time being, so he didn't get too close for a while. He just slowed down in the air and then raised his hand to pinch an invisibility formula to restrain himself from the spiritual pressure fluctuations.Then the flight altitude was raised again, and it slowly approached the island from high altitude.

After bringing it to the sky above the island, I looked down and saw that the whole island was nothing special. In the middle of the dense forest, there was a palace-like building covered with moss and vegetation. It was abandoned at a glance. Thousands of years.

After sweeping his gaze, the pupils in Yi Tian's eyes suddenly froze, and then he showed a thoughtful expression.This building is a bit familiar in appearance and style, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

After recalling it for a while, the next thought flashed through my mind, isn't the architectural style here the temporary residence of the Asura Almighty Luo Que who once entered in Xihuang.Presumably, Elder Naga's ability to recognize his body skills should also be a clue from here.

Without thinking too much, Yi Tian quietly lowered his body and wanted to enter directly from the top of the building, but when he descended to a distance of [-] feet above the palace, he suddenly found a thin layer of halo appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air and looked at this layer of light film again and again. After three breaths, he decided to change direction or enter from the coast by land.

Since there is a defensive restriction here, it is best not to touch it, so as not to be discovered by the people inside.

After circling around the island, he found a jungle path, which seemed to be the road leading to the center of the island.

After the cloud head fell, Yi Tian quietly restrained his consciousness and walked carefully along the path to the depths of the jungle.After walking for a quarter of an hour, I found that there seemed to be traces of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the environment in front of me.

After calming down and feeling a little bit of the residual spiritual power here, it is not difficult to find that the attack here is a sea beast in shape, which is completely consistent with the situation I have detected before.

As they continued to walk forward, they found that the transformational sea beast who was the leader of the group had a bad temper, and seemed to destroy everything that stood in the way.Yi Tiandao just twitched the corner of his mouth, and then passed by quietly without leaving a trace.

After walking for about an hour, I suddenly heard a few heavy 'click' sounds from the hall not far away.It should be that group of people walked to the end of the road and opened the gate of the palace. Recalling the memory of Elder Naga, he just walked to the gate of the palace but did not enter.

On the other hand, there was a huge image of Asura's Dharma body engraved on the gate of the palace, and he only learned about it from it, as for the situation inside, he had no way of talking about it.

Yi Tian thought about it and quickened his pace to keep up. The other party seemed to have entered the palace, and he couldn't delay any longer if he lost the opportunity.After hurriedly walking for a cup of tea, I saw the appearance of the palace. The main entrance was about two feet high, and a huge portrait of Asura Dharma Body was carved on it.

After careful inspection, it is exactly the same as the one I practiced, but there are three columns of words written on the upper right of them, except for the last column that has been scratched, the front is still faintly visible.

Yi Tian stopped and scanned it carefully, and then said silently: "Three heads, six arms, and six eyes open." It seems that the three realms of Asura's body skills are engraved on it, and he just practiced to the second level. As for the written records on the third floor, it seems that they have been eroded by wind and cannot be seen clearly.

For the current plan, I had to find another way to prove it, and then another thought flashed in my mind, according to the above description, there should be a third level of the Asura transformation, but Qin Mingyue didn't even know it. Got it, it seems that there should be a follow-up to this set of exercises.

Thinking of such a thing, Yi Tian's heart immediately became active. It stands to reason that Luo Que's legacy must have some descriptions of such skills, so there must be something interesting in it.Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a 'bang bang' spell impact sound from the depths of the palace.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that something must have happened to the other party, and then his figure flashed and rushed in through the half-open door.

When he came to the palace, he found that there was darkness in front of him. Fortunately, he could check the surrounding situation clearly with his spiritual sense. Yi Tian lifted his feet off the ground, performed escapism and floated in mid-air, then found the source of the sound and slowly touched it. .

(End of this chapter)

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