
Chapter 536

Chapter 536
In the island palace, Yi Tian followed the sound and went forward. After walking for a quarter of an hour, he found that there seemed to be some light in front of him, and the surrounding area was no longer so dark. In order to prevent people in front from finding out, Yi Tian dared not follow tight.

Suddenly the whole palace seemed to shake, and then a strong spiritual pressure wave passed through the front of the passage, followed by three golden core-level spell waves.

Yi Tian knew that it was the four people in front who made the move together, but Yi Tian didn't know what they encountered before they made the move together.In the mood of wanting to explore, he walked forward again until he was twenty feet away from the exit of the passage. If he went further, he could not guarantee that he could hide his figure.

Suddenly an extremely arrogant divine sense came in from outside the passage, and then only heard a roar: "Who dares to sneak behind me, Prince Lei Yan, are you tired of working?"

In an instant, a red thunderbolt flew in from the entrance and hit Yi Tian's hiding place.

Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed, Yi Tian didn't say much, he just stretched out his right hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan sword to move towards the Thunder Fire Bomb. Suddenly, an explosion sounded in the passageway, shaking the surrounding walls a few times. Down.

Before he could do it again, he heard Prince Lei Yan yelling again: "The friends inside come out quickly, what's the skill to hide your head and show your tail."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a little sneer, and thought in his heart, "Prince Lei Yan is quite good at using aggressive methods, and he doesn't give in at all in his words, but it's better to go out and see how the situation is." '

Later, I saw a flash of blue light, and Yi Tian rushed out of the passage and came to a hall. He glanced at the people in front of him, but his face was stunned.Except for that Prince Lei Yan, the other three Jindan stage sea beasts and human monks all recognized them.

The two sea beasts were the Red Scale Naga Guard Captain Chi Claw and the Red Scale Saintess Chi Zhu'er that they had met back then. As for the human monk, he was Bo Yunzi who had crossed paths with him in southern Xinjiang.

And the most imposing person on him should be Prince Leiyan. Seeing that he is the leader of a person, Yi Tian knew that he must be a member of the dragon clan in the East China Sea. Since he is called the prince, he should be the son of the dragon king. Take precautions.

I haven't seen Bo Yunzi for a hundred years, but he looks a bit older. It's no wonder that he used the luck-stealing hook to tear up his luck back then and handed it to Xiao Linhang. After losing his luck, Bo Yunzi is bound to be worse than before That's it.

He only heard three "Hey" and after one man and two beasts on the opposite side said at the same time, Chi Zhu'er asked, "Why is it you, kid? How did your cultivation become so powerful, like a Nascent Soul cultivator?" .”

Chiclaw also looked at Yi Tian cautiously, his eyes full of vigilance, remembering that the other party was attacked once in the past, and the situation turned around now, so he couldn't help but get nervous.

The one who reacted most calmly was Bo Yunzi. Although he couldn't see with both eyes, he could tell the opponent's situation by relying on his spiritual sense, and then he said lightly: "I didn't expect it to be the son of King Ming, we are really destined Ah," one sentence pointed out Yi Tian's identity.At this time, the two Red Phosphorus Naga clansmen looked terrified, and their lips moved a few times as if they were asking Bo Yunzi through sound transmission.

But Prince Lei Yan looked up and down Yi Tianlai calmly, and asked later: "You are the holy son of King Ming, I don't know how strong you are, who is stronger than Qin Mingyue back then. "

Without waiting for Yi Tian to answer, Bo Yunzi opened his mouth and said, "His Royal Highness, this person is only as strong as Qin Mingyue, so don't underestimate him." After talking, he saw that Prince Lei Yan also showed some doubts on his face. The color is coming, but it seems that the opponent has not been placed in the eyes.

Yi Tian just curled his mouth and said back: "Bo Yunzi didn't expect you to be dead, you should know where this is, and you can target me if you put your attention here."

Unexpectedly, Bo Yunzi said angrily: "Yi Tian, ​​you secretly helped Xiao Linhang steal my luck when you were in the southern border. Although I can't deal with you, you are not invincible. Back then, I used the technique of blood divination to test your life. There will be a catastrophe, and the reason for this is within the Thousand Spirit Sect, as long as the sword spirit comes out at that time, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh for long."

After saying that, he directly turned around and silently transmitted a few words to Prince Lei Yan, and the latter had a cautious look on his face.After ten breaths, Prince Leiyan sighed and said to the two Naga tribesmen: "You are so lucky, take a step back, you two will take care of me, and I will go down with Shengzi Mingwang to have a look." Say it again."

The other two nodded and said: "I respect the prince's order," then turned around and walked towards the original passage. Bo Yunzi frowned obviously, and then moved his lips a few times as if he was in harmony with him. Prince Lei Yan sent a voice transmission.

Prince Lei Yan looked eager to try, and after a symbolic reply, he shifted his gaze to Yi Tian, ​​and at the same time, his spiritual sense locked him firmly.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth, then walked straight forward and glanced at the inscribed spiritual world text on the wall.Seeing this, I suddenly felt a wave of excitement in my heart. The records in these spiritual world texts were almost the same as those I saw in Xihuang before.It described that Luo Que repeatedly searched for the treasure in Tianlan Continent to no avail, and was repeatedly blocked by Qian Lingzi, and the two of them became really angry.

Relying on the treasures brought down from the upper realm, Jian Lingzi stripped Luo Que of the Sun, Moon and Huilun Artifact Spirit, which was tantamount to cutting off one of Luo Que's arms.After more than a hundred years of futile efforts, Luo Que retreated and wanted to return to the upper realm, but the bridge between this realm and the spirit world was broken.

However, Luo Que, as a great power in the spirit world, would really think of a way. He even thought of creating another magic circle in an attempt to directly break through the power of the interface and return to the upper world, and this place was his previous experimental point.

After reading this, Yi Tian couldn't calm down for a long time. I don't know if this great Asura has really returned to the spirit world.But looking at it like this, it doesn't look like it. After suffering such a big loss in this world, if he returns to the spirit world, he will definitely make a comeback, and now it seems that this world has been peaceful for thousands of years.

But if Luo Que didn't go back, where did he go, and since the boundary bridge was broken, Qian Lingzi must also be trapped in this world, where he went again, all kinds of questions lingered in Yi Tian's mind without answers.

Just as he was thinking about it, Prince Lei Yan said: "If Prince Ming wants to, why don't we join hands to explore?"

Seeing that the three of them were drifting away, Yi Tian just replied flatly: "The crown prince is serious, then let's go down."

(End of this chapter)

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