
Chapter 537 Tiger Spirit

Chapter 537 Tiger Spirit
During this trip to the island, Yi Tian didn't expect to meet such people, but he met them as soon as he met them. He thought that when he came to Nabo Yunzi, he felt something and quit halfway.

And he must have greeted other people. As for Prince Lei Yan's desire to explore with him, it was beyond Bo Yunzi's expectations. After all, he has no ability to restrict the wishes of the transformed monsters.

After the three of them were completely out of the range of the divine sense, Yi Tian turned to Prince Lei Yan and said: "Fellow Daoist Lei Yan, you know that this is a relic left by our ancestors of the holy religion. I have something to say first, but anything that involves Ming Wang Dao It needs to be taken back together.”

After hearing this, Prince Lei Yan said with a grim expression: "I heard that it's interesting to prepare for the weak?"

Yi Tian twitched his mouth and said: "Where, is Fellow Daoist Lei Yan not confident in his own strength? We will divide the rest of the materials and treasures in this palace, except for the things of the holy religion, how about I three you seven."

Prince Lei Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded after thinking about it, and replied: "Since Prince Ming is so generous, it would be too unnatural for me not to agree. It's just,"

"Fellow Daoist Lei Yan has something to say, and I will listen attentively."

"Okay, then you have to promise me one condition," Prince Lei Yan said with a roll of his eyes.

"As long as it's within the reach of the next person, it doesn't matter." Yi Tian didn't dare to talk too much, just looked at the other person's expression and waited for the next words.

Prince Lei Yan said with a serious face: "Just now Bo Yunzi told me that your strength is improving so much that even if my father came here in person, I couldn't get any advantage. I am deeply suspicious about this. After you go out, you and I are in the sky. How about a sparring?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head in his heart. It seems that Bo Yunzi did not give himself less eye drops, and the Prince Lei Yan on the opposite side was extremely imposing and rebellious.

What Bo Yunzi said aroused the opponent's fighting spirit, and he just said indifferently at the moment: "How can I compare with Senior Jiaolong King? I think Prince Lei Yan is also a bit behind. I think it's better to avoid the matter of sparring after going out."

Prince Lei Yan immediately showed a bit of displeasure when he heard it, and continued: "Fellow Daoist, is it just an excuse, and I still look down on my Jiaolong clan. My monster clan has always kept its promises, since I promised you that everything in the palace about Ming Wangdao is free to take , that is not unconditional."

"Okay then, let's go out according to fellow Taoist's advice and we'll learn three tricks. This is the final bottom line," Yi Tian also replied with a serious face.

"make a deal."

Immediately, the two of them walked slowly into the depths of the palace.

Along the way, Yi Tian surveyed all the places with records of the spiritual world one by one, only to find that this place should be a temporary cross-boundary teleportation base, surrounded by some stones engraved with formation patterns.

These things seem to have been seen somewhere before, after thinking for a while, Yi Tian directly found the formation stone pillar that was auctioned in the Wandao Sea Area Casual Cultivation Alliance from the storage ring.

Comparing the two materials, the engraving technique and handwriting are all made by the same person.At that moment, Yi Tian knew that this thing was a treasure to him. After taking all this thing back, he took it home and had a better understanding, maybe he could find some clues from it.

Watching Yi Tian put away those discarded formation stones one by one along the way, Prince Lei Yan just twitched his mouth and didn't think about it.

Later, the two of them came to a gate in the deepest part of the palace. This gate was somewhat similar to the front gate, and both of them were engraved with the pattern of Asura's dharma body.The middle of the door was tightly seamed, and there was no sign that it could be opened. The two of them pushed up and down respectively but failed to open it.

And there was a stone-carved tiger facing the gate a foot away from the proof, as if guarding it.

After a glance, he suddenly found something was wrong, the eyes of the stone tiger seemed to be staring at the two of them.In an instant, the temperature in the room of more than ten feet dropped sharply, and then the stone statue on the tiger's body began to peel off as if its skin had been pushed.

After Yi Tian and Prince Lei Yan looked at each other, they each became on guard. In less than three breaths, a powerful spiritual pressure comparable to the late Nascent Soul came out from the statue.

And the ground swept by the wave of spiritual power was instantly covered with a layer of white frost, and after the roar of the tiger, the stone tiger in the statue moved directly and stared at the two of them, but there were bursts of piercing pain emanating from his body. chill.

Immediately, Yi Tian and Prince Lei Yan looked at each other, and then both of them showed extremely solemn expressions on their faces.Obviously this place is controlled by the spirit guardian beast and it seems that the level is not low. If you want to enter the treasure house, you have to make a decision from the spirit guardian beast.

Immediately, the two moved away for a distance, Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, and after a flash of blue halo all over his body, the white cold air around him was directly forced out by a distance of one foot.

As for Prince Leiyan, the red lightning power on the two dragon claws in the depths immediately turned into a red arc to protect the body, and the shield formed by the arc was about one foot in diameter and absorbed the surrounding cold air. Blocked out.

After a strange golden light flashed in the eyes of the guardian spirit, he jumped up in the direction of Yi Tian.

Immediately, the tiger spirit turned into a white light and flew directly into the midair, circled for a circle, and flew towards Yi Tian's left flank in an arc.At this time, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged and he shook the Taiyuan sword in his right hand, and suddenly a blurred halo flashed from point to face.

Then I saw two white lights attacking in the air and actually formed a stalemate. After three breaths, the aura transformed by the tiger spirit intersected and then circled in midair and returned to its original statue position.

Then the tiger's head swept down Prince Lei Yan who was not far away, opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.After hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly felt dazed and frightened, so he hurriedly practiced his skills and kept his mind to keep the Lingtai clear. He glanced at Prince Lei Yan from the corner of his eyes, and saw that he also had a bad face when facing such a sonic attack, but just endured it silently .

Suddenly he opened his mouth and let out a deep dragon cry, which instantly interrupted the cry of the guardian tiger spirit.

Unexpectedly, the strength of this Tiger Roaring Dragon Yin is still about the same. When I turned my head, I saw that the spirit tiger seemed to have locked its attention on Prince Lei Yan now. Its body bowed and its front paws stretched out, then grabbed and kicked, and turned into a sharp slash again. The cold light jumped towards the direction where Prince Lei Yan was.

The unique '呲呵' sound of the red electric arc suddenly exploded, and after the white light and red light crisscrossed in the air, Prince Lei Yan was pushed back.Knowing that his body was leaning against the stone wall and there was no way to retreat, the white cold light continued to erode the electric arc as if he was invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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