
Chapter 538

Chapter 538
The fact that the guardian spirit outside the treasure house can push Prince Lei Yan to such an extent also made Yi Tian on the side terrified.At this time, the attack strength of the guardian spirit was three points stronger than before, no wonder it was able to suppress Prince Lei Yan overwhelmingly.

I saw that his face was flushed red, and he didn't know whether the Dragon Yin had completely enraged the guardian spirit just now or if his strength was a little weaker. After a confrontation, Prince Lei Yan lost the wind.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to lend a helping hand. If he were to die here, then the Dragon King of the East China Sea would not stir up disputes between the human race and the sea clan again if he knew about it.

Faced with such a second generation of Xiu, he was speechless at once, and after waving the Taiyuan sword in his hand again and again, it turned into several blue sword lights and slashed towards the tiger spirit.

For a moment, the three kinds of spells were intertwined at the same time, and the tiger spirit had no choice but to retreat with hatred under the attack from both sides.After sprinting back to the stone platform, he gritted his teeth and stared at Yi Tian and Prince Lei Yan viciously.

Just as the two were about to join forces to attack, they saw the tiger spirit move again, this time directly activating the stone platform, and the temperature around them suddenly dropped a lot.And the tiger spirit's body gradually swelled from the original three feet to more than one foot long, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on its body also increased a lot.

Since the fight, the two have frequently defended passively. As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. After Yi Tian locked the guardian spirit beast with his spiritual consciousness, he said directly to Prince Lei Yan: "Friends, why don't we work together to subdue it? I From this point of view, the guardian spirit should be the key to open the treasure house, and it cannot be allowed to do whatever it wants."

Prince Lei Yan re-examined his opponent after suffering a loss just now, knowing that he could not handle it with his own determination alone, since Yi Tian gave the step down, he also echoed the situation: "You Daoist Yi is right, let's fight together Well, this guardian spirit absorbs the aura of the earth's veins to nourish the spirit body by means of formations, so I think we must first cut off its spiritual power to deal with it."

Yi Tian nodded when he heard that, just now he had been wondering why the guardian spirit always squatted on the stone platform, until it started to activate the spirit array and didn't discover the magical effect of the stone platform.

Although I am very interested in the formation on the stone platform, I have to destroy it now, otherwise the opponent will consume more energy than myself in a protracted battle.

The two of them knew each other's thoughts when their eyes met, and they immediately attacked the guardian spirit from the left and right sides at the same time.The white sword light and the red lightning flashed from both sides of the stone chamber and hit the guardian spirit on the stone platform without any mistakes.

However, Yi Tian's move was obviously one foot lower and he slashed towards the stone pedestal base, intending to destroy it with one move.However, Prince Lei Yan's thunderbolt directly hit Tiger Spirit's body, it could be seen that he was also enraged this time, and he didn't hold anything back when he shot with hatred.

The roar of the tiger sounded again, and the guardian spirit tiger obviously improved in strength after growing in size. Facing the attacks from both sides, it did not flinch, opened its big mouth, and spit out a white cold air, forming a frozen circle within a foot of its body. Absolute space.

Once the incoming thunder entered the Absolute Space, it was like a fist hitting cotton. Although it could penetrate slowly, most of its power was instantly offset by the cold air in the space, so that it disappeared before touching the guardian spirit itself. Exhausted.

However, Yi Tian's sword light lost most of its power after passing through the Absolute Territory, and finally only [-]% of its power hit the pillar of the stone platform.Immediately, the activated formation trembled, as if the channel of spiritual power was unstable.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and said: "Fellow Daoist Lei Yan, let's continue. If we break this formation, the guardian spirit will have no supplies."

Prince Lei Yan looked at Yi Tianhou, hesitated for a moment, and then continued to cast spells and attacked the guardian spirit in the center. This time, he also learned how to avoid the protection of the Frost Absolute Domain and directly shot at the base of the stone platform.

Seeing that Zhou Quan, who was unable to protect him, Tiger Spirit rushed directly towards Yi Tian with all his might. This time, his attack again was more powerful than before. After the two claws crossed one by one, ten small white lights flashed in the air, and then there was a 'bang' 'Xiang directly hit Yi Tian's protective spiral fire shield.

Unexpectedly, the two claws were not disturbed by the spiral fire shield. After the two spells of ice and fire in the air missed each other, several red and white sparks appeared above the shield.

Prince Lei Yan on the side saw Yi Tian being entangled by the guardian spirit, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then gathered several red thunder balls with his hands together, and threw them all in the direction of the guardian spirit.

Yi Tian has never let down his vigilance for Prince Lei Yan's actions, at such a time, if he is not careful, he will fall into a land of eternal doom.Seeing that the opponent shot with all his strength in such a small space, even if it didn't directly hit the aftermath of the spell explosion, it was enough for him to drink a pot.

I didn't expect that I just helped him out of the siege, but now I repay him like this. A stern look flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then he activated the evasion technique under his feet regardless of so many, and the purple flames of thunder and flames appeared all over his body immediately.Then the spiritual energy in his body started to circulate rapidly, four hands stretched out from under his ribs with two "swish", and two heads appeared behind his ears.

With the appearance of Asura's dharma body, the aura of the whole person suddenly increased a bit, and the spiritual pressure was comparable to that of a monk in the late Nascent Soul.

Separate the two hands, cast out the sun, the moon, and the brilliance wheel, and at the same time, use the unique skill to form a protective circle within three feet of the body, and the other two hands are not idle, and under the seal, cast out a thunder flame and purple flame. He defended himself heavily.

As soon as he was ready, he saw that the red thunder bombs all hit the guardian spirit in front of him, shrinking it by a few points in an instant.Successive bursts of magic spells shook the entire narrow stone chamber, and the bursting sound lasted for ten breaths before it fell silent.

After the smoke dissipated, Prince Lei Yan saw that the guardian spirit had shrunk to half a foot in size, and Yi Tian had disappeared, leaving only a dark figure.

Suddenly Prince Lei Yan laughed loudly, and then stretched out two dragon claws as if to directly pinch the guardian spirit.Unexpectedly, the spirit body still had the strength to escape after being hit hard. Although the spiritual pressure was not as good as before, it only retained the appearance of the initial stage of Yuanying, but Prince Lei Yan's claws hit bye.

Before it returned to the formation stone platform, suddenly a purple flame appeared from behind Prince Lei Yan, directly hitting the stone pillar base and destroying the formation above.

Before Prince Lei Yan could react, a hand grabbed his neck suddenly from behind, and then he turned his head to look with incredible eyes in his eyes.Yi Tian, ​​who was showing three heads and six arms, glanced at him with disdain, and then he was dizzy for a while, and Prince Lei Yan passed out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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