
Chapter 539

Chapter 539
Outside the treasure house, Yi Tian looked at the fainted Prince Lei Yan and spat, if not for the sake of the Dragon King, he would have wanted to slay the dragon on the spot.Anyway, it's not like he hasn't done this before, and this time he was unkind first, so no wonder he was unrighteous.

It's just that it's not convenient to take his life for the time being, so Yi Tian took out a few gold needles and stabbed Prince Lei Yan's forehead after thinking for a while, and then a small dragon shadow came from the place where the gold needles pierced his forehead as he muttered something. It slowly emerged, but this dragon shadow is now in a coma like Prince Lei Yan.

If Prince Lei Yan is awake, he can see that this dragon shadow is exactly the same as his body. At that moment, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand to point at the dragon shadow. In an instant, he saw the little dragon tremble, and then a trace of red spiritual power came from the void. It was stripped out of the shadows.

Later, it slowly flew forward to form a mung bean-like light spot. Yi Tian took out a nine-section whip from his storage ring and pointed at the light spot. After the flash, the light spot disappeared into it. Immediately, the nine-section whip faintly reveals a hint of dragon power.

This was originally a spiritual weapon made from the spine of the two-headed dragon. When it was completed, it reached the top level of the sixth level. Now it is just used to lock this trace of the dragon soul.

In this way, Prince Lei Yan will be restrained by this spiritual weapon in the future, even if the whip bearer is not as good as he can be indirectly controlled through the spiritual weapon.

After doing all this, Yi Tian directly sealed the part of what happened just now in his memory for the rest of the Dragon Soul. Although the Dragon King will definitely find out about it afterwards, I believe that the other party will have some scruples when accompanied by his unique technique. Dare to act rashly.In this way, the Dragon King can be restrained again, and he can achieve multiple successes in one fell swoop.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around to deal with the mess in front of him, and looked at the white token he was holding in his hand at this time, with the pattern of a white tiger engraved on it, the guardian spirit seemed to be broken after destroying the foundation. As if rooted, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dropped a lot in an instant.

Then, under Yi Tian's pursuit and fierce attack, the guardian spirit directly turned into a ball of light, and this token appeared after the halo dissipated.

After weighing it in my hand, I realized that this thing can be used back and forth, but it is at odds with my own attributes. It can definitely be used as a natal spiritual weapon when placed on those ice attribute monks for a period of time.

After picking up the white token, Yi Tian walked directly to the gate of the warehouse, and then poured spiritual power into it, and within three breaths, the guardian spirit appeared on the token again.

I saw Linghu growl at the tightly closed stone door, and then only heard the sound of "Kaka". After three breaths, a gap of about two feet slowly opened in the middle of the stone door.

When Yi Tian saw it, he strode in directly, entered the inner treasury only to find that there were a lot of precious materials stored there, but most of them were suitable for arranging formations.There is also a jade box in the middle of the warehouse. Yi Tian went up to open it and found that there was a jade slip in it. The word 'Zhengdao' was written on the label in spiritual script.

After opening it, I roughly scanned it with my spiritual sense and found that there was only one formation in it, named 'cross-boundary teleportation'. The principle of this formation is very simple. It is to find the space gap between the two worlds, and then use this to establish a stable formation. The space rift serves as a channel for transmission between this world and the previous world.

At the end of the jade slip, it also introduced that Dao Luo Que had found several space cracks in this year, but some of them had been closed over time.As for the Ascension Platform in the Lihuo Sect back then, it was the same thing, but the formation method had more stringent requirements on the space rift.

But the consequence is that the ascension platform will be more stable after it is built, and the connection platform with the upper bound will connect to it, so it is safer for the ascension monks.

After putting away this jade slip, Yi Tian was secretly happy. It will point out a clear way for himself in due time. Although it is not used for the time being, it cannot be guaranteed that it will be used in the future.

After scanning the warehouse, the other things are the basic materials for making the teleportation array and the spirit ink for inscriptions. These things should be made by Luo Que himself, and they are considered to be the best.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and manipulated to store all the things on it. It would be a waste of money to leave it to Prince Lei Yan, and it would be useful to keep it here.

After tidying up, he slowly left the warehouse and returned to the stone room in front of the warehouse by the same route.Looking at Prince Lei Yan who was still unconscious, Yi Tian showed some sympathy in his eyes. After thinking about it, he took out a storage ring and put some spiritual weapons and treasures at will.

Then put the storage ring directly into his hand. This time, I can’t do too much after wrapping it all up. I have to leave some for him. It can be regarded as blocking his mouth. After finishing this matter, I will follow along The original route of the palace returned all the way.

An hour later, Yi Tian flew out from the passage to the island before, and lightly scanned the surrounding area of ​​more than a hundred nautical miles with his spiritual sense, and found that the three people who had been dismissed before were waiting in the air fifty miles away.

It is really helpless for Bo Yunzi Yi Tiandao, since he promised Xiao Linhang to let him do it himself, he can't break his promise.As for the saintess of the Red Scale Clan and Red Claw, they had intersected with him before, but there was no need to go to war now. Killing them would intensify the conflict between the Human Race and the Sea Clan.

After thinking about it for a while after the East China Sea War, the six factions of Dong Ao continued to recuperate for a period of time, so Yi Tian could only let it go.

Thinking of this, he looked towards the entrance of the palace, and then smiled. After Prince Lei Yan woke up, he couldn't remember what happened before.I believe that he won't care about anything for the time being when he has the benefits in his hands. Even if he finds something wrong afterwards, he will suspect himself at most, but there is nothing he can do about himself afterwards.

After jumping up in an instant, Yi Tian flew directly into the sky, then disappeared and flew towards the coast of the East China Sea. He was not noticed even though he flew over the heads of the three of them along the way.

This trip to the island was very fruitful, and the most valuable thing among them was the formation jade slip. Yi Tian was also thinking about it along the way, and suddenly there was a turmoil in his heart.Then he stopped in the air and stretched out his consciousness to take a peek, only to find that someone was fighting six or seven hundred miles away.

On the vast East China Sea, Yi Tian didn't want to cause any more troubles for the time being. Most of the people he met were sea masters. It was suspicious to appear here as a human monk, and it was even more troublesome if he was entangled.

After thinking about it, he took a detour and wanted to avoid it, but then found that the person fighting in the distance seemed to have found his whereabouts, and was flying in his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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