
Chapter 540

Chapter 540
In order not to reveal his identity, Yi Tian had to dodge left and right to avoid possible troubles, but sometimes troubles would come to him by himself.

A person who wanted to return to the coastal province of the East China Sea as soon as possible after coming out of the island became the target of public criticism in the vast ocean, but it turned out to be the opposite of what he wanted. On the way home, he was actually targeted by someone, even as if he was going to drag himself into the water.

Yi Tian had no choice but to play hide-and-seek with the other party in the air. Although the road ahead was blocked, he could still fly in a detour, but after several considerations, he changed his direction and flew straight to the northwest.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party followed closely like a fly that couldn't be shaken off, even though he didn't want to cause trouble and was not afraid of trouble.

But what can be avoided is still to be avoided. Immediately, he repeatedly adjusted the direction of the flight, and it lasted for nearly a day and a night. After that, Yi Tian suddenly found that the other party seemed to have given up. He stayed in the air far away and had no intention of following up. up.

When he was jumping for joy, he suddenly remembered what he knew before that most of the land in the depths of the East China Sea belonged to the Dragon King's territory. It would definitely not be a good thing if he broke in by mistake.

In desperation, he took out the chart and searched directly. Standing at the high altitude of the sea and looking down, there was no direction and coordinates to see if there were any islands that could be identified. Yi Tian suddenly had a thought in his mind that he lost his way.

In this way, I had no choice but to take out the coronal clock to re-measure my position by relying on sunlight, and then galloped away after selecting due west.

Along the way, I also restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around my body well to avoid being detected, but after flying for an hour, suddenly a trace of uneasiness grew in my heart.

Afterwards, he only found an overwhelming divine sense coming towards him from the depths of the sea, and after a short while, his whereabouts were invisible under this divine sense.

Then I saw a dragon sucking water suddenly rising from the sea seven or eight hundred miles away, which seemed to be twice as strong as when I was fighting Elder Naga in Ninghai City.

Later, after the water column fell, a red light flashed through it, and a dragon with a length of several feet poked its head out of the clouds and shouted in the direction where it was: "Your Excellency, how dare you do it well?" Breaking into my East China Sea territory, don't you know that this is the inviolable ancestral land of my Jiaolong clan?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian groaned inwardly. Even if the Jiaolong here is not the contemporary Jiaolong King, he is also a brother-level figure. It can be seen that his spiritual pressure is three points stronger than that of the old man with iron sword. He is indeed a monk in the late Nascent Soul figure.

Moreover, the advantage of occupying a favorable location on the sea is indeed not something that I can face head-on now.

Seeing that its flying speed was faster than his own escape speed, Yi Tian immediately gave up the idea of ​​running away on the spot.Then he just summoned up his true energy and replied to the dragon: "The Xuanyang faction of Dong'ao, Yi Tian, ​​accidentally broke into the territory of the Dragon King and retreated in a hurry, Wanwang Senior Haihan."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave, but before he flew far, he heard the voice of the dragon from behind saying: "It turns out that it is the new suzerain of Xuanyang Sect, Mo Wentian mentioned it to me, please don't leave Let me get a good look at Dongao's new generation of Nascent Soul No.1."

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew in his heart that the other party must be the Flood Dragon King himself, and he was the only one who had the right to directly negotiate with Mo Wentian.And since the other party knows his name, I hope he will have some scruples.

A moment later, the dragon flew from a distance and disappeared into the clouds, and after a while, a red light flashed out, and a figure escaped from the clouds, flew in front of him and stopped tens of feet away.

Yi Tian looked at the person in front of him with his spiritual sense, and it was obvious that the blood power of the Flood Dragon King was much stronger than that of Prince Lei Yan, and after transforming into a human form, he couldn't see any reservations about the appearance of a monster race.

Moreover, in terms of vitality and strength, it is not much inferior to the four demon kings on Tianlan Continent. It should be at the peak of the late Yuanying period and below the stage of transforming gods.

After weighing his own cultivation, Yi Tiantian found helplessly that even if he had cultivated to the late stage of Nascent Soul, he would definitely not be his opponent without using high-level spiritual weapons.What's more, it's only the middle stage of Yuanying's cultivation now, so he didn't dare to rely on the old to sell the old for a while, so he went forward respectfully and said: "The junior Yi Tian has seen the Dragon King face to face."

Flood Dragon King was stunned when he heard this, and then he came to his senses and said: "It seems that you and Mo Wentian are familiar, no wonder you can recognize me when I mention his name."

Yi Tian replied with a smile: "Brother Mo came here to discuss with you, Jiaolong King, for the matter of the East China Sea. I have heard about it. This time, I accidentally broke into the territory of the Dragon King for no reason. It was an unintentional mistake. Just go back the same way and promise that you will never invade again," he said, pretending to leave.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon King shouted directly after hearing this: "You Daoist Yi, go slowly, the old man still has something to say."

Yi Tian felt terrified when he looked at him, but he also knew that it was inconvenient to leave immediately, and he had to listen to what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Sure enough, after ten breaths, the Flood Dragon King opened his mouth and said: "You Daoist Yi is pure in cultivation, and his bone age is less than five hundred years old. If he is considered a leader in my Flood Dragon Clan, even Prince Lei Yan of the Thunder Dragon Clan is as good as him." It’s not half the strength of fellow daoist.”

"Huh," Yi Tian's heart was shocked when he heard this, why isn't Prince Lei Yan the son of Flood Dragon King, why is there a Thunder Dragon clan.Looking back, I only learned about the Sea Clan in the East China Sea from the letters of my ancestors, but this is not as useful as the news from the mouth of the Dragon King himself.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian turned to ask: "I don't know what orders Flood Dragon King has for calling this junior?"

"You are very good. I just have an errand here and I want to ask you for help." The Dragon King continued without waiting for Yi Tian's answer: "My East China Sea Dragon Clan is divided into two branches, the Dragon and the Thunder Dragon. During the picking period, if Fellow Daoist Yi is willing to help you, I can give you a chance."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but disagree, but at the same time, his heart was a little bit drummed. He didn't know what kind of thing this ambergris fruit picking was, and how could he let Jiaolong King take a fancy to him.

In desperation, Yi Tian had no choice but to reply with a nod: "It is my duty to help you. I don't know what the dragon king said about picking ambergris fruit, and what is the opportunity?"

After hearing this, the Jiaolong King just nodded and said: "Come with me and let me slowly explain the cause and effect of this." He stretched out his hand to open a three-foot-wide passage in the water below, and then flew in with a dodge.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and knew that it was not good to brush people's intentions on the bright side, so he immediately followed up and entered the passage with the Dragon King.

(End of this chapter)

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