
Chapter 546 Chapter 545

Chapter 546 Chapter 540
On the plain outside Yanmo Mountain, Yi Tian and Yan Jun galloped towards the crossing point of Yanyu River.But suddenly an extremely violent wind blew up in midair, directly forcing the two of them to slow down.

When Yi Tian looked back, he suddenly felt that it was not good. It turned out that it was the lava troll that formed the wind, no wonder it became so rhythmic.

I saw the lava troll with a height of tens of feet jumping out of the depression of Yanmo Mountain, jumping out two or three miles in one step.Then he raised his head and locked his eyes on the two people. After a roar, a lot of red magma gushed out of the gap between the skins on their bodies.

Then I saw this fang striding forward with both feet striding forward, rushing towards the direction where the two were.

At this time, Yan Jun's face couldn't help but twitched, and then he shouted in a low voice: "Let's go quickly." After speaking, the blue aura suddenly appeared all over his body, and he didn't care about the disguise and directly shuttled across the plain.

Yi Tian on the other side hastily used the wind escape technique to increase his speed by a level and instantly caught up with Yan Jun in front.

The two of them had already traveled more than half of the distance, and the rest of the distance, coupled with their rapid flight in mid-air, seemed to be in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly a giant roar resounded from the mouth of the lava troll, and the whole ground trembled, and then two heads popped out of the Yanyu River in the distance.In the flash of the fire, two medium-sized Balrogs jumped out of the river, each one ten feet tall.

The magma flowing all over the Balrog's body was instantly absorbed into the body, forming a layer of red stone skin on the outside, only the eyes and the top of the head were still burning with raging fire.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's heart sank. He didn't expect there to be ambushes here. After scanning the two Balrogs in front of him with his consciousness, he realized that they were probably stronger in the middle stage of Nascent Soul than those little Balrogs in the passage before. Quite a few.

When Yi Tian saw it, he took out the Taiyuan sword, raised his right hand, and directly sacrificed several sword lights, and slashed fiercely at one of the Balrogs.Yan Jun on the other side saw a ball of blue light condensed out of his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Go," and instantly the blue light ball turned into an ice spear and pointed directly at another Balrog Greeted to go.

The two also shot with all their strength and did not dare to keep it, only after hearing two beeps, the ice spear actually directly penetrated the body of the Balrog, and Yi Tian's sword light had seen the other body and penetrated from behind it. come out.

Immediately, after the flames on one of the two Balrogs in front of him were directly extinguished, the whole body slowly cooled down.In the other, the body suddenly split into several parts and fell down, and the magma in the body flew out and splashed all over the ground.

Seeing that the obstacles in the road ahead have been cleared, the two of them didn't show any joy on their faces, instead they became more dignified.After casting the spell just now, the speed slowed down significantly, and now the lava troll behind him has already caught up.

Yi Tian took a glance and found that the two of them would be overtaken before they reached the point of crossing the river, so he immediately shouted to Yan Jun: "You go first, I will find a way to hold him back."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and swung several sword lights in his hands, slashing towards the lava troll chasing him from afar.After the white sword light flashed for a while, Yi Tian also used the escape technique to stagger the direction of Yan Jun's escape, and then pushed and cast spells to attract the lava troll's attention.

Yan Jun just scanned it with his divine sense, and without turning his head, the blue spiritual power all over his body was full of escapism, and he flew towards the crossing point.

And the lava troll seemed to be completely irritated by Yi Tian's several attacks. After abandoning Yan Jun, he turned around and rushed towards Yi Tian's position.

On the plain, Yi Tian quickly flew up in mid-air, turned his head and glanced at the lava troll behind him, who was also staring at him, and spit out a blast of wind in an instant.The magma mixed in the wind was like a fist-sized fireball. Yi Tian saw that it was not good, so if he was hit, he would be able to bear it.

At the moment, he had to dodge as much as possible in the air, but in this way, he was pulled a lot closer by the lava troll.My own sword light hit the lava troll only to spark a burst of sparks and leave traces. If you want to break through his defense like this, you have to attack with all your strength. In desperation, there is no effective way to deal with it for the time being. Law.

Suddenly Nanming Lihuo in his body became active, even more so than before.Yi Tian was shocked and hurried to stabilize it, and then saw a ray of Nanming Lihuo rushing out from the meridian and directly resting on the tip of his right index finger.

The lava troll behind it suddenly went berserk as if it saw something terrible, and magma burst out from the cracks in the stone armor covering its entire body from time to time.

Yi Tian's consciousness instantly scanned the situation of the lava troll in the rear, and saw that it was panting heavily with its mouth open, the stony skin on its face was wrinkled, and a raging fire flashed in its eyes.At the same time, Lie Yan (raging flames) above his head suddenly burst out with flames one foot high, and his whole body moved three minutes faster.

In the depression of the Flame Demon Mountain, there seemed to be something echoing with Nanming Lihuo on his fingertips, Yi Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he simply turned around and flew towards the lair of the Flame Demon Mountain.The lava troll chasing after him was also confused by the situation in front of him. Fortunately, his intelligence was not high and he followed closely behind.

In less than ten breaths, Yi Tian came to the entrance of the mountain depression. Suddenly, a spark erupted from the top of the Balrog Mountain, and then hot magma poured down from the top of the mountain.

Yi Tian didn't dare to hesitate and rushed in directly. When he came to the mountain depression, he found dead bones all over the place, which looked like the bones of fire earthworms.Unexpectedly, this lava troll actually likes to eat fire earthworms.

Hearing the hurried footsteps behind, Yi Tian also knew that the lava troll was coming in a hurry, so he just copied his lair.But it's not a solution to be blocked by the lava troll if this continues.

At this moment, I saw the flame move again Yi Tian looked in that direction and was pointing at the depths of the mountain depression. He didn't have time to think about it, and then he used his feet to use the whole body escape technique to launch his body like an arrow from Li Xuan. .

In less than three breaths, he came to the deepest part of the mountain depression. After a glance, he saw that there was no way down there, and there were bare stone walls all around.Yi Tian's face sank, and he was blocked in such a small space with no room to move, and he was really regretful in his heart.

Nanming Lihuo on the fingertips suddenly swelled up as if pointing the direction, pulling him to a huge rock, and then flickering happily on the fingertips.

Yi Tianxin stretched out his hands and wrapped Nanming Lihuo in his hands, and smashed it hard at the boulder.

After a loud 'bang', a hole was punched out in the middle of the huge boulder. Looking inside, it seemed that there was a secret passage ten feet high behind it.

At the same time, the lava troll in the back let out bursts of tearing howls, which made Yi Tian feel hairy.

(End of this chapter)

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