
Chapter 547 Explore

Chapter 547 Explore
Under the guidance of Nanming Lihuo, Yi Tian broke through the hard rock at the deepest part of the lava monster's lair in Yanmo Mountain, and found that there is a secret passage hidden behind it. The giant lava beast started to go berserk, rushing towards him recklessly.

Yi Tian didn't dare to challenge the opponent head-on, so he scanned the bottomless passage and directly filed in.As soon as I entered the rear, the giant lava beast rushed over, stretched out its huge palm and slapped it hard.

When he slapped the hole with his palm, it actually collapsed the entrance of the cave, and now Yi Tian's expression was not very good when he was inside.The back road was destroyed and the future was unknown, so he had no choice but to stop and put away the True Flame Armor spell first, and then take out some elixir to replenish the consumed spiritual power.

A quarter of an hour later, under the nourishment of the elixir, Yi Tian felt that the aura in his body had recovered to [-]% to [-]% before he stood up, and then scanned the surrounding area to check the situation.

The white streak of Nanming Lihuo on the tip of the right index finger became active again at this time, and after a few blinks, it pointed straight to the depth of the passage.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, then slowly got up and walked towards the front of the passage. After walking a certain distance, he obviously felt that the surrounding temperature had increased a lot.

But Nanming Lihuo seemed to be getting more and more active, and the flickering frequency was much faster.If he doesn't do it, he thinks that Yi Tian also knows a way to go to the dark, and continue to walk down the passage.

Not long after walking, he suddenly felt a puff of white smoke behind him. Looking carefully, it turned out that the writing on his feet was on fire, and he stomped on his feet to extinguish the fire.Then he had no choice but to prop up a protective cover to protect himself before continuing to go down.

I don't know how much time I walked in this passage, Yi Tian just felt that the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher along the way, at first he just needed to hold up the protective cover, and slowly as the temperature increased, he had to sacrifice the real flame again Armor protects himself.After walking down for a while, he saw that there seemed to be an exit in front of him, and there was a little fire flashing through it, and Yi Tian murmured in his heart. Although he didn't know what he was about to face, he could only bite the bullet and walk through.

After walking out of the entrance of the passage, I found that I came to a narrow stone room. There was a two-foot-wide pit in the center of this stone room, which was filled with fiery red magma. Above the magma was A five-inch stone token is floating.

This place obviously looks like a place of retreat, but the characters who can open the secret room here are not simple characters.Yi Tian opened his consciousness again and scanned around and found that there was nothing but the dark brown stone token in the middle.

Yi Tian picked up the token and immediately felt it was hot, and he was secretly taken aback, "I have already cast the True Flame Armor, and I can go even in the magma under the flame wrap, how can I touch this stone?" Still feel hot on the token. '

He took the thing out and looked at it in his hand, only to see that he had never seen the inscription engraved on it, and after careful thought, he realized that it was a script from the spiritual world.After reading the above text, Yi Tian laughed, this thing can actually control the lava troll outside.

It seems that this lava troll should be the guardian of this alchemy room, no wonder it would go crazy when it rushed in.With this thing, I can make up my mind to take the lava troll for my own use.

With a thug comparable to the late Yuanying stage, you don't need to do many things yourself, and staying in the sect can also deter the heroes.

After putting the token on his forehead, a message came into his mind in an instant. After reading the description of this message carefully, he realized that the lava troll was controlled by this to guard the cave full-time, and it used fire earthworms as its main body. Food, or drinking magma directly can also increase cultivation.

It's no wonder that there is so much magma contained in the astral wind, and feelings drink magma as water.As for those little Balrogs that were formed by splitting from his body, as long as it is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling all the Balrogs in this hole.

After seeing it, Yi Tian smiled and cast a spell to put the token into the Niwan Palace, and his own Yuanying stretched out a left hand wrapped in Leiyan Ziyan to hold the token directly.

But at this time, the ray of Nanming Lihuo on the tip of his index finger suddenly lost control and floated above the lava pit and began to hover. Yi Tian was shocked, this was the first time that his natal real fire got out of control.

Next, I saw that Nanming Lihuo flew upside down and jumped into the magma pit after flying around. Fortunately, Yi Tian hurriedly sensed that Nanminghuo was still there but seemed to be entangled with something.

After finally cultivating to light Nanminghuo, Yi Tian was extremely unwilling to be drawn just like that, and thought that the one who could make his Nanminglihuo respond was definitely not some Xibei product.

Looking at the hot magma below, his consciousness was isolated, and there was no other way at the moment Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and clasped his hands together to maximize the True Flame Armor spell, jumping directly into the magma pit.

After going down, I found that the surrounding area was wider than expected, and the ray of Nanming Lihuo was staying not far below.It's just that the latent magma feels extremely strenuous. The true flame armor can isolate the surrounding magma, but the consumption of spiritual power in the body also gradually increases.

Twenty breaths later, Yi Tian dived to the bottom of the magma pool, stretched out his hand to peel away layers of lava, and found a white light flickering in front of him, and then saw Nanming Lihuo cruising non-stop on a wisp of molten fire spirit, as if he hadn't seen it for a long time. The old friends I saw were average.

It was only then that Yi Tian remembered that his Nanming Lihuo would respond to Huo Ling of the same level, and now he seemed to be attracted by the other party.The key is that I haven't practiced to use this ray of real fire with ease and can only use it in the form of fire bombs.In time, Nanming Lihuo could even use it on the True Flame Armor and even the Spiral Fire Shield like Leiyan Ziyan as his cultivation level improved.

Yi Tian stretched out one hand and directly absorbed Nanming Lihuo into his body, and then turned to observe the molten elf in front of him. This thing was also formed in the magma for thousands of years.Since it can attract the love of one's own true love, it should not be underestimated.

In an instant, Yi Tian made up his mind, stretched out a layer of purple flames to wrap his hands, and then slowly stretched out to approach the molten elves.The other party seemed to be a little bit resistant at the beginning, and later Yi Tian stretched out his five fingers and held it in his hand.

After seeing the fire spirit in his hand, he kicked his feet and jumped up from the bottom of the lava pool.After ten breaths, he rushed out of the lava pool.After the True Flame Armor was put away, Yi Tian's face revealed a burst of ecstasy.

(End of this chapter)

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